Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 3rd November 2019

All Saints’ Sunday

The Church of England’s introduction for this new liturgical season - All Saints to Advent - says: “No Christian is solitary. Through baptism we become members one of another in Christ, members of a company of saints whose mutual belonging transcends death.” This is particularly relevant for the coming few weeks of remembrance. I would like to draw your attention to the ways we will remember them.

On Saturday at 5.00pm is the All Souls’ Eucharist, where we remember those we love but see no longer. It is good to hear their names read aloud, even if we may have forgotten the exact sound of their voices and to light candles to symbolise hope in our sadness, light in our darkness. Cathedral Consort will sing the Duruflé requiem, which I think is a musical slice of heaven.

As well as an Evensong on Friday, there is an All Saints’ Eucharist on Sunday morning, giving thanks for the saints over the centuries who have been beacons of God’s love in the world. This reminds us that we can aspire to such brightness in our thoughts and actions.

On Monday 4th November at 11.00am is the commemoration of the centenary of the Baltic Campaign 1918-1919. All welcome to join us for a commemoration service for the anniversary of Baltic Independence Day sung by the Cathedral Choir with Musicians from HM Royal Marines Band Service. There is a memorial in the Cathedral as the fleet sailed from Portsmouth. Indeed, there is an identical memorial in Puhavaimu Kirik (Church of the Holy Spirit) in Tallinn, Estonia. Our choirs have sung there several times on tour. It is good to remember and celebrate links in the Porvoo Communion.

On Tuesday 5th November at 12noon is the annual service for QARNNS, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service, giving thanks for those who have given their gifts and skills for the service of others.

Next weekend there is the Civic Remembrance Ceremony at the Guildhall at 10.15am. We have Matins for Remembrance Sunday at 10.30am, a Eucharist at 6.00pm, finishing off with The Portsmouth Grammar School’s remembrance concert at 8.00pm. It is a special concert commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day landings with a new piece composed by PGS pupils and staff.

Kitty Price, Cathedral Reader


Welcome to all those attending our services today.

The Service and Events Lists are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Outreach and Education Last week saw two successful school visits. Alverstoke CofE Junior School with Year 3 children learning about Christian symbols, the Bishop’s vestments and the Cathedral, with a Seaside Art activity as well. Aldro School near Godalming with Year 7 boys who came for a guided tour of the ‘Cathedral of the Sea’.


Cathedral Council and Chapter meet on Monday and Wednesday this week. The agendas for both meetings are on the website and noticeboard. The congregational representatives on the Cathedral Council: Nick Speller and Shirley Grayson-Smith can be contacted after services or through the Cathedral Offices.

Cathedral Office Neil Sands is providing temporary admin cover following Tim Burnett’s departure. Neil is the first point of contact for diary enquiries and can be contacted through litmus@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Christmas Fair Saturday 30th November. We need donations of books, CDs, DVDs, jigsaws, games, china, glass and collectables, Christmas decorations, artificial flowers, clay plant pots, jewellery, nearly new or new clothing and scarves, preserves (jams, marmalade and chutney), toiletries, toys and children’s clothes, bottles of wine and boxes of chocolates for the Tombola. Small donations can be left at the Cathedral Shop, large donations please contact the Cathedral Offices. Please also start baking cakes to be donated the day before or on the day (these need to be marked if they have been frozen or contain nuts). Raffle Tickets are on sale from the Cathedral Shop.

Parish Lunch Club The club will soon require a cook with friends to form a team to cook for the club once a month on a Tuesday. To learn more please talk to Maureen or Joan through the Cathedral Offices.

Churches Homeless Action Churches across the city are collecting supermarket gift vouchers (£5.00 value) to be distributed through charities which support the homeless. Please hand any donations to the Cathedral Offices or Shop by Friday 15th December. Leaflets are available in the Cathedral.

Volunteers needed for Annual Rough Sleepers Count Homelessness Outreach Team for the Society of St James are looking for volunteers to help in this year’s count on the night of Wednesday 13th November into the morning of Thursday 14th November. Please email slavena.nikodimova@ssj.org.uk by Tuesday 5th November for further details.

Estonia, Latvia & Royal Navy 1918-1920 2.00pm Monday 4th November. A showing of two documentary films in the Royal Naval Club & Royal Albert Yacht Club. Free event, please confirm your attendance to info@rnc-rayc.co.uk or 023 9282 5924.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo on 023 9275 2335 or the Dean on 023 9282 4400.

Friends of Portsmouth The Autumn Newsletter will be sent to members next week. If you would like to know more about the Friends please pick up a leaflet from the Welcome Area or contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.


Commemoration of the Centenary of the Baltic Campaign 1918-1919 11.00am Monday 4th November. All welcome.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 7th November with Stuart Raeburn (voice) and David Elwin (tenor & piano). Free with retiring collection.

Craft and Chat 2.30pm Thursday 7th November in Bishop Kenneth Room. All welcome

Matins for Remembrance Sunday 10.30am Sunday 10th November. Join us as we remember all those affected by conflict. The service follows the traditional morning of worship during which we will observe the two minute silence at 11.00am.

The Portsmouth Grammar School Remembrance Concert 8.00pm Sunday 10th November. Tickets from Eventbrite Adult £10.00, Children under 18 free.

RSCM Area Festival 5.00pm Saturday 16th November. All welcome to join us for this special service sung by the Cathedral Consort and RSCM Portsmouth and Isle of Wight.

Rowans Hospice 25th Anniversary Service 2.00pm Sunday 17th November. A special 45 minute service marking 25 years of providing outstanding hospice care for our community followed by light refreshments in the David Bawtree building at The Portsmouth Grammar School. All welcome.

Choral Evensong with Celebration of Cathedral Sing! 6.00pm Friday 22nd November. 150 children from church choirs and schools across the Diocese will take part in a special Evensong with the Cathedral Choir to commemorate St Cecilia’s Day. The service will include a performance of Howells’ A Hymn for St Cecilia. All welcome.

Living Well “Lighten Our Darkness” – sermons on aspects of Mental Health: ‘Older people’s mental health’ with The Revd Canon Nick Fennemore, Head of Chaplaincy for Southern Health NHS Trust, 6.00pm Sunday 24th November. Anyone interested in following up on the series is invited for an informal discussion and conversation with the Dean, Dr Kevin O'Shea and Canon Angela Tilby. Wednesday 27th November at 6.30pm in the Cathedral after Evening Prayer.

Advent Carol Service 6.00pm Sunday 1st December. A sequence of seasonal music and readings foretelling Christ’s coming as the Saviour of the world. All welcome.


All those in need including: Donald, Bob, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Stuart, Derek, Joey, Paige and Anne.

And those who have died: John Hewett RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here

Portsmouth Cathedral