Cathedrals Measure 2021 - FAQ
This is a Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision about the governance, management, property and financial affairs of cathedrals.
What is the Cathedrals Measure 2021?
This is a Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision about the governance, management, property and financial affairs of cathedrals. It received Royal Assent in April 2021.
The Measure brings cathedrals under Charity Commission regulation (in addition to existing and ongoing regulation by the Church Commissioners) and strengthens governance and operational frameworks. It involves a new Constitution and Statutes under which the Cathedral’s trustee body will be Chapter, supported by a number of subsidiary committees.
Does the new Measure imply any change in the nature and function of the Anglican Cathedrals?
No. As under the previous Measure, the ‘ecclesiastical purpose’ of a Cathedral is defined as ‘the seat of the bishop and a centre of worship and mission’. The Measure also emphasizes ‘the importance of each cathedral's role in providing a focus for the life and work of the Church of England in the diocese’; in other words the role of Portsmouth Cathedral as ‘mother church’ of the diocese of Portsmouth is unchanged.
What are the most significant differences from the previous Cathedrals Measure of 1999?
Cathedrals will continue to be governed by Chapter, but the members of Chapter will now be charity trustees.
One of the most commented on differences has been that Cathedral Councils will no longer exist. Under the 1999 Measure, Councils had limited powers, and for all the value of their advice and influence, the new Measure makes it clear that accountability for Cathedral governance lies with Chapter alone. The supporting committee structure for Chapter is substantially strengthened, with a requirement for advice on risk and audit as well as finance and investments, as well as a Nominations Committee advising on transparency and accountability, and the skills, experience and diversity of Chapter members and its committees. The Measure also give Chapter the ability to appoint advisory bodies, and in the future this is most likely to take the form of a body involving major partners in the diocese, city and region.
Will CM21 change the role of the Dean and the Bishop?
The roles of the Dean and Bishop in the governance of Cathedrals has shifted and evolved over the centuries, and the 2021 Measure represents a further evolution rather than a radical shift. For example, the Bishop now has the power to appoint the senior non-executive member of Chapter (or SNEM – the Church of England loves its acronyms), while Chapter itself appoints the other non-executive members. Chapter are also now required to hold an annual meeting with Bishop to review the overall ministry and mission of the Cathedral and its strategic direction.
Portsmouth Cathedral is a parish church cathedral. Will this change, and will the Annual Parochial Church Meeting still be able to elect members of Chapter?
The 2021 Measure does allow Cathedrals to cease having a parish, but that will not be the case in Portsmouth. The APCM will still be able to elect two members to Chapter, but will now need to do so in collaboration with the Bishop and a Nominations Committee that advises on the overall skills and experience of Chapter members in order to ensure the strongest possible strategic leadership
As a regular worshipper and or volunteer at the Cathedral, what will this change mean for me?
The worshipping and community life of the Cathedral will continue as before. Over time, however, the strengthening of the way the Cathedral is governed and run should flow through in to what happens day by day in a whole variety of ways. If the Measure works as intended worshipper and volunteers should be able to have increased confidence that their Cathedral is well run, whether in relation to its finances or the overall delivery of its vision and strategy.
How can I get involved ?
There are more opportunities than ever to be involved in the formal governance of the Cathedral, whether as a Chapter member or through serving on one of its committees including the Nominations Committee.
What is a Trustee and why is it relevant to CM21?
As is standard in any charity, the Trustees oversee everything a charity does, from setting its strategy to being responsible for its work and finances. All charities must have trustees and all members of Chapter, whether executive (The Dean and two Residentiary Canons paid by the Church Commissioners) or non-executive, whether ordained or not, will be the trustees of the Cathedral.
In a charity, Trustees are legally liable if they get it wrong: will this be the same with Chapter?
Yes, once the Cathedral comes under the Measure, Chapter members, as trustees, will have the same personally liability as any other charity trustee. Charity trustee: what’s involved (CC3a) - GOV.UK (
Why does the Cathedral Council have to be dissolved?
All Cathedral Councils cease to exist under the new Measure. There is provision for advisory bodies and one may be created at Portsmouth.
What is the Nominations Committee responsible for?
One of the aims of the Measure is that the membership of Chapter should bring together individuals with a broad range of skills, knowledge, expertise and experience to bring in best practice of strategic leadership for the Cathedral and lead the Cathedral in being transparent and accountable. Following the changes to governance under the Measure, Chapter will comprise both executive and non-executive roles and new committees will be created. The Nominations Committee will enable Chapter to recruit and develop non-executive members of the new Chapter and its committees.
The committee will be responsible for guiding the recruitment of non-executive members of Chapter, induction and training of all members of Chapter and senior committee members.
Does this mean that the Cathedral will now be governed by the Charity Commission in addition to the Church Commissioners?
Yes it does, from late in 2023, the Cathedral will come under the joint jurisdiction of the Charity Commission alongside the Church Commissioners.
What is Chapter? Who can be a member?
Chapter is the Cathedral’s governing body which, under the Measure, becomes the sole governing body whereas at present the Body Corporate includes the College of Canons and Cathedral Council.
Anyone who is eligible to be a charity trustee and to be a communicant member of the Church of England or another church which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity can apply to become a non-executive member of Chapter. Their application will be considered by the Nominations Committee and the Bishop with appointments made by Chapter.
At Portsmouth we intend to continue to have members elected by the Cathedral Community although to be considered for election they will also need to recommended by the Nominations Committee.
What is a non-worshipping Community Roll and why are we having one?
The non-worshipping roll will allow those who are not eligible to be on the Electoral Roll e.g. ordained ministers and those not baptised, to take a full part in the election of non-executive members of Chapter.