Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 28th July 2019

Sunday 28th July 2019

Sixth Sunday after Trinity

The Bible, and especially the Psalms, sometimes uses the image of storm and heat for God. Psalm 18 talks about God ‘flying on the wings of the storm’ to rescue us, with lightning bursting from the ‘brightness of his presence.’ The prophets speak of God as being like a refiner’s fire or sun of righteousness.

This past week has brought us much heat, and more than one storm. The holiday season has brought huge numbers of young people and visitors into the parish – with some of the associated issues of high spirits and overheated behaviour on our beaches. But it is lovely to be in an area that people seek out for relaxation and recreation even so.

This coming week promises to be a bit cooler and calmer. But we still have plenty of political storms ahead. The Bible more frequently uses the image of shade and shelter for God: an ark from the storm and protection from scorching heat. Our Cathedral is inviting in these summer days and we have the artistic refreshment of the Portsmouth and Hampshire Arts Society exhibition as well as the spiritual refreshment of Choral Evensong through this coming week sung by the choir of St Francis, Welwyn Garden City.

In heat or shade, storm or calm, God is a sure source of joy and of comfort in times of need. In the words of a recent hymn:


            As water to the thirsty, as beauty to the eyes,

            as strength that follows weakness, as truth instead of lies,

            as songtime and springtime and summertime to be,

            so is my Lord, my living Lord, so is my Lord to me.




The Reverend Canon Dr Jo Spreadbury

Canon Precentor


Welcome to all those attending our services today.

Portsmouth and Hampshire Art Society Summer Exhibition until the 7th August.  PHAS was formed in 1909 under the guidance of the renowned marine artist W L Wyllie RA.  The exhibition and sale of art includes works by both professionals and amateur artists in a range of styles and media.

The Service and Events Lists New editions are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Carole King and family would like to thank all members of the Cathedral community for their prayerful support and for the lovely Requiem Eucharist for Brian held on Wednesday 24 July. You all made a big difference, so thank you.

Cathedral Staffing An update from the Dean’s letter dated the 14th June 2019.  ‘I’m delighted to say that a bid to the Cathedral’s Sustainability Fund has been successful and that in the early autumn we will be able to recruit a new Head of Fundraising and Events.  The grant covers the first three years of this post, and has been awarded to the basis that the post holder will be able to make a significant contribution to the future financial sustainability of Portsmouth Cathedral.  It is also the case that following interviews on the 11th July for a new Chapter Clerk, we have offered the post to someone I cannot name at this point, as the formalities around the appointment have not yet been completed.  I will let you know more on this, and the appointment of the Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean, as soon as I can.  Do keep us in your prayers as we seek to bring our staff team up to full strength’.  With prayers and best wishes, The Dean.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral The 2019 Yearbook, which includes articles on the archives, architecture and history of the Cathedral, was sent to members this week. If you have not received your copy or would be interested in joining the Friends please contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Constitution and Statutes The Cathedral Council wishes to revise the Constitution and Statutes using the authority invested in it by the Cathedral’s Measure of 1999.  The amendments are in respect to the appointment of a Vice Dean and the term of office of the Churchwarden also elected as a Lay Member of Chapter.  Please take time to read the full details which are in the Welcome Area and on the website. Comments should be submitted by 3rd August to the Dean’s PA liz.snowball@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Lunchtime Live We are looking for volunteers to help prepare sandwiches and sell snacks and drinks at our term-time weekly recital series on Thursdays.  Please contact Tim Burnett for more information.  The new series starts on Thursday 12th September at 1.10pm with Isabel Nisbet and Rhidian Jones (contralto & piano).

Ride & Stride Saturday 14th September.  If any members of our congregation would like to take part as riders and striders in the annual event in aid of the Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust then please contact Liz Snowball in the Cathedral Offices.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact the Precentor 023 9275 2335 or the Dean 023 9282 4400.


Lunchtime Recital 1.10pm Monday 29th July. Wyatt Smith and Tracelyn Gesteland (organ, piano and voice). Free with retiring collection. Light refreshments available from 12.30pm.   

Choral Evensong We welcome the Choir of St Francis Church, Welwyn Garden City singing Evensong this week whilst the Cathedral Choirs are on holiday.

Community Groups: Lunch Club this Tuesday 30th July is the last until 3rd September. Toddlers’ Group will begin again on Wednesday 4th September.

Silver Screen: The Greatest Showman (2017) 2.00pm Tuesday 30th July in Becket Hall.  Free event, tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.

Craft and Chat 2.30pm Thursday 1st August in the Bishop Kenneth Room. New members welcome.

Peter Marlow ‘The English Cathedral’ Exhibition Friday 9th August – Tuesday 6th SeptemberAn exhibition of photographs taken by Peter Marlow between 2010 and 2012, of the Naves of all 42 of England’s Anglican Cathedrals.

Heritage Open Days Friday 20th, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September. Areas of the Cathedral not normally accessible will be open and special talks arranged during this year’s event.

Living Well - “Lighten Our Darkness” – sermons on aspects of Mental Health Please join us at 6.00pm Choral Evensong on the following Sundays as we continue to explore wellbeing and mental health.

25th August ‘Caring for people in the community’ The Revd Jen Holder, Honorary Chaplain Southern Health NHS Trust.

22nd September ‘Young people’s mental health and the concerns schools are facing’ The Revd Richard Wharton, Portsmouth & Winchester Education Team School Adviser.

27th October ‘Caring for the carers’ The Revd Anne Lindsay, former Chaplain to Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.

24th November ‘Older people’s mental health’ The Revd Canon Nick Fennemore, Head of Chaplaincy Southern Health NHS Trust.


All those in need including: Donald, Robert, Poppy, Barry, Mary, Tim, Susan, Stuart, Derek and Sue.

And those who have died: Hugh Rees Phillips, Geoff Hewitt, Freda Evans, John Fellows (deacon), June Cox, Joanne Chapman, John Leighton, Veronica McMurren and Brian King RIP.

Sunday 28th July

Sixth Sunday after Trinity

0800              Holy Communion (BCP said)

1030              Eucharist congregational

                           Preacher: The Canon Precentor                  

                           Readings: Genesis 18.20-32; Luke 11.1-13

1800             Evensong congregational

                           Preacher: The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Rustell

                           Readings: Genesis 42.1-25; 1 Corinthians 10.1-24

2000            Taizé-style Night Prayer

This Week

Monday       0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion

                       1800   Choral Evensong sung by the Choir of St Francis Church, Welwyn Garden City

Tuesday       0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion

                       1800   Choral Evensong sung by the Choir of St Francis Church, Welwyn Garden City

Wednesday  0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion 

                     1200    Holy Communion 

              1800   Choral Evensong sung by the Choir of St Francis Church, Welwyn Garden City

Thursday      0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion

                        1800   Evening Prayer said

Friday           0740   Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion

                   1200   Holy Communion

                       1800   Choral Evensong sung by the Choir of St Francis Church, Welwyn Garden City

Saturday       1700   Choral Evensong sung by the Choir of St Faith’s Church, Lee-on-the-Solent

Sunday 4th August

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

0800              Holy Communion (BCP said)

1030              Eucharist sung by the Choir of St Francis Church, Welwyn Garden City

                           Preacher: The Revd Dr Ruth Tuschling                  

                           Readings: Ecclesiastes 1.2, 12-14; Luke 12.13-21

1800             Choral Evensong sung by the Choir of St Francis Church, Welwyn Garden City

                           Preacher: The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Rustell

                           Readings: Genesis 50.4-end; 1 Corinthians 14.1-19

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here