Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 11th August 2019

It may seem paradoxical to claim that beauty is one of the most neglected features of our age because we are surrounded by so many images, both on paper and in electronic form that tell us what is fashionable and what it is for something to look ‘right’. Yet most of this presentation in the media has no depth, meaning or purpose to it: most of the images reflect trends that our society could reverse overnight if they were regarded as no longer cutting edge. Most of the images, if not actually harmful in promoting a certain view of the human body, are nearly always presented to sell products and make money: they do not point beyond themselves to a deeper truth and goodness.

It is profoundly sad that our society has become so obsessed with efficiency, products and financial return that education and the arts have become commodified, and are often now regarded more as a way of engaging participants in order to generate income than to expand their minds and challenge their ideas so that they are able to creatively re-imagine the world. Indeed, there is a case to be made that commercialised images are about providing a distraction from the challenge of mortality and meaning that is central to human existence.

Beauty, whether musical, poetic, liturgical or theological, is about the enriching of human existence: creativity is a place of encounter with God. Even in our post-Christian society, cathedrals are central to such encounters: cathedral buildings are on such a scale that they evoke a sense of the numinous; carol services remain a staple of what Christmas means; our engagement with art and philosophy creates a space in which people can stop and think without being asked to buy something.

On Friday an exhibition of photographs: ‘The English Cathedral’ by Peter Marlow will begin here. The exhibition is not only an opportunity to look at the scale, similarities and differences of cathedral buildings, but is also an opportunity to ask what these buildings tell us about what we think is good and true.

The Reverend Canon Dr Anthony Rustell

Residentiary Canon


Welcome to the congregation of St George’s attending our services today whilst the church is being redecorated and Laudate who are singing for us whilst the Cathedral Choirs are on holiday.

Refreshments Homemade Lemonade will be served after our 10.30am services, outside if the weather permits, until the end of August. Many thanks to all those who help with our Sunday morning refreshments throughout the year.

The Service and Events Lists New editions are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral The 2019 Yearbook, which includes articles on the archives, architecture and history of the Cathedral, has been sent out to members. If you have not received your copy or would be interested in joining the Friends please contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Care of Cathedrals Measure The Chapter has applied to the Fabric Advisory Committee for approval to investigative and carry out survey works of the South Transept, internally and externally, and the Flower Room internally. Public Notices are in place and the details of the proposed works can be viewed in the Cathedral Offices during working hours and any representations made by 27th August. The works are planned to take place in the early autumn.

Choral Evensong with the Installation of the Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight Following his licensing, collation and installation at Newport Minster, the Venerable Peter Leonard, will be welcomed at the Cathedral during Choral Evensong at 5pm on Saturday 7th September. The service will be followed by a reception. All are welcome.

Ride & Stride Saturday 14th September. If any members of our congregation would like to take part as riders and striders in the annual event in aid of the Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust then please contact Liz Snowball in the Cathedral Offices.

Choral Evensong with commemoration of the life of Monica Ditmas Sunday 15th September. Bishop Stephen Platten, whom some of the congregation might remember, will be preaching at a special service to remember Monica Ditmas (Lay Canon Emeritus) who has died.


Cathedral Lunch Club will restart on Tuesday 3rd September and Baby and Toddler Group on Wednesday 4th September.

Craft and Chat will restart on Thursday 5th September at 2.30pm in the Bishop Kenneth Room. All Welcome.

‘The English Cathedral’ by Peter Marlow until Sunday 8th September. An exhibition of photographs taken by Peter Marlow between 2010 and 2012, of the naves of all 42 of England’s Anglican cathedrals. Further details at https://bit.ly/2YSCZ8Q. All welcome to join us at the closing reception in the Nave on Thursday 5th September at 6.30pm. Please confirm your attendance to outreach@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Living Well - “Lighten Our Darkness” – sermons on aspects of Mental Health Please join us at 6.00pm Choral Evensong on the following Sundays as we continue to explore wellbeing and mental health.

  • 25th August ‘Caring for people in the community’ The Revd Jen Holder, Honorary Chaplin Southern Health NHS Trust.

  • 22nd September ‘Young people’s mental health and the concerns schools are facing’ The Revd Richard Wharton, Portsmouth & Winchester Education Team School Adviser.

  • 27th October ‘Caring for the carers’ The Revd Anne Lindsay, former Chaplain to Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.

  • 24th November ‘Older people’s mental health’ The Revd Canon Nick Fennemore, Head of Chaplaincy Southern Health NHS Trust.

Lunchtime Live The new series starts on Thursday 12th September at 1.10pm with Isabel Nisbet and Rhidian Jones (contralto & piano). Free with retiring collection. Light refreshments available from 12.30pm.

Harvest Celebration Barn Dance Saturday 21st September 6.30pm till 10.30pm. Adult £15.00 (includes hog roast or vegetarian cheese ploughman option with a free drink and dancing), Child £6.00 (includes hog roast). Free water and squash and cheese and biscuits. There will be a paid bar providing wine, beer, G&T and snacks. Tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.

25 Years Heritage Open Days Saturday 21st September 10.00am – 4.00pm and Sunday 22nd September 12.00pm – 4.00pm. Areas of the Cathedral not normally accessible will be open and special talks arranged during this year’s event. Further details will be available soon.


All those preparing for their wedding: Peter and Rebecca

All those preparing for renewal of wedding vows: Mr and Mrs Ware.

All those in need including: Donald, Robert, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Stuart and Derek.

And those who have died: Veronica McMurren, Brian King and Elisabeth (Lis) Richards (Cathedral funeral 1.30pm Wednesday 21st August) RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here

Portsmouth Cathedral