Portsmouth Cathedral

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Early Christmas present for Portsmouth Cathedral with achievement of Eco Church Silver Status.

Portsmouth Cathedral proudly announces its achievement of the Eco Church Silver award, a significant milestone in its unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability. Recognising the importance of A Rocha's Eco Church initiative, the Cathedral has emerged as a beacon of green living, showcasing a remarkable journey from bronze to silver, being only the 17th Cathedral to achieve this prestigious award.

In alignment with A Rocha's Eco Church mission, Portsmouth Cathedral stands at the forefront of fostering a sustainable and eco-friendly community.  The Cathedral has undertaken several projects since gaining the bronze award, reflecting its dedication to environmental stewardship. Underlining its commitment to biodiversity, the Cathedral has implemented a comprehensive land management plan. Altering mowing patterns, establishing wildflower meadows, and creating a hedgehog hotel are all steps towards providing a safe haven for insects and small animals, fostering a harmonious ecosystem in our city. Biodiversity projects have been made possible thanks to a partnership with the Portsmouth City Council.

In another significant move towards energy efficiency, the Cathedral Offices, and community spaces in Cathedral House, now have LED lighting. The Cathedral has also embraced double glazing and weather-sealing measures where possible, and the installation of thermal curtains has also reduced energy consumption. Whilst the Cathedral heating system requires significant investment and redevelopment, the use of smart monitoring devices has helped reduce heating requirements. These supplementary devices allow a more informed approach to heating the spaces and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Portsmouth Cathedral's holistic approach to sustainability is also evident in its annual Sustainability Fortnight. This includes Sustainability Sunday, featuring a guest speaker(s) on environmental issues, whilst also supporting local and international charities such as Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and Toilet Twinning financially. Its promotion of cycling including the appointment of a Cycling champion underscores the Cathedral's commitment to sustainable living. Throughout the year, practical lifestyle tips, spearheaded by Climate Champion, Sue Ward, have been integrated into weekly communications. This approach, combined with community engagement, reinforces the collective responsibility towards a greener tomorrow.

Sue Ward, a member of the congregation and the Cathedral’s dedicated Climate Champion, emphasizes community involvement: "It's not just about the Cathedral; it's about empowering the community. Conducting home surveys and offering resources to save on bills ensures that sustainability becomes a shared endeavour. We must all make genuine efforts to reduce our carbon footprints and press for changes in national and international policies to make climate justice a reality and save the planet.”

"The attainment of Eco Church Silver Status is indeed rewarding, but our commitment to caring for God’s earth extends far beyond accolades. We are resolute in reducing our carbon footprint and achieving net-zero by 2030.  Over the past ten years the Cathedral has taken small, but important steps to reduce its carbon footprint by 50% (35% weather-adjusted)” states The Very Revd Dr Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth. “Our recently completed heating feasibility study as well as other projects, reflect our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement in this area, and we look forward to the next stages bringing us to gold status and reducing our carbon footprint even further."

Looking ahead, Portsmouth Cathedral envisions a future with a full LED lighting system in the Cathedral itself, enhanced heating efficiency, and a Centenary Capital Project that relates back to the Cathedral’s ongoing environmental commitment, and core vision and mission. These ambitious endeavours wouldn’t be possible without the support of local stakeholders and investment from partners. In the short term, Portsmouth Cathedral will continue to prioritise minor building improvements to enhance comfort and improve energy efficiency within the Cathedral. Other small investments such as personal heating pads, data-driven heating adjustments, temporary secondary glazing, and knowledge-sharing with other churches underscore the dedication to incremental progress.

As Portsmouth Cathedral continues its pioneering journey, the community is invited to be a part of the Eco Church initiatives. Involvement and donations from individuals and businesses alike make this vital work possible. Explore more about the Cathedral's journey at portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/carbon-footprint and join in creating a sustainable future.

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