Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 21 May 2023

A reflection from Canon Kathryn

The Lord’s prayer is so deeply ingrained in the memories of many older people that it can survive even the later stages of dementia.  For some on the brink of death, its words still come, when there are no other words left.  It is prayed all over the world, and sometimes - including here at the Cathedral this Sunday – in many different languages at once.
Three words from this DNA prayer of the Christian family have formed the basis for a global movement during these ten days between Ascension and Pentecost:  Thy Kingdom Come.  It was launched in 2016 in the Church of England, as an invitation for people to pray for others to know the love of God – and his generosity and grace.  The Archbishop of Canterbury said at the time, ‘It’s not “Thy Kingdom Come with lots of internal borders”…It belongs to God, and we’re all citizens’.  Since that May week seven years ago, the movement has spread, now covering nearly 90% of countries, across 85 different denominations.  At this moment between Jesus’ return to the Father and the promised coming of the Holy Spirit, each of us is encouraged to pray in our own way for that Spirit to be at work in others.  And in doing this, we will find grace, too: the act of turning ourselves outwards in prayer is liberating for us, as well as for the people in our prayers.
Here at the Cathedral, as well as praying individually, we are asking God to show us how best to serve our city and diocese.  As we prepare to welcome on Sunday the new Lord Mayor and City Councillors, we are also lifting before God the people of Portsmouth, south-east Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight, through a map spread out on the floor of the St. Thomas Chapel. A candle will be lit on the map for the parish or benefice being remembered in our diocesan cycle of prayer each day, as we pray for each of them to flourish.  Through our prayer, we ask that God’s Spirit might guide us into being a cathedral without borders – rooted in this earthly kingdom, shining with the light of our heavenly King.
To find out more, visit the Diocese of Portsmouth website.
The Reverend Canon Kathryn Percival
Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean

Community News

Christian Aid Week - a reminder to donate.

Christian Aid Week comes to an end on Saturday, and is a vital fund-raiser. We are aiming to raise £2,500 at the Cathedral this year. So please give, via the E-Envelope page online, the Christian Aid envelopes in the Welcome area - or by using the QR code on the envelope. Ask your friends as well.
If 250 people included Gift Aid with a £10 donation, we would meet the target and more. We have so much to be thankful for and, as Christian Aid reminds us: With every gift. Every action. Every prayer. Every one of us can change lives.
You can donate using envelopes available from the Welcome Area, ordonate online from our E-Envelope page.

The Divine Dance - Tango at the Cathedral – Saturday 22 July

A day to discover and celebrate the Argentine tango and how it connects to our spirituality.  As well as being a joy to dance, the tango can reveal insights about our connection to the divine in and around us.   

Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced dancer, this is an opportunity to dance the tango in a beautiful setting and explore how it links to our spiritual side. 

Find out more and book online →

Anna Chaplaincy information meeting - 2 June, 3:00pm

Would you like to provide company, care and spiritual nurture to older people in our community?  Come along to our Anna Chaplaincy information meeting on 2 June at 3:00pm in the Bishop Kenneth Room, to find out more.
Anna Chaplaincy (named after the widow Anna, who recognised the infant Christ), provides spiritual nurture to older people in our communities and is a priority for Bishop Jonathan and our Diocese. This kind of chaplaincy was started by former news presenter Debbie Thrower, who has just been made a Canon of Honour of the Cathedral. Rosemary Fairfax will be commissioned as the Cathedral's first Anna Chaplain in the 11:00am service on 28 May; if you are interested in becoming an Anna Chaplain, or taking a supporting role as an 'Anna Friend', why not come and find out more from Coleen Jackson, who leads on Anna Chaplaincy for the Diocese. 
All are welcome, whether or not you have had a pastoral role at the Cathedral before. You can find further information about Anna Chaplaincyhereor do speak to Canon Kathryn if you would like more details.

Thy Kingdom Come

As part of  Thy Kingdom Come, a map of our Diocese is on display until Pentecost (28 May) as a focus for our prayers. Come and have a look and take time to pray this week if you can. We will light candles for the parishes of each of the seven Deaneries in turn every day at Morning Prayer and Holy Communion.
and on the Day of Pentecost candles will be lit for every church in the Diocese.

Canon Kathryn leaves as Chancellor

Canon Kathryn's last service with us as Canon Chancellor will be Evensong on  Sunday, 11 June 2023. All are most welcome to attend this service which will be followed by a drinks reception in the Welcome Area. .
Should you wish to make a contribution to her leaving present– please either e-mail accounts@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk to request bank details, then make a transfer using the reference ‘Canon Kathryn Leaving Gift’ or put a donation in cash or in a cheque made out to “Portsmouth Cathedral” in a clearly marked envelope (same reference) then deliver it to the office.
Another date for the diary, Canon Kathryn's collation as Archdeacon of the Meon takes place during Evensong on Sunday, 2 July 2023
Interviews for Canon Chancellor take place on Monday 22 May 2023 and we hold all candidates and those involved in the process in our prayers.

