Cathedral Music Trust Grant

The Cathedral welcomed the news this week that, for the second year running, the Cathedral Music Trust has provided a grant to support core musical activities here at Portsmouth Cathedral.  The grant will help to ensure that the Cathedral has the financial ability to support ongoing activities including our musical outreach programme, Cathedral Sing.

Dean Anthony says, “We are most grateful to the Trust for again supporting music at the Cathedral.  Last year its funding supported the ongoing musical development of our choristers, and ensured we were able to rise to the big occasions such as the commemorative Evensong after the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the leaving service for Bishop Christopher and the installation of Bishop Jonathan.  Equally importantly, their funding helps to make possible the music that enhances our daily worship of God. The Trust’s continued support is most welcome especially as we begin to navigate the financially turbulent year ahead.”
David Price, Organist and Master of Choristers adds, “The English Choral Tradition is at the very heart of our cathedrals. I personally welcome this grant as it will help to ensure that we can continue to provide a place for children and young people to develop their God given talents to His praise and glory; playing their part, through music, of creating that ‘Beacon and Safe Haven, Anchored in Jesus Christ’ for all to enjoy …. and to come and worship.”