Choral Worship Returns to Portsmouth Cathedral
We are delighted to announce the return of full choral worship to Portsmouth Cathedral following six months without our choirs.
The recent easing of national guidance, informed by new research into the transmission risk of singing, means that our choirs can now rehearse and lead choral worship once again. We are reintroducing choral services gradually; our new pattern of sung worship will be:
11.00am: Sung Holy Communion
5.30pm: Choral Evensong
Weekday Choral Evensong:
5.30pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
All these services will be open to the public to attend. As with all visits to the Cathedral , you will need to wear a face covering (unless you have an exemption) and you will be asked for contact details as part of Track and Trace.
Dean Anthony writes:
‘I am delighted to be welcoming back our wonderful choirs. Choral music is a key part of Cathedral life and worship, helping us into a deeper experience of the beauty and peace of God. You would be most welcome at any of our choral services, many of which are also available online.
Portsmouth Cathedral Choir. Photo taken before 2020.
We have been keeping in touch with our choristers and their families through online rehearsals, but there is only so much that can be done using technology. All our choristers, Lay Clerks, Choral Scholars and Music Staff are thrilled to be singing together again:
‘I can’t wait to get back to singing in our stalls once again, and having the opportunity to sing to our cathedral congregations in person!’ Jake, Head Chorister
‘I can’t wait to be singing evensong again as we used to and being so fortunate as to be able to do it back in the Cathedral!’ Lavinia, Head Chorister
We look forward to welcoming you back to Choral Evensong very soon.
BBC Radio 3 Broadcast from Portsmouth Cathedral
On Wednesday 23 September Choral Evensong will be broadcast live from Portsmouth Cathedral on BBC Radio 3 at 3.30pm. This will be the first BBC Radio 3 broadcast from a cathedral choir and from outside London since March 2020. We are hugely excited to be welcome back the BBC Radio 3 team and hope you will listen live via radio of the BBC Radio 3 website.
Please note that you will not be able to attend this service in person.
Lunchtime Live
Our Lunchtime Live series of recitals will resume on Thursday 10th September. This term we will be welcoming a variety of pianists, organists and string players. The first performance of the autumn series will be given by organist Carl Grainger. Details of future performers will be released soon.
All recitals will take place in the Portsmouth Cathedral Nave at 1:10 pm on Thursdays, lasting for up to 50 minutes. Admission is free with retiring collection. Please note that we are unable to offer refreshments until further notice.