Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 24th November 2019

The Feast of Christ the King reminds us that God is sovereign over all things. Every part of our existence falls under the dominion of Christ, and that for Christians there can be no valid idea of the secular: no place or activity should be disconnected from God. All things were created by, and exist for, God. It is interesting to note that to describe a space as secular, as a place without the presence of God, is to describe what Christians believe Hell to be like.

God is the ultimate good of all things, including our politics. To assert that all times and places are under the authority of God is to claim that all actions also take place within the realm of God’s authority, which means that our politics should be informed by our theology and beliefs.

Contemporary politics tends towards two extremes: secular meaninglessness on the one hand, where despair and hopelessness hangs over everything, and an almost idolatrous obsession with utopian causes on the other. Both tendencies, meaninglessness and absolutising, strangely co-exist in our political culture, so we live with a sense of despair that nothing can be done, but then suddenly some new scheme will be announced as our saviour in which we are supposed to place our hopes.

In around three weeks most of you will exercise the responsibility of voting. Today’s feast reminds us that Christ’s justice and power were manifested in the incarnation in a service to others that gave them genuine hope, and Christians are likewise called to manifest the presence of the Kingdom of God in the way that they serve others, including in the way they vote. What goodness or truth are we trying to uphold when we place our cross in the box?

At a very practical level this week the Cathedral will also be upholding our call to display God’s kingdom of justice, service and care by reauthorising our Lay Pastoral Assistants. We pray that through their work the good news of God’s kingdom may come to those in need.

The Reverend Canon Dr Anthony Rustell

Residentiary Canon


Welcome to all those attending our services today and the Lay Pastoral Assistants who will be recommissioned during this morning’s Eucharist service.

Lighten our Darkness, the final sermon of the series focussing on aspects of mental health, as part of our Annual Theme: Living Well, continues at Evensong tonight with ‘Older people’s mental health’ with The Revd Canon Nick Fennemore, Head of Chaplaincy for Southern Health NHS Trust.

The Service and Events Lists are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Recruitment of Head of Fundraising and Events Following interviews on 14th November we are delighted that an offer of appointment has been made and accepted. The normal recruitment processes are now underway and we will announce the successful candidate as soon as we can.


Chapter and Cathedral Council will meet on Tuesday 26th November to discuss the 2020 budget. The agendas are available on the website and noticeboard.

Christmas Fair Saturday 30th November. Donations of games, china, glass and collectables, Christmas decorations, artificial flowers, clay plant pots, jewellery, nearly new or new clothing and scarves, preserves (jams, marmalade and chutney), toiletries, toys and children’s clothes, bottles of wine and boxes of chocolates for the Tombola. Small donations can be left at the Cathedral Shop, large donations please contact the Cathedral Offices. Please bring donations of cakes the day before or on the day (these need to be marked if they have been frozen or contain nuts).

Cathedral Shop Advent candles, calendars, Christmas cards, ornaments, decorations and gifts are now available. The shop will be open after the 10.30am service on Sunday 24th November for people to also buy their raffle tickets for the Christmas Fair.

Parish Lunch Club The club will soon require a cook with friends to form a team to cook for the club once a month on a Tuesday. Please contact the Cathedral Offices. Friends of Portsmouth The Autumn Newsletter has been sent out to members. If you would like to know more about the Friends please pick up a leaflet from the Welcome Area or contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo on 023 9275 2335 or the Dean on 023 9282 4400.

Churches Homeless Action Churches across the city are collecting supermarket gift vouchers (£5.00 value) to be distributed through charities which support the homeless. Please hand any donations to the Cathedral Offices or Shop by Friday 15th December.

Advent Carol Service at the House of Bethany 7.30pm Wednesday 4th December. Join the Sisters of Bethany for their annual Advent Carol Service. £3.00 per person in aid of ‘Light for Bulgaria’. To purchase your ticket please ring 023 9283 3498 or email ssb@sistersofbethany.org.uk.

Election Hustings for Portsmouth South 7.00pm Tuesday 3rd December at St John’s Cathedral, Bishop Crispian Way, PO1 3HG. An opportunity to hear from the candidates for Portsmouth South and their responses to questions raised by members of local churches and communities. Chaired by The Very Revd Dr Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth. If you wish to have a question asked please submit in advance to portsmouthdeanery.admin@portsmouth.anglican.org or the Deanery Office at St Faith’s Church, Crasswell Street.


‘Lighten Our Darkness’ 6.30pm Wednesday 27th November after Evening Prayer. An informal discussion and conversation with the Dean, Dr Kevin O’Shea and Canon Angela Tilby for anyone interested in following up on the series.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 28th November with Peter Gould (organ). Free with retiring collection.

Cathedral Club 2.45pm Thursday 28th November in Becket Hall. ‘Uncovering the Soundtrack’ with Sachin Gunga, Cathedral Sub-Organist about his career and musical background. Donation £1, free tea/coffee and biscuits. All welcome.

Advent Carol Service 6.00pm Sunday 1st December. A sequence of seasonal music and readings foretelling Christ’s coming as the Saviour of the world. All welcome.

Christmas Concert by Candlelight in aid of Rowans Silver Jubilee Appeal 7.30pm Saturday 7th December. Tickets available from the Cathedral Shop or online www.rowanshospice.co.uk/events.

Silver Screen: Holiday Inn (1942) 2.00pm Tuesday 10th December in Becket Hall. All welcome. Free event, tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.

Cathedral Christmas Carol Services A beautiful service of carols and readings by candlelight. All welcome.

• Saturday 21st December 7.00pm Christmas Carol Service I sung by the Cathedral Choir (Girl Choristers)

• Sunday 22nd December 7.00pm Christmas Carol Service II sung by the Cathedral Choir (Boy Choristers)

• Monday 23rd December 7.00pm Christmas Carol Service III sung by the Cathedral Choir (Girl Choristers)

• Tuesday 24th December 6.30pm Christmas Carol Service IV with Blessing of the Crib sung by the Cathedral Choir (Boy Choristers)


All those in need including: Bob, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Stuart, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Patricia and Trevor.

And those who have died: Anne Charlesworth, Doris Hedges and Carlos Paradas RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here

Portsmouth Cathedral