Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 21st July 2019

I’ve just celebrated a significant birthday.  My mother complained that as she was going into labour, and after giving birth, no one was interested in her or me. It was the greatest achievement in her life - I was late and it was a difficult birth - yet it paled into insignificance with the small step for man and giant leap for mankind.

I’ve always been fascinated with adventures in space and the moon landing, which probably explains why I am a fan of science fiction, particularly of Star Wars and Star Trek. I am captivated by the creativity and imagination with storylines and special effects and I am intrigued by the workings out of human behaviour in an intergalactic setting. There are battles between good and evil, people losing their way and then finding redemption.

Buzz Aldrin read from St John’s Gospel when he walked on the moon: “I am the vine, you are the branches...for you can do nothing without me.”  Two years later, when the astronaut James Irwin was in space he said “I felt the power of God as I’d never felt it before.”  Clearly these people of immense talent and training were humbled by what they experienced and put it down to the God whose “hands flung stars into space.” 

This week I have been playing for the University of Portsmouth graduation ceremonies. There has been much celebration and jubilation. I consider myself a fortunate man to have a job where I can do what I do best. It makes me very happy. But the source of my strength and ability is from God. I can do nothing without him.

David Price

Organist and Master of the Choristers


Welcome to the Choir of St Helen’s Church, Wheathampstead who are singing for us today whilst the Cathedrals Choirs are on holiday and to the family and friends of Annabel who is being baptised this afternoon. 

Installation of Lay Members of Chapter This morning Sheila Picton and Linda Swinburne will be installed as Lay Members of Chapter, the Cathedral’s governing body.  Both have served on Chapter since their election as Churchwarden and Lay Member of Chapter and Lay Member of Chapter respectively. All members of Chapter can be contacted through the Cathedral Offices. 

Refreshments  Homemade Lemonade will be served after our 10.30am services, outside if the weather permits,  from this week until the end of August.  Many thanks to all those who help with our Sunday morning refreshments throughout the year.

Lighten our Darkness, our sermon series focussing on aspects of mental health, as part of our Annual Theme: Living Well, continues at Evensong tonight with ‘Breakthrough rather than breakdown’, given by The Revd James Hair, Portsmouth Diocesan Adviser for Mental Health.

The Service and Events Lists are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Cathedral Staffing An update from the Dean’s letter dated the 14th June 2019.  ‘I’m delighted to say that a bid to the Cathedrals Sustainability Fund has been successful and that in the early autumn we will be able to recruit a new Head of Fundraising and Events.  The grant covers the first three years of this post, and has been awarded to the basis that the post holder will be able to make a significant contribution to the future financial sustainability of Portsmouth Cathedral.  It is also the case that following interviews on the 11th July for a new Chapter Clerk, we have offered the post to someone I cannot name at this point, as the formalities around the appointment have not yet been completed.  I will let you know more as soon as I can, and in the meantime there are the interviews for a new Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean this coming Tuesday.  Do keep us in your prayers on that day, and indeed every day as we seek to bring our staff team up to full strength’. 

With prayers and best wishes, The Dean.

Constitution and Statutes Details of proposed amendments in respect to the appointment of a Vice Dean and the term of office of the Churchwarden also elected as a Lay Member of Chapter are in the Welcome Area and on the website. Comments should be submitted by 3rd August to the Dean’s EA liz.snowball@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk .

Congratulations One of our boy choristers, Yohan in Year 7, has come 3rd out of 9300 children in the national Mathematics Olympiad this year for children in Year 6 to 8.  Congratulations to him!


Wednesday’s midday service will be a Requiem Eucharist for the late Brian King. Brian’s family have asked that anyone attending the service please avoids sombre clothing. The service replaces our regular Wednesday service of Holy Communion.

Lunchtime Live We are looking for volunteers to help prepare sandwiches and sell snacks and drinks at our term-time weekly recital series on Thursdays.  Please contact Tim Burnett for more information. 

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral The 2019 Yearbook will be sent to members next week.  Details of membership are on the website and in the booklets in the Welcome Area or please contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Michael Purvis The obituary from the Times Higher Education Supplement published on the 30th May 2019 of our former Churchwarden and member of the Fabric Advisory Committee is available on the Cathedral’s website with a copy in the Welcome Area.

1000 mile bicycle ride for Lifestreams  One of our Churchwardens, Sue Ward, welcomed the Revd Colin Baldwin when he came to the Cathedral on Tuesday, as a stop-off for his bicycle ride to raise funds for Lifestreams (Saint Stephen’s, Southend), to build a community facility and play area.  The project can be supported through Just Giving  https://bit.ly/2GerMVo

Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride involves people of all ages who spend an enjoyable time raising money for repairs and restoration to the churches and chapels of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Half the money you raise goes to the church of your choice. The Cathedral will be open to Riders and Striders on Saturday 14th September but if you would be interested in taking a more active part please go http://www.hihct.org.uk or contact the Cathedral Offices.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact the Precentor 023 9275 2335 or the Dean 023 9282 4400.


Portsmouth and Hampshire Art Society Summer Exhibition Friday 26th July - Wednesday 7th August.  PHAS was formed in 1909 under the guidance of the renowned marine artist W L Wyllie RA.  The exhibition is of works by both professionals and amateur artists in a range of styles and media.

Lunchtime Recital 1.10pm Monday 29th July. Wyatt Smith and Tracelyn Gesteland (organ, piano and voice). Free with retiring collection. Light refreshments available from 12.30pm.   

Silver Screen: The Greatest Showman (2017) 2.00pm Tuesday 30th July in Becket Hall.  Free event, tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.



All those in need including: Donald, Robert, Poppy, Barry, Mary, Tim, Susan, Stuart, Derek and Sue.

And those who have died: Hugh Rees Phillips, Geoff Hewitt, Freda Evans, John Fellows (deacon), June Cox, Joanne Chapman, John Leighton, Veronica McMurren and Brian King (Cathedral funeral 12.00pm Wednesday 24th July) RIP.

Sunday 21st July, Fifth Sunday after Trinity

0800           Holy Communion (BCP said)

1030           Eucharist with Installation of Lay Chapter

sung by the Choir of St Helen’s Church, Wheathamstead

                           Preacher: The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Rustell  

                           Readings: Genesis 18.1-10a; Luke 10.38-end

1230           Holy Baptism

1800           Choral Evensong sung by the Choir of St Helen’s Church, Wheathamstead

                           Preacher: The Revd James Hair, Diocesan Mental Health Adviser                 

                        Readings: Isaiah 25.1-9: Luke 8.1-3.

This Week

Monday            0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion

                        1800   Evening Prayer said

Tuesday           0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion

                           1800   Evening Prayer said

Wednesday     0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion    

                1200   Requiem Service for Brian King

                1800   Evening Prayer said

Thursday         0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion

                        1800   Evening Prayer said

Friday              0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion

                1200   Holy Communion

                   1800   Evening Prayer said

Saturday         1700   Evening Prayer said

Sunday 28th July, Sixth Sunday after Trinity

0800           Holy Communion (BCP said)

1030           Eucharist congregational

                           Preacher: The Canon Precentor                   

                           Readings: Genesis 18.20-32; Luke 11.1-13

1800                 Evensong congregational

                           Preacher: The Revd Canon DrAnthony Rustell

                           Readings: Genesis 42.1-25; 1 Corinthians 10.1-24

2000          Taizé-style Night Prayer

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here