Portsmouth Cathedral

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Statement regarding the third national Covid-19 lockdown – January 2021

Portsmouth Cathedral will be continuing to provide a beacon of light and hope as England returns to another national lockdown.  

The Government has chosen not to suspend public worship and we will continue to follow the guidance and ensure that the Cathedral remains as safe as possible. This guidance emphasises that those attending a place of worship must not mingle with anyone outside their household or support bubble. Some will feel that it is currently better not to attend in person, and our substantial daily offering of online worship will continue.  

We will especially be praying for those on the front line in our public services - the NHS and those working in social care, our schools, parents and carers of children, as well as the isolated and lonely, at this anxious and stressful time.

The Cathedral will remain open for private prayer as well as a limited number of services, and we encourage you to worship with us online from home with Facebook and YouTube Live. 

Further information and updates can be found on our Covid-19 visitor information page.


Worship & Services

The Cathedral remains open from 10am to 2pm, and for a reduced schedule of communal worship. We encourage you to check our website before travelling, and if possible, take advantage of our online worship. Booking will only be required for our Sunday Services and can be found on our website. A small number of spaces will be available on the door. 

All our existing safety precautions remain in place, including restricted congregation sizes, 2m social distancing, the compulsory wearing of face coverings (except for those who are exempt), participation in track and trace, and hand sanitiser available for all. You can find out more about the changes we have made on our Covid-19 visitor information page.


Regular Services

  • Monday to Saturday Holy Communion at 12 noon will continue in-person at the Cathedral

  • Sundays – the 8.00am Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer), 11.00am Choral Eucharist and 5.30pm Choral Evensong will continue in-person at the cathedral and be available to livestream at home

    • Sunday 9.30am morning services will not be taking place until further notice.

  • Our monthly Toddler Service will continue to be livestreamed at 2.00pm on the first Wednesday of each month.

  • All weekday and Saturday evening services, including Compline, will be livestreamed online only except in occasional circumstances.


Special Services

  • #PompeySundays, our new informal service, will be rescheduled to start at a later date.

  • The Epiphany Eucharist at 5.30pm on Wednesday 6 January will continue as planned in-person and online. You do not need to book to attend in person.

  • Choral Evensong with the Commemoration of the Portsmouth Blitz (10 Jan), Epiphany Carols (17 Jan), Candlemas Carols (31 Jan), will all continue as planned with booking and livestreaming details available soon.


Sightseeing, Exhibitions & Concerts

We are currently unable to welcome sightseeing visitors to the cathedral and our shop remains closed.

Sadly, we will be unable to welcome any visitors to the ‘Leap of Faith’ Retrospective by Vincent Gray, but be sure to watch our virtual tour with Canon Kathryn online.

This Friday’s Organ concert, ‘La Nativité du Seigneur’, will be livestreamed only and available to enjoy from home. We also look forward to bringing you further information on our ‘Lunchtime Live’ series which will be resuming online soon.

Cathedral Offices & Getting in touch

Our offices remain closed, with staff working remotely. Please note at this time we will have limited availability to answer phones, so please contact us by email or social media. You can find all the ways to get in touch on our contact page.