Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 6th October 2019

Sunday 6th October 2019

Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

 As autumn finally takes hold and the colours turn in the landscape around us, we have a week full of colour, commemoration and pageantry here at the Cathedral (and uniforms!).

The Royal Marines Band Service has been coming to the Cathedral for an annual service of glorious music and solemn remembrance since 1998 when the RMBS moved their School of Music to Portsmouth from Deal. This year saw the 30th anniversary of the terrible explosion at Deal on 22nd September which left 11 musicians dead and another 11 injured, so the music played in tribute at Sunday’s service will have a special poignancy.

On Tuesday at Evensong, our Cathedral Choir will be joined by the 10 boy choristers of the Choir of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal. The boys wear the distinctive State uniform introduced at the Restoration in 1660 – the royal scarlet and gold marking their significant role attending the Queen and singing for services at St James’ Palace - and elsewhere as commanded.

And next Sunday, ahead of Trafalgar Day, the Lord Mayor and City Council will attend the annual Seafarers’ Service, recognising our close historic and continuing links to the seafaring and maritime communities. As the Cathedral of the Sea, where we prize the skill of musicians and the power of music to lift hearts and souls in praise to God and prayer for other people, this will be a significant week indeed.

  The Reverend Canon Dr Jo Spreadbury

Canon Precentor


Welcome to all those joining us this morning for the Royal Marines Band Service Memorial Day Service.

Canon Anthony is at All Saints this morning at 10.00am for the Licensing of the Revd Canon Bob White as Acting Priest in charge of All Saints, Portsea and Commissioning of the Ministry Team for All Saints,

The Service and Events Lists Current editions are available in the Cathedral or here.


Chapter An update from the Dean on staffing, housing and the development of a shared strategy and vision is available in the Cathedral and here.

British Nuclear Test Veterans Association Members of the local BNTVA attended a short service of remembrance led by the Dean on Thursday during which a new bench in the Memorial Garden was dedicated.


Patronal Festival The text of the Dean’s sermon last Sunday is here.

The Pantomime Lunch This year’s event at Abarbistro raised the grand total of £1,637.00 which will enable the children from the temporary accommodation at the Roberts Centre to have a magical time with Aladdin in the Kings Theatre.  The extra money will go towards the centre’s annual Christmas party. 

Parking No parking is available on the west front today or next Sunday. services.

Jane Lemon A Memorial Service for Jane who designed the Sarum Group vestments and frontals for the Cathedral will take place at 3.00pm on Tuesday 22nd October at Steeple Langford.

Chapel of Healing and Reconciliation Following investigative works the scaffold is due to be removed this week. Further details available from the Offices.  

Vacancies – full details of the following posts are here.

Head of Fundraising and Events We are looking for an outstanding and innovative Head of Fundraising and Events with the drive, experience, skills and flair to transform the Cathedral’s income. The post is funded by a grant from the Cathedrals Sustainability Fund.

Education Assistant - Pop Up Cathedral We seek an Education Assistant to work on our new outreach project – the Pop-Up Cathedral.  A large pop-up gazebo will be taken out to schools so that classes will be able to take part in a range of activities. 10 hours per week, temporary six month contract. Hourly rate: £9.61 (£17,500 FTE) closing date 23rd October.  Interviews Thursday 31st.

Food Bank There is an enormous demand for this service and supplies in local depots are very low.  Please continue to support us with contributions of dried and tinned food, cereals, long life milk, house hold items and toiletries.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo on 023 9275 2335 or Dean on 023 9282 4400.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral visit to Southampton Thursday 17th October.  The last few spaces are available on the coach leaving the Cathedral at 10.00am and returning around 4.30pm. Cost £25.00. Forms available here. should be returned by Tuesday 8th October.

Lunch Club Volunteers required to help cook and serve food at our weekly Tuesday Lunch Club in Becket Hall. Contact the Cathedral Offices for details.

One World Week 20th - 27th October ‘Climate changes everything now is the time to act’.  Details of events are available here..


Silver Screen: Passport to Pimlico (1942) 2.00pm Tuesday 8th October in Becket Hall.  All welcome.  Free event, tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.

Choral Evensong 6.00pm Tuesday 8th October.  The Cathedral Choir will be joined by the Choir of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal.  All welcome.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 10th October with Musicians from The Portsmouth Grammar School.  Free with retiring collection.

Service for Seafarers 10.30am Sunday 13th October.  Annual service dedicated to seafarers, attended by the Lord Mayor, members of the City Council and naval representatives.  The service ends with a procession to the Hot Walls and wreath laying. The collection will be shared with the Sailors’ Society.  All welcome.

Recovered Histories 18th-27th October.  Journeys Festival International presents an exhibition of new work created by printmaker George Sfougaras, inspired by members of the refugee and asylum-seeking community. For further details about events in Portsmouth click here.

Symbolism and Self 4.00-5.30pm Monday 21st October. Join the Dean and the artist George Sfougaras for a Coffee Shop Conversation exploring ‘Recovered Histories. Tickets FREE booking through www.journeysfestival.com.

The 39 Steps a live radio drama 7.30pm Friday 25th October in the Nave.  BlackBox Theatre Company’s stunning new adaptation of John Buchan’s classic ripping yarn.  Adult £12.50, Concs £10.00, Family £38.00. Tickets available online from Ticket Source or 0333 666 3366 and through the shop later in the week.

Living Well - “Lighten Our Darkness” – sermons on aspects of Mental Health 6.00pm Sunday 27th October.  ‘Caring for carers’ with The Revd Anne Lindsay, former Chaplain to Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.


All those attending the Diocesan Reach Conference this week.
All those in need
including: Donald, Robert, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Stuart, Derek, Maureen, Joey and Paige.
And those who have died: Bernard Taylor (Memorial Service 12 noon Thursday, 17th October at St Mary’s Church, Hayling Island) RIP.

Sunday 6th October

Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

0800              Holy Communion (BCP said)
1030              Royal Marines Band Service Memorial Day Service
sung by the Cathedral Choir and Cantate                                
Preacher: The Revd Alastair Mansfield Royal Navy
1800              Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir
                                 Preacher: The Revd Dr Ruth Tuschling
                                 Readings: Habakkuk 1.1-4; 2.1-4; Luke 17.5-10

This Week

Monday               0740  Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion
                       1800  Choral Evensong sung by the Layclerks and Choral Scholars

Tuesday               0740  Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion
1800  Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir with the Choir of HM Chapel Royal, St James’ Palace

Wednesday       0740  Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion 
                           1200  Holy Communion
                           1400  Baby and Toddler Group in Becket Hall
1800  Evening Prayer said      

Thursday            0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion
1800   Choral Evensong sung by Cantate

Friday                   0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion
                 1200   Holy Communion
                   1800   Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir

Saturday            1700   Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Consort

Sunday 13th October

Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

0800              Holy Communion (BCP said)

1030              Service for Seafarers sung by the Cathedral Choir
Preacher: The Dean

1800              Eucharist sung by the Girl Choristers, Layclerks and Choral Scholar
Preacher: The Revd Canon Angela Tilby
Readings: 2 Kings 5.1-3, 7-15c; Luke 17.11-19

A printable version of the Notices is here.

Liz Snowball