Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 12th January 2020

We celebrate today the feast of the Baptism of Christ within the season of Epiphany: God’s glory is revealed as Jesus is baptised and shown to be the beloved Son, as God’s glory was also revealed to the Magi who came to worship the infant Christ, and later at the wedding at Cana when the water was turned to wine – foreshadowing every occasion when poverty is turned to riches and sorrow into joy.

So it is good at the start of the New Year to be reminded of our own baptism – and in the 10.30 service all will be invited to renew their baptismal vows. In the Methodist tradition, the new year is often when a Covenant Service is celebrated, a reminder of God’s covenant – God’s total promise of love for all his children. In the same way in the Anglican tradition, we have the chance to be reminded of God’s promises to us in baptism, when God named each of us as a beloved son or daughter, and to recommit ourselves to the baptismal promises made by us or for us: to turn away, by God’s guidance, from darkness and death and turn towards God’s light and life.

We also begin this week a sermon series that will be preached by our Honorary Canons throughout the year: an opportunity in this Becket 2020 year to be reminded of the life and faith of our patron, St Thomas of Canterbury, and follow in his steps as pilgrims seeking God’s glory. We are invited to think of where our faith journey has taken us since our baptism – however long or short a time ago it was – and ask God’s grace to help us bravely step out in faith into the future.

The Reverend Canon Dr Jo Spreadbury

Canon Precentor


Welcome to all those attending our services.

Becket 2020 Please join us at 6.00pm this evening for the first in a monthly sermon series as part of our Becket 2020 celebrations. ‘Baptism: Beginning the Journey – Becket’s baptism and ours’ with Canon Tom Kennar from St Faith’s, Havant. Details of other planned events are on a separate leaflet.

The Service List and Events Lists are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern or would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo on 9275 2335 or the Dean on 9282 3300.

Re-opening the South West Door Fundraiser To date 45% of the total funds necessary to complete the refurbishment of this door has been raised. Donations can be made until the end of January via the Cathedral Offices or https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/cathedralsouthwestdoor.

Cathedral Clock The chiming of the quarters will once again be gently heard over Old Portsmouth from Thursday 16th January when the chimes will restart at 7.00pm following Choral Evensong. Please come along for Evensong at 6.00pm and let us know through clock@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk if you would like to join us in marking the restarting of the chimes. The Cathedral is very grateful to Stephen Piper for undertaking this work.

Cathedral Consort is singing next weekend at Utsjoki Church in Lapland for services and concerts. This is Cathedral Consort’s first tour since its foundation in 2012 and is entirely self-funded by choir members.

Becket’s Bunch Sunday School will restart on Sunday 2nd February, meeting during the 10.30am Eucharist service in the Bishop Kenneth Room.

Christmas Fair – Susan Boyle Tickets Can the person who won the tickets please contact Nicky or Liz at the Cathedral Offices 023 9282 3300.

Cathedral Guides Our team of friendly and knowledgeable Guide Welcomers and Guides are looking for new members. The training course of five one hour sessions on Wednesday mornings starts on 15th January. Please contact our Head Guide, Margaret Wilson for further details.

Rainbows and Brownies Spaces available to join Rainbows (girls ages 5-7) and Brownies (girls ages 7-10) who meet on Mondays in term time in Becket Hall. A fun and exciting termly programme for girls to learn by doing and develop being leaders. Run by fully trained Girl Guiding Volunteers. Further details portsmouthcathedralbrownies@outlook.com.

Christmas and foreign stamps Used stamps can be donated to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance in the box at the Cathedral Shop.

Vacancy Part-time Cleaner required to join the existing staff and volunteers. Six hours per week worked Tuesday and Friday and alternate Saturdays/Sundays mornings plus occasional overtime. Details and application form available on the website or from Liz in the Cathedral Offices liz.snowball@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk. Closing date Monday 27th January.


Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 16th January with Sanctus (soprano saxophone & organ). Free with retiring collection and light refreshments.

Fish & Chip Quiz Night 7.00pm Saturday 18th January in Becket Hall with proceeds to the Society of St James, helping the homeless. Tickets £12.00 (vegetarian option available) on sale from the Cathedral Shop.

Muslim/Christian Evening 7.00pm Tuesday 21st January. Please join us for this important event of friendship, music, prayer and food with our friends from the Wessex Jamaat. Please sign the sheet in the Welcome Area if you are attending and can bring vegetarian food to share.

Taizé-style Night Prayer Our next service will be at 8.00pm on Sunday 26th January. All welcome.

Cathedral Club 2.45pm Thursday 30th January in Becket Hall. “Photographs of the Holy Land” Donation £1, free tea/coffee and biscuits. All welcome.

Tear and Repair The work of Nicola Clare Moody through her collaboration with Azalea Luton, a charity that works with women caught in commercial sexual exploitation. Five woven hangings using the language of textiles to communicate different narratives are on display until 23rd January. Nicola will give a talk about the creation of “Tear and Repair” on Thursday 23rd January 2.30pm – 3.15pm. Free event, booking through Eventbrite.

Naivety – A contemporary nativity Pete Codling’s exhibition continues in the Nave until 27th January. The symbolism, allegory and metaphor used in the images is powerful and thought provoking. Prints of the works and of Soup of Souls, are also on display and for sale. There will be an opportunity to hear about the work from Pete after Choral Evensong on Thursday 23rd January.

Becket 2020 As part of our 2020 celebrations at Portsmouth Cathedral we are inviting all parishes to join in a variety of pilgrimage days and activities during the year. Each month at 6.00pm Sunday Choral Evensong we have invited one of our Honorary Canons to preach. The next sermons in the series will be:

23rd February - Looking Ahead: Hope and Glory Canon Julie Price (Warblington and Emsworth)

8th March - Lent: Wilderness and exile Canon Kevin Arkell (Newport)

26th April - Journeying with Christ Canon Bob White (St Mary’s, Fratton)


All those in need including: Bob, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Patricia, Trevor, Roy, Emrys and Reuben.

And those who have died: Stuart McCullagh and John Jenkins RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here

Portsmouth Cathedral