Cathedral Green: Enhancing our biodiversity

Once again, this year with the help and support of the City Council, we are leaving much of Cathedral Green unmown to enhance the biodiversity in our local area.  This is also part of our commitment to Eco Church.
The two wildflower beds that were planted last year on the southside have certainly blossomed this year and provide both a vibrant splash of colour and the flowers for bees and insects to feed on and pollinate.

"I Believe in..."

Another two of our Honorary Canons will be coming to preach as part of our Sunday Evensong sermon series: "I Believe in...". On Sunday 21 May, the Sunday after Ascension, Canon Hugh Wright from Ventnor on the Isle of Wight will be preaching on "I Believe in Heaven". Then on Sunday 18 June we will be joined by Canon Bob White from St Mary's Fratton. Choral Evensong is at 5:45pm.

City Service – Sunday 22 May

We welcome the new Lord Mayor, Councillor Tom Coles, new Leader of the Council, Councillor Steve Pitt and other members of the Council when they join us at the Cathedral on Sunday 21 May for the Annual City Service at 11:00am, in addition to #PompeySundays at 9:30am, at which our City Councillors will be interviewed about their roles and how they see the place of the Cathedral in our city.

Makers Market at Portsmouth Cathedral – 29 May

We’re pleased to be hosting a Makers Market taking place on Bank Holiday Monday, 29 May from 10:00am-3:00pm. Come and enjoy a day of shopping, supporting local makers and creatives, with over 30 local artisans, each with their own distinct style and creative vision.

Committee Meetings

The Fabric Advisory Committee and the Finance and Investment Committee both meet this week. The agendas for the meetings arehere.

Cathedral Archaeologist

Under the Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011, and following the retirement of the post holder, the Chapter is looking to appoint a Cathedral Archaeologist to act as the professional advisor to act strategically on all matters for which the Chapter has statutory and non-statutory archaeological responsibility. This includes responding to specific proposals for works recommended by the Cathedral Architect and approved by the Cathedral.
Details of the role can be foundhere.

Next opportunity for Confirmation

On Saturday 27 May, the eve of Pentecost, Bishop Jonathan will lead a Diocesan Baptism and Confirmation service here at Portsmouth Cathedral starting at 5:45pm.
We have a number of Cathedral candidates who will be confirmed by the Bishop at this service - choristers and congregation - some who were unable to be at the recent Easter Vigil Confirmation, and some who have come forward as a result of this.
If you are interested in exploring the possibility of being confirmed (and baptised, if you are not already), please speak to either of our CuratesHannahorCatherine, or toCanon JoorCanon Kathryn.

Cathedrals Measure 2021

Portsmouth Cathedral has begun the planning to implement the Cathedrals Measure (2021). This brings all Church of England cathedrals in England under Charity Commission regulation, in addition to the jurisdiction of the Church Commissioners, and strengthens governance and operational frameworks.  
Some of the key changes at Portsmouth will be:

  • As a result of the Charity Commission registration, members of the Chapter will be subject to the oversight of the Charity Commission, rather than just the Church Commissioners.

  • The three bodies that currently form the governing corporation of Portsmouth Cathedral – Chapter, Cathedral Council and the College of Canons – will change. Chapter will be reconstituted as the sole governing and oversight body for the Cathedral.

  • The Cathedral Council will cease to exist and the College of Canons will no longer be part of the “body corporate” nor have any formal governance role.

Chapter will include both executive and non-executive members and the intention is to continue to have elected representatives on Chapter. New Constitution and Statutes have been drafted and there will be a formal consultation in the summer when everyone can comment.
In advance of the APCM which takes place on 25 May, we have prepared some FAQs which we hope will be of interest and help in understanding the changes that will happen under the Measure.
View the FAQs on our website

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

This year's APCM and Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 25 May after Choral Evensong.  The Electoral Roll has now been revised and is on display in the Welcome Area. 
This year's APCM includes the election of three representatives for Deanery Synod in addition to that for our two Churchwardens, one of whom is also elected as a member of Chapter.  We would like to thank Chris Nicol, who is not standing for election again, for his contribution as Churchwarden over the past year.  If you would like to know more about the duties of Churchwarden please speak to the Dean.  The APCM will also include a presentation by the Chief Operating Officer, Richard Abraham on the Annual Report and Accounts 2022, a report on Deanery Synod and a briefing on the Cathedral's progress towards becoming a registered charity under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure.
The 2022 Annual Report and Accounts are on display in the Cathedral and available on line together with the draft Minutes of the last meeting, the report on Deanery Synod and nomination forms.
Apologies for the meeting can be made via our offices.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Nuno, Edward, Anne, Chris, Janet, Jane, Richard, Jean, Alan, Alistair, Yvonne, Richard, Giles and all those in need. 
Long-term sick, including:  Renee, Beverley, Rachel, Sophie, John, Graeme, Peter, Rosemary, Suzy, Andrew, Sarah, Alison, Jill, and Judith. 
Those who have died, including: Peter, Martyn Gough (former Chaplain of The Fleet)

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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