Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 15th December 2019

In between me writing these highlights and you reading it on paper or online, we will know the results of the general election. It seems strange to be talking about something that hasn’t happened yet. It’s like shouting at the top of your voice in the wilderness waiting to hear an echo.

It reminds me of the phrase in Corinthians, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”. Journeying through Advent we get glimpses of the ‘before’, the history leading up to the Christ Child. We’ve heard about the Patriarchs and last week John the Baptist. We don’t glimpses but not the full picture. We get a fuller picture as we can get this side of eternity when we celebrate Christmas.

There is a lot taking place at the Cathedral in the next few weeks, from welcoming Kathryn and her family into the community, to the many services and opportunities to give time, poinsettias, used stamps, supermarket vouchers and much more. And to keep things real, have a sobering look at Pete Codling’s Naivety, because it is a reminder that when we look for that face to face meeting with God, we may, in fact not realise he has been with us all along.

Kitty Price

Cathedral Reader


Welcome to all those attending our services today. Please join us at Choral Evensong this evening with the installation of The Revd Kathryn Percival as Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean. The service will be followed by a reception.

Churches Homeless Action Today is the last day to hand in donations of supermarket gift vouchers to the Cathedral Shop that will be distributed to charities which support the homeless.

The Service List and Advent Christmas Epiphany Listings are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


2020 Budget Information on the 2020 budget is distributed with these notices. If you have any questions or would like further details then please contact the Chief Operating Officer, Richard Abraham richard.abraham@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or 023 9289 2961.


Installation of Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean We have agreed with Kathryn to mark her installation by raising funds to improve the fabric of the Cathedral. The southwest door is in urgent need of repair. Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust has donated £3,100 to start the appeal and donations can be made through the Cathedral Offices or https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/cathedralsouthwestdoor.

Christmas Fair The total raised for the Cathedral and associated groups was £6,904.31. A big “Thank You” to everyone who helped and especially to Nicky Taylor for coordinating and organising this year’s event and to Ann Wilson and Linda Swinburne.

Naivety – A contemporary nativity we are pleased to have Pete Codling’s exhibition at the west end of the Cathedral between now and 27th January 2020. The symbolism, allegory and metaphor used in the images is powerful and thought provoking. Not everyone will ‘like’ the contemporary references, but they are a striking invitation to reflect more deeply on the nature of the Christmas story and its significance today.

New Head of Fundraising and Events We are delighted to announce that Sophie Henstridge-Brown from the Royal Opera House (and the congregation of Southwark Cathedral) will join us as our new Head of Fundraising and Events, starting on 18th February 2020. Please see the notice board and our website for further details about Sophie, including how one of her ancestors was a signatory on Charles I’s death warrant.

Christmas Home Communion If you are aware of anyone who is unable to come to church over the Christmas season and would like to receive communion, please contact Canon Jo on 023 9275 2335.

Decorating the Cathedral for Christmas The Flower Guild would welcome donations for poinsettias to decorate the Cathedral for Christmas. Please hand in envelopes marked ‘Flower Guild’ to the Cathedral Shop or put in the collection boxes. All are welcome to join the Flower Guild for Christmas flower arranging 9.00am on Saturday 21st December. It will be great fun – no experience necessary.

Cathedral Offices The offices will be closed from Christmas Day to 2nd January.

Cathedral Shop Christmas ornaments, decorations and gifts are now available. The Cathedral Christmas Card, which features two images from Pete Codling’s Naivety is now available priced £2.50 for five cards, proceeds in aid of the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral.

Christmas and foreign stamps Used stamps, especially Christmas and foreign ones can be donated to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance through the box in the Cathedral Shop.

Cathedral Guides Our team of friendly and knowledgeable Guide Welcomers and Guides is looking for new members. The 2020 Training Course of five one hour sessions on Wednesday mornings starts on 15th January. If you are looking for a new volunteering opportunity and would like to join the group which helps introduce our visitors, local, national and global to the Cathedral please contact our Head Guide, Margaret Wilson.

Pompey Christmas Sing-A-Long 6.30pm Monday 16th December. Pompey in the Community are hosting a Christmas carol sing-a-long at Fratton Park. Free event.

Living Faith Course Spring 2020 7.00pm – 9.00pm starting Wednesday 8th January for 10 weeks in The Dolphin. Application forms are available in the Welcome Area. Please contact Sue.Chatband@portsmouth.anglican.org for further details.

Aggies – Vacancy for part time Pastoral Worker to join the Chaplaincy Team at HMS Collingwood, Fareham. Aggie Weston’s http://www.aggies.org.uk/ is a Christian Charity that supports the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and their families through the provision of Pastoral Workers in military bases and establishments around the country. Please contact John Bazley john.bazley@aggies.org.uk for further details.


Cathedral Christmas Carol Services All welcome to join us at our beautiful services of carols and readings by candlelight. Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd and Monday 23rd December at 7.00pm and Tuesday 24th including Blessing of the Crib at 6.30pm.

Crib Services Christmas Eve 2.30pm and 4.00pm. Presents for under the Christmas tree can be brought to the service and will be distributed through the Roberts Centre.

Epiphany Carol Service 6.00pm Sunday 5th January. A celebration of the visit of the Magi to the Infant King, and the revealing of Jesus to all the people of the world.

La Nativité du Seigneur – Olivier Messiaen 8.00pm Friday 10th January. Seasonal recital by Sachin Gunga of this stunning series of meditations for organ. All welcome.


All those in need including: Bob, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Stuart, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Patricia and Trevor.

And those who have died: Doris Hedges and Brian McCoy RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here

Portsmouth Cathedral