Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 2nd February 2020

Presentation of Christ in the Temple


Last month, Cathedral Consort, went on a tour to Lapland. They sang a concert and at a Sunday service that was part of the celebrations to welcome the first sunrise after two months of a polar night. They were fortunate to see the Northern Lights in deep tones of blue and green. In the summer they will have a period of no sunset. Both of these must play havoc with your equilibrium.

A definition of light is ‘The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.’ We use the word light in many ways, for example when you learn something you are enlightened, or when you are feeling happy there is a lightness to your mood. Light helps us to see things differently, both physically and spiritually.

Today is the feast of Candlemas, which marks the presentation of Jesus in the temple 40 days after his birth. Because Simeon described Jesus as a light, this is why we call it Candlemas. Traditionally each church’s candles were blessed on this day and the Christmas season has officially ended, so pop those decorations away!

Maybe we can think about how we can bring light to friends, family, and even strangers. It isn’t always a case of fixing something, but being there, being the light that points to the Light of the World. That can be enough. Maybe it’s time to learn something new. I have brought considerable light into my life by (finally) learning to swim.

As well as the Candlemas carol service this evening, next Saturday there’s the Requiem in a day workshop and concert, which I would like to highLIGHT for you. A requiem is sung after someone has died; one of the movements is called Lux aeterna - eternal light:

May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, with thy Saints or evermore: for Thou art gracious. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them: with Thy Saints for evermore, for Thou art gracious.

This movement is lighter in mood and expresses our hope that heaven is a place of rest, light, and wonder for all eternity. Sounds pretty good.

Kitty Price, Cathedral Reader


Welcome to all those attending our services. Please join us at the Candlemas Carol Service this evening at 6.00pm.

Becket’s Bunch Our Sunday group for young children will meet in the Bishop Kenneth Room during the 10.30am Eucharist.

The Service List is available in the Cathedral or on the website.


South-West door fundraiser This fundraiser drew to a conclusion on 31st January. Many thanks to all who have generously donated including the Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust, the Limoges Trust, Mavis Whitehead, June Purvis, Florence Bachelor, Sue M, Jonathan Gray, Keith, Janet Driesman, the Denyers, Richard Abraham, Anthony and Clare Cane and many anonymous donors. The target of £8,000 has been met so work will begin in the spring/summer.

Gifts to the Cathedral Last week’s gift of an environmental monitor for the Cathedral Archives was given by June Purvis in memory of her late husband, Michael Purvis, a former churchwarden and member of the Fabric Advisory Committee. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


New FIC Chair Chapter has appointed Mary Makin as the new chair of the Finance and Investment Committee, a role which carries with it membership of Chapter itself. Mary has worked at senior levels in the finance departments of Winchester and Portsmouth dioceses, latterly as acting Diocesan Director of Finance. The Dean writes, ‘We are most fortunate to have Mary with her wealth of experience joining us in this important role and at a time when we have significant issues of financial sustainability to address’.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern or would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo 9275 2335 or Canon Kathryn 9282 3300 ext 229.

Cancelled Susan Boyle Concert If anyone knows Lavinia who won the tickets at the Christmas Fair please could they ask her to contact the Cathedral Offices.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral visit to Canterbury Cathedral Tuesday 7th July, the 800th anniversary of St Thomas Becket’s Translation, when his body was moved from the crypt to a new shrine in the chancel of the Cathedral. Choral Evensong that day will be sung by the Choirs of Canterbury Cathedral and Portsmouth Cathedral. Cost £25.00. If you would like to register your interest in this visit please fill in a form from the website or in the Cathedral.

The IDWAL (Inter-Diocesan West Africa Link) Newsletter January 2020 is available on the Cathedral’s website and noticeboard.

Table Talk at The Dolphin An informal group for Lent, meeting at The Dolphin to discuss big issues (hope, evil, justice, forgiveness, suffering, death) in a short time. Every Tuesday in March (3rd-31st) 7.30pm–8.15pm. All welcome, especially suitable for those who aren’t familiar with church or if you regularly worship here, why not bring a friend who doesn’t. No booking required, just turn up to all or some of them. Please contact Kathryn Percival for further details.

Events at the House of Bethany Please let the Sisters know if you wish to attend on 023 9283 3498 or ssb@sistersofbethany.org.uk. • Quiet Day 10.00am-4.00pm Saturday 8th February conducted by the Venerable Peter Sutton. £6.00 bring a packed lunch, tea and coffee provided. • Quiet Afternoon 1.30pm-4.30pm Monday 10th February with the Rev Brian Pickett.

Rainbows and Brownies Spaces available to join Rainbows (girls ages 5-7) and Brownies (girls ages 7-10) who meet on Mondays in term time in Becket Hall. Further details please email portsmouthcathedralbrownies@outlook.com.


Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 6th February with Martin Penrose (organ). Free with retiring collection.

Requiem in a Day – Choral Workshop and Concert 9.00am – 8.15pm Saturday 8th February. Come and sing Matthew Coleridge’s beautiful and deeply moving ‘Requiem’ in a day workshop and concert performance directed by the composer. For further details and to book your place please visit https://matthewcoleridge.com/portsmouth/. Concert after the Choral Workshop 7.00pm Saturday 8th February. Free admission with retiring collection.

John Jenkins RIP The Memorial Service for John Jenkins, the D-Day Veteran, who died last year will be held at the Cathedral on Monday 10th February at 11.00am.

Portsmouth High School’s Gala Concert 7.30pm Tuesday 11th February. Tickets £6.00. For further details please contact 023 9270 1617.

Becket 2020 – Looking Ahead: Hope and Glory 6.00pm Choral Evensong Sunday 23rd February with Canon Julie Price from Warblington and Emsworth. All welcome to join us at our next sermon in the series as part of our 2020 celebrations at Portsmouth Cathedral.

Skittles Evening 7.30pm Friday 3rd April at the Royal Maritime Club, a match between the Cathedral and St. John’s Catholic Cathedral. Please put this date in your diaries. Further details and tickets will be available soon.


All those in need including: Bob, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Patricia, Trevor, Roy, Emrys and Reuben.

And those who have died: Stuart McCullagh and John Jenkins RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here