Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices Sunday 15 November 2020 Second Sunday before Advent

Welcome from the Canon Precentor

As this month continues, with all the associations of remembering that November brings, thoughts and hopes may naturally be turning towards December. From looking back with thanksgiving, we may find ourselves looking forward with anticipation. There has been much poignancy to this second lockdown coming at a time when we have not been able to gather to pay our respects to those who put their lives at the service of others. But if it means that we can gather any more freely and safely after the start of December and have something of the Christmas we might have otherwise been preparing for, then perhaps these latest limitations will have been worthwhile.

David Price, our Organist and Master of the Choristers, would be the first to tell you that, as of this Sunday, there are 40 sleeps now until Christmas! So, we are doing all we can to prepare for Advent and Christmas, hoping against hope that we can have the Cathedral open for public worship as much as possible, but making plans for online provision and alternative arrangements just in case. We are looking at a greater number of Cathedral Carol Services in the final week before Christmas, so that even if we have a limit on attendance, we can welcome as many people as we can to one of these celebrations. You can read more about our plans for Advent and Christmas below.

And we are letting people know of ways they can help, this year particularly, to support those in need this Christmas and offer to other people more in the way of Christmas comfort and Christmas joy.

The Roberts Centre has a 'Family Friends' scheme, where someone can offer to help with the cost of food and a small Christmas gift for a family who would otherwise not be able to afford to celebrate. The Portsmouth Deanery is joining with Churches' Homeless Action to offer support to those who are homeless, passing on a Christmas greeting and gift-card to those who may be sleeping rough or in temporary accommodation. Please see further details within these notices.

At the Cathedral, we continue to collect donations received to for local Food Banks - and there is a lot of demand with the cold and the continued impact of Covid. So please do drop off any contributions you might like to give, during our Cathedral open hours of 10am to 2pm during the week, and we will deliver these on safely.

Finally, it has been a hugely challenging year for Portsmouth Cathedral’s finances. If you are able to support us through a regular or one-off donation, or through increasing your existing giving, we would be hugely grateful. Every gift supports our ministry and work and is very gratefully received. You can find details on the Support Us page of our website.

We are journeying towards a different sort of Advent and Christmas this year, but we are still journeying on with hope, and faith, and love.

The Reverend Canon Dr Jo Spreadbury
Canon Precentor

The Canon Precentor’s welcome can also be watched here.

Services and Worship

The Cathedral is unable to hold Public Worship from 5 November to 2 December, due to government guidelines. You can continue to visit the Cathedral for individual private prayer or join us for our daily livestreamed services.

Online Services

Many services from the Cathedral are broadcast on Facebook. We also broadcast Morning Prayer and Compline daily from the homes of our ministry team. Find out more about our online services here.

Orders of service can be found on the Resources Section of our website here.

Sunday Refreshments at 11.00 am via Zoom

Sunday Refreshments will be hosted on Zoom at 11.00 am. In order to maintain security details will be sent with our emailed notices.

Prayers and Intercessions

We pray for all those affected by COVID-19.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Bob, Derek, Nigel, Trevor, Izzy, Clare, Bishop Peter Hancock, Laurence, Sylvia, Robert, Andy, Michael, Sarah, Sheila, Hector, Jean, Michael, and all those in need.

We pray for those who have died recently.

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

In the notices this week:

Upcoming Services and Events

  • Advent & Christmas at Portsmouth Cathedral

  • Hope in the Darkness - Wednesday 18 November

  • Bible Discussion Group - Thursday 19 November

Community News

  • Getting ready for Advent with the Portsmouth Cathedral Shop

  • Culture Recovery Fund grant success

  • Finance and Investment, Fabric Advisory and Chapter meetings update

  • Building works approved by Chapter

  • Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust meeting

  • Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral mailing

  • Christmas Market

  • A Prayer for the Nation

  • Food Bank Collection

  • The Roberts Centre - Family Friends 2020

  • Church Homeless Action Christmas Voucher Scheme 2020

Upcoming Services and Events

Advent & Christmas at Portsmouth Cathedral

Christmas may be different this year, but Portsmouth Cathedral’s season of services, concerts and celebrations will bring comfort and joy however you choose to join us.

Portsmouth Cathedral will be shining a light in the darkness, with a range of beautiful services and seasonal concerts this December. Bringing families around the city together for celebration and worship, several the Cathedral’s services continue to be steamed online for you to enjoy from the comfort of home.

Find out more here.

Hope in the Darkness - Wednesday 18 November

A change to our originally planned event, join us online for an informal evening of reflection, prayer and hope in these strange Covid-19 times. Take a contemplative journey and reflect on 2020, pray and find hope in the darkness.

Starting from 7:30 pm on Zoom, all are welcome. Find out more information here.

Bible Discussion Group - Thursday 19 November

Our Bible Discussion Group continues on Thursday 19 November at 7.00 pm. The link for this week’s meeting will be sent out with the email version of the notices. We will be looking at John 2.13 - 3.21: Jesus cleanses the Temple, and Nicodemus visits Jesus.

Community News

Getting ready for Advent with the Portsmouth Cathedral Shop

Although the shop is currently closed due to lockdown restrictions, we will be operating a one-off Click and Collect service on a limited range of Advent products during late November. This will include Advent candles and calendars, lectionaries, and our choirs’ CDs.

Further details will be announced next week.

