Sing Joyfully

Sing Joyfully is Portsmouth Cathedral's new fundraising campaign, supporting music at the Cathedral...

Choral music is at the heart of the worshipping life of Portsmouth Cathedral, whether at large diocesan and civic services, or a quieter mid-week Evensong. Not to have it would be like spring without birdsong! The oftenquoted maxim ‘those who sing well, pray twice’ expresses something of the emotional and spiritual power of music. Having the opportunity to make that music as a chorister, and to experience it in the congregation, is a gift beyond price. Your support to enable us to continue offering that gift would be hugely appreciated.

The Very Reverend Dr Anthony Cane
Dean of Portsmouth

The music of the church is one of the oldest expressions of music in Western civilisation, sung afresh in every generation in cathedrals and churches. Here at Portsmouth Cathedral, we have grown our musical tradition from humble beginnings in the twentieth century to a full programme of daily worship and rehearsals that rivals the more historic cathedrals in our region. Please do all you can to help us sustain and develop our musical life as we move towards our 2027 centenary year.

Dr David Price
Organist & Master of Choristers

Music at Portsmouth Cathedral

Music and singing have filled Portsmouth Cathedral’s stunning acoustic for generations. Music is at the heart of daily worship, inspired by the divine and offering thousands of people a year a glimpse of heaven.

It costs over £150,000 a year to fund our music department and choirs and we receive no regular support from the government or central church towards these costs.

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Choristers at Portsmouth Cathedral

Being a chorister at Portsmouth Cathedral is an experience that will last a lifetime. Every year 50 children sing with our prestigious cathedral choirs as part of our regular choral services.

The chorister experience includes regular vocal coaching, participating in professional recordings, and regular international tours. It costs £900 a year to train each chorister. Will you give a young person this unique opportunity?

Support a chorister

Training the next generation of musicians

Our Scholars programme offers young singers and organists a valuable opportunity to hone their musical skills and performance experience.

Scholars participate in our regular pattern of services, take part in recordings and live broadcasts, and join the choir’s annual international tour. We have trained over 110 Choral and Organ Scholars during the 20 years the scheme has been running. It costs £5,300 a year to train each Scholar. Your support will help to train the next generation of singers and organists.

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Cathedral Sing

Cathedral Sing works in primary schools across our region to inspire and engage children to discover their voice through choral singing.

Every year the project reaches over 1,000 children from a variety of schools, many of which are in more deprived areas. It costs £19,000 to run Cathedral Sing each year. A donation of £39 per month would cover the costs for one class to participate in the project.

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Support us today...

Your generosity will keep our choirs singing and safeguard our choral tradition for future generations.

The Music and Worship Fund supports all the costs of our music department, including training young singers, paying our professional musicians, and maintaining our organ and music facilities. Every donation makes a real difference, thank you.

Donate online

Make a regular or single donation easily and securely on our website. Select the Music and Worship Fund to direct your support to our choirs. We also accept donations by cheque payable to ‘Portsmouth Cathedral Chapter’.

Donate online →

Support a Chorister

Support a boy or girl chorister with an annual donation of £900. We will share regular updates on the progress of all our choristers.

Support a chorister →

Make a major gift

If you would like to make a significant gift to support our music department, contact CP for a confidential conversation. 

Email CP  →

Remember us in your Will

Leaving a legacy gift in your Will, after remembering family and friends, will enable our choirs to continue flourishing well into the future. Find out more on our website or contact CP for a confidential conversation.

Leave a legacy →

To discuss any aspect of supporting Portsmouth Cathedral, contact our Head of Fundraising, CP Robinson.

call 023 9289 2964 or visit our website 

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