Portsmouth Cathedral

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Our New Chapter Clerk: Richard Abraham

The Cathedral has appointed Richard Abraham to the post of Chapter Clerk and Chief Operating Officer.   He will begin on Monday 2nd September.   Richard comes to us with a wealth of expertise and experience, most recently having worked for the Diocese in Europe as a Business Improvement Consultant.   The Dean said, ‘I am delighted that Richard is joining the Cathedral team, bringing just the skills and background we need at this point in our history.  There are not too many people with both an impressive record of building successful organisations, and a deep knowledge of Anglicanism, but Richard is one of them.’

Below Richard introduces himself in his own words:

‘I'm tempted to start this with a headline that could appear in the local newspaper:  ‘Former alcohol and drug addict administrator announced as new Chapter Clerk and COO’ and leave it to the Dean's youngest son [as the Dean mentioned in his installation sermon] to delete a word again. Indeed the Dean and I have both worked in the drug and alcohol sector in previous lives, but I'm not sure that's why I was offered the opportunity to work with all of you here at the Cathedral.

I'm delighted to be joining the Cathedral team under the leadership of our new Dean.  Portsmouth Cathedral is unique amongst English Cathedrals combining the ancient and the modern to provide a worship space that is both awesome and intimate.

I look forward to working with individuals right across the cathedral, the local community and the wider church to build upon the strengths of the Cathedral and to ensure it develops a strong and diverse financial base upon which it will continue to be a beacon of God across Portsmouth and projecting that beacon of God across the sea. There will be challenges ahead and I look forward to meeting them together.

As the son, grandson and great-grandson of Anglican clerics, I have seen the positive transformative effect the church can play in the spiritual life and social progress of a community.  As a Canadian who has live in Newfoundland, Australia and for the past twenty odd years in London I have had the opportunity to work in senior transformation roles across the public, private and non-profit sectors.  I have also been active in my church of St. Anne's, Soho were I have in the past been Church Warden and School Governor.  I hope to bring all of this experience to my role at the Cathedral as we work to build on our strengths and develop the Cathedral into the future.

I look forward to getting to know you and work with you over the years to come.’