Culture Recovery Fund grant success

Portsmouth Cathedral are so pleased to have been awarded a grant from the ‘Heritage Stimulus Fund’, part of the £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund from the Government aimed at helping organisations through the difficult circumstances present because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The grant will be used for vital conservation work on the North Quire aisle roof and the West-end towers, turrets and finials. This work would not have been possible without this one-off grant from the Government.

More information here.

Finance and Investment, Fabric Advisory and Chapter Meetings Update

In a busy week of meetings, the Finance and Fabric committees as well as Chapter met over consecutive days earlier this week.

On Monday, the Finance and Investment Committee reviewed the management accounts up to 31 October 2020 for performance against budget and tested the 2021 budget assumptions in advance of the Chapter meeting on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the Fabric Advisory Committee met to review the significant progress made on completing works and repairs of the Cathedral as outlined by the 2016 Quinquennial inspection. 2021 marks the start of the next quinquennial period with preparation beginning for that inspection. The Committee noted the retirement of the Cathedral Archaeologist, Richard Whinney, and thanked him for his service.

On Wednesday, Chapter met and approved the 2021 budget with a projected deficit of £96,000 for 2021. This figure, alongside the significant decrease in the 2020 deficit, is encouraging. However, a deficit of nearly six figures still represents a structural operating deficit that must be tackled. The approved budget now goes to Cathedral Council on the 25 November to be received.

Building works approved by Chapter

Following the conclusion of the public consultation processes, Chapter approved the following building works:

  • Repairs to the North Quire roof and Western towers, turrets, and finials funded through the Culture Recovery Fund with a 20% contribution from the Cathedral (see announcement above). Scaffolding will start to go up on 19 November 2020 with work completed by the end of March 2021

  • Repairs to the South Transept window. A funding decision from Historic England is currently pending, but the necessary permissions are now in place to quickly start this project if funding is approved.

  • Repairs to the South-West Door with funds coming from all those who generously in December 2019. The timing of this work will depend on the availability of craftsman.

  • Installing a replacement “Portsmouth Cathedral” sign on the Southwest corner of Green. We are very grateful to the Friends for funding this project. Timing of this work will be reliant on the availability of the builders.

  • Upgrade to fire detection system (Voids in Nave roof). Currently funding has not been identified for this project.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral mailing

The Autumn Newsletter was sent to Friends this week. The mailing included a letter from Andrew Slater announcing Jonathan Lloyd as his successor as Chair of the Friends. 

Andrew will continue as Treasurer of the Friends but we would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his work over the past 23 years as Chair and the contribution made to the Cathedral by the Friends during this time. Jonathan brings with him his experience as Chapter Clerk from 2011-2016 and we are delighted that he has found time amongst his other commitments to support the Cathedral in this way. The mailing also contains details of the proposed visit to Highclere Castle next year. If you would like to know more about becoming a Friend of Portsmouth Cathedral, please contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Christmas Market

With regret, this year’s Christmas Market has been cancelled.

The safety of all those volunteering, working and attending the Market is paramount. We had been hoping that the many policies in place to limit transmission of coronavirus would enable us to hold a safe event. However, with the second wave of the pandemic resulting in a national lockdown, we have now been advised by Public Health England not to hold the event.

This is disappointing news for many, but we look forward to being able to do the event next year.

A Prayer for the Nation

For centuries Portsmouth Cathedral has been a beacon for people on land and at sea, helping them navigate the passage of time with faith and confidence in God. As we enter into uncertain times, Portsmouth Cathedral will continue to be a beacon of light and hope, joining Cathedrals and churches across the UK for a month of prayer as a second lockdown in England comes into force.

Throughout the month, people will be encouraged to pray daily for a specific area of national concern, wherever they are, culminating into a collective moment of prayer at 6.00 pm each evening. A simple seven-day prayer cycle is also available, giving guidance on praying for a specific area each day including the NHS and frontline workers, the bereaved, and those struggling with physical and mental ill-health, and for children and young people. Portsmouth Cathedral have been providing prayer resources online as well as continuing to stream daily services including morning and evening prayer. Additional resources will be also be available on social media with the hashtag #PrayerForTheNation.

Find out more here

Foodbank Collection Box

As Canon Jo mentions above, foodbank donations are particularly needed at the moment.  Please bring them to the foodbank collection box in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s opening hours. 

The Roberts Centre - Family Friends 2020

Our friends at the Roberts Centre run a brilliant project called Family Friends which some members of our community already support. The project invites people to support a family in need at Christmas. To find out more or get involved, email carole.damper@robertscentre.org.uk or visit The Roberts Centre website.

Church Homeless Action Christmas Voucher Scheme 2020

Churches from across Portsmouth will once again be joining together to support those who are homeless. This year, inevitably, the project will be slightly different to meet the current needs.

Everyone is encouraged to pause and write a Christmas card to share a greeting of comfort and joy with someone in their street who they think might be alone for Christmas. In addition, it is hoped to link schools with care homes to send cards to all residents. Alongside writing cards, people will be encouraged to donate a gift voucher, card or cash to the scheme as in previous years.

More details will be released soon.

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!                                                                                                                     

The Dean: 023 9282 4400 or Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Jo Spreadbury 023 9275 2335 or Jo.Spreadbury@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967 or Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Cathedral Curate, Revd Catherine Edenborough: 023 9282 3300 extn 221 or Catherine.Edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk (Usual days at the Cathedral: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday)

Messages can also be left on the Cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 or by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.