Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 7th July 2019

We have reached the time of year when we are saying a number of goodbyes, from choir members to our outgoing Chapter Clerk, Peter Sanders. Such occasions are poignant and an occasion for grateful thanksgiving – but also for reflection on how the life of the church has a continuity that does not depend on particular individuals. After the summer holidays our choirs will be back with new members, and if all goes well next Thursday we will be begin the process of appointing a successor to Peter. I write this in the knowledge that it has recently been announced who is taking on the role I left to come to Portsmouth!

Some of you know that I was baptised and confirmed in my early twenties. When I look back at that period, it strikes me that one of the key differences this made was an awareness that life could be about more than my own personal aims and aspirations (however worthy in themselves). As a newly baptised Christian, I was now considering what God might want of me, and how I might play some small part in the unfolding purposes of God. I did this knowing that God’s purposes are eternal: that is they existed long before I did, and would carry on long after I was gone.

To this day I find it encouraging that anything I am able to do, by God’s grace that contributes to God’s purposes, is never wasted or forgotten. The same is true, of course, for all seeking to follow Christ, for the whole life of the Church, and for those to whom we are currently saying ‘farewell’ and ‘thank you’.

A more poetic, even fanciful, way of expressing this is to be found in what I said to outgoing members of Cantate: about how their singing sinks into the very stones of the Cathedral, imbuing the place with a sense of the sacred and of divine encounter. Those who sing and serve here are never forgotten, even as they move on to different roles and phases of life.

The Very Revd Dr Anthony Cane

Dean of Portsmouth


Canon Anthony is at Swanmore this morning.

Welcome to all those attending today’s services as we say farewell and thank you to the Chapter Clerk, Peter Sanders and this year’s scholars from the Cathedral Choir.

The Service and Events Lists New editions are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Diocesan School Leavers’ Workshops and Services This week over 1,300 children visited the Cathedral to attend the Church School Leavers’ Services and Workshops from 35 schools across the Diocese. The schools have each created a Bee Canvas artwork some of which are displayed in the Cathedral, with others in local business windows and the Hot Walls Studios. Why not pick up a leaflet in the Cathedral and walk the trail to see their amazing designs and explore the local area? Thank you to all the volunteers and staff who made this possible.

Volunteer Thank You over 100 of our volunteers joined us for tea in the Nave and Choral Evensong. The event gave us the opportunity to show our appreciation to all those who give their time and talents so generously to the Cathedral. A big thank you to all the staff who made this possible. Volunteers Tea next year will be held on Thursday 4th June 2020, please put this date in your diaries. If you would like to join our team of volunteers please contact outreach@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.


Chapter The agenda for this week’s meeting is on the noticeboard and website.

Appointments Interviews for the positions of Chapter Clerk and Chief Operating Officer and Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean will take place on Thursday 11th and Tuesday 23rd July respectively. Further information is given in a letter from the Dean which is available in the Cathedral and on the website.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact the Precentor 023 9275 2335 or the Dean 023 9282 4400.

Craft & Chat Group are knitting woolly hats for the Sailors’ Society. Donations of double knitting wool can be left in the Cathedral Shop. The group next meets on Thursday 1st August.

Love Our Oceans/Messy Blue 10.00am-12.00pm Saturday 13th July, St Mary’s Church, Fratton. Free climate change event with lots of activities for children. Displays by Greenpeace, Christian Aid, Fairtrade and many others. https://bit.ly/2RtR0Dv .


Omega Printmakers until Friday 19th July. Omega Printmakers will be curating their tenth exhibition of original works, which have been printed here in Portsmouth. The work of over twenty artists will be on show in the ambulatory.

Pete Codling’s Soup of Souls Due to the complexities involved, the take down of Pete Codling’s stunning exhibition has been delayed to the 20th August. The scaffold involved will also be used for maintenance tasks within the Cathedral.

Cathedral Lunch Club 12.30pm on Tuesdays in Becket Hall. Enjoy good company over a two course lunch, served by a dedicated team of volunteers. £4.00 per person. All welcome.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 11th July. Tom Moore (organist). Free with retiring collection. Refreshments available from 12.30pm. Join us for the final recital of the summer. The Autumn season begins on Thursday 12th September.

Diocesan Spirituality Day - Hymns and Spiritual Songs 10.00am – 1.00pm Saturday 20th July in Becket Hall. A chance to explore what God might be saying to us, and what we might be saying about God, through the words that we sing as well as those that don’t with Rev David Morgan, Assistant Curate of St Faith’s, Havant. Cost £6.00 per person. Coffee available from 9.30am, hot drinks provided during the day. Booking essential via https://bit.ly/2RThkaB .

Installation of Canons of Honour 6.00pm Sunday 14th July The Revd Canon Angela Tilby, Professor Graeme Smith and the Revd James Grenfell will be installed during Choral Evensong next Sunday. Bishop Christopher said ‘The appointment of Canons of Honour enable recognition of Christian service beyond as well as in the diocese. Following recent changes to the Cathedral’s constitution, I am now delighted to appoint three new Canons who contribute in outstanding ways locally, regionally and nationally in communicating our values and witness.”

Living Well - “Lighten Our Darkness” – sermons on aspects of Mental Health Sunday 21st July. ‘Breakthrough rather than breakdown?’ with the Revd James Hair, Portsmouth Diocesan Adviser for Mental Health. Please join us at 6.00pm Choral Evensong as we continue to explore wellbeing and mental health.

Portsmouth and Hampshire Art Society Summer Exhibition Friday 26th July – Wednesday 7th August. PHAS was formed in 1909 under the guidance of the renowned marine artist W L Wyllie RA. The exhibition is of works by both professionals and amateur artists in a range of styles and media.

Peter Marlow ‘The English Cathedral’ Exhibition Friday 9th August – Friday 6th September. An exhibition of photographs taken by Peter Marlow between 2010 and 2012, of the Naves of all 42 of England’s Anglican Cathedrals using natural light at dawn.


All those in need including: Donald, Robert, Laurence, Poppy, Barry, Mary, Tim, Susan, Stuart and Derek.

And those who have died: Sara Hughes, Robin Sard, Hugh Rees Phillips, Geoff Hewitt, Freda Evans, June Cox, John Fellows (deacon), Joanne Chapman and John Leighton RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here