Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 11 October Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Welcome from Canon Anthony Rustell

This weekend our new cathedral curate, Catherine, is ordained as a deacon. This has been a long wait for her and for our community after the ordinations at the beginning of July were delayed due to the pandemic. We will be holding her is our prayers as she is ordained.

Often the diaconate tends to get squeezed out of our thinking about ministry. Generally, the church has a tendency to talk mainly about priestly ministry because the first year of ordination as a deacon tends to be transitional before someone goes on to be priested, and because few clergy are chosen for consecration as bishops.

Yet most of what clergy do is diaconal, and there are only a few things we do in ministry that are really presbyteral: presiding at the eucharist and offering absolution being the most obvious examples. The ministry of deacons is about pastoral care, community outreach, preaching and teaching, and a sacramental ministry of baptism. It is important for all clergy, including priests and bishops, to remember that they are also deacons, and so their commitments to that ministry remain lifelong.

In the last century there was a great deal of discussion about the role of deacons, in part inspired by the rediscovery of the fact that there were female deacons in the early church. Historically the role of deacon was primarily either a function in the liturgy that involved reading the Gospel, or was seen in terms of the early church emphasis on a ministry of servanthood that was about serving the needs of the poor (as the first deacons, including Stephen, are described as doing in Acts).

However, another role of deacons has been emphasised in recent discussions: the deacon as ambassador for Christ. The word deacon comes from the Greek for servant and is not a role to be confused with the role of a slave. Instead servants were those who held authority from their masters and could represent them in their business. When meeting one of their master’s business associates, the servant would be treated as if he were his master, and to insult the servant was to insult the master.

Catherine, and indeed all clergy, have the responsibility of representing Christ publicly in our church and to the local community. So, at this time we pray for Catherine, and all who minister in our Cathedral, that we may be those who bring the presence of Christ into the midst of our world.

The Reverend Canon Dr Anthony Rustell
Residentiary Canon

Visiting the Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral is open every day and all are welcome.

Services and Worship

We hold services at Portsmouth Cathedral every day. Find out more about our services here.

Online Services

Many services from the Cathedral are broadcast on Facebook. We also broadcast Morning Prayer and Compline daily from the homes of our ministry team. Find about more about our online services here.

Orders of service can be found on the Resources Section of our website here.

Prayers and Intercessions

Those who are to be Confirmed at the Cathedral next Saturday 17 at 3.00 pm and who will receive Communion for the first time here on Sunday 18: Catherine, Donna, Georgia, Isabel, and Katharine.

We pray for all those affected by COVID-19.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Clare, Bob, Derek, Nigel, Trevor, Izzy, Jenny, Clare, (baby) Jonah, Bishop Peter Hancock, Laurence, Joey, Sylvia, and all those in need.

All those who have died: Brian Cook (priest), Joyce Humphreys, Rachel Welch, Tracy Finn and Margaret RIP.

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

In the notices this week:

Upcoming Services and Events

  • The Ordination of Catherine, our Cathedral Curate 

  • Cathedral Toddler Service - a new direction

  • Diocese online event ‘The Devil’s Storyteller?’ - Thursday 15 October

  • Lunchtime Live - Thursday 15 October

  • Confirmation Service - Saturday 17 October

  • New Bible Discussion Group

Community News

  • Portsmouth Cathedral announces a one-off grant from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage

  • Welcome to Joseph Keele-Toms new Digital Marketing Manager

  • Cathedral Offices

  • Cathedral Shop Reopens from 19 October

  • Chapter News

  • Baby Loss Awareness Week

  • One World Week

  • The Roberts Centre - Family Friends 2020

  • Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral

  • Thank you for supporting Portsmouth Cathedral

Upcoming Services and Events

Ordination of Catherine Edenborough 

As Canon Anthony mentions above, Catherine will be ordained deacon by Bishop Christopher at 3.00 pm this Saturday, 10 October.  Due to Covid restrictions on numbers, it will only be possible for Catherine’s immediate family and friends to attend the service, but it will be livestreamed by our Diocese, and we will be sharing their stream on the Cathedral’s Facebook page, so that as many people as possible can share in this joyful occasion.  Please pray for Catherine and for Max at the beginning of this new ministry, and also for Catherine’s fellow ordinands, Hannah, Matthew and Jack.

Cathedral Toddler Service

We’ve discovered that Zoom is tricky for people with toddlers!  So we’re now going back to Facebook Live, for a service once a month.  Online Toddlers will happen on the first Wednesday of every month at 2.00 pm, starting on Wednesday 4 November.  We’ll send out a reminder nearer the time, but meanwhile, do let your family and friends know. 

Canon Kathryn

Diocese online event ‘The Devil’s Storyteller?’ Thursday 15 October

On Thursday 15 October Dean Anthony is running a study event on Zoom for everyone in the Diocese titled ‘The Devil’s Storyteller?  - the work of Philip Pullman and its roots in Milton and C.S. Lewis’.   The event runs from 10.00-13.00, and the session titles are as follows: 1. Inspiration - Milton’s Paradise Lost; 2. Provocation - C.S. Lewis’ Narnia; 3. Rebellion: Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. To take part, email Bev.Hughes@Portsmouth.anglican.org   

Lunchtime Live - Thursday 15 October

We are delighted to welcome musicians from The Portsmouth Grammar School as part of our autumn recitals for Lunchtime Live. All are welcome to join in the Cathedral Nave at 1.10 pm. There will be no Lunchtime Live on the 20 and 29 October.

Confirmation service

Bishop Christopher will be confirming five people at a service in the Cathedral next Saturday, 17 October, at 3.00 pm.  Please pray for Catherine, Donna, Georgia, Isabel, and Katharine as they prepare for this important step in their lives.  There will be further details of the service in next week’s notices.

New Bible Discussion Group 

Would you like the chance to deepen your understanding and discuss the Bible and faith with others in a relaxed conversation?  Then give our new Bible Discussion Group a try!  We will meet via Zoom every Thursday at 7.00 pm for an hour, starting from Thursday 22 October.  No previous experience necessary.  The group will be facilitated by the Revd Lyn Comerford, and further details, together with the Zoom link, will be sent out next week.  If you would like to attend, please let Canon Kathryn know if you can, or just turn up. 

Community News

Portsmouth Cathedral announces a one-off grant from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage

We are thrilled and very grateful to have been awarded funding of £266,500 from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage, one of 445 heritage organisations to be supported. The funding will play a vital role in ensuring our financial viability in the short and long term, alongside increased fundraising, commercial events and fiscal restraint.

Read more about how this much-needed grant will support the Cathedral and our heritage here.

Welcome to Joseph Keele-Toms new Digital Marketing Manager

We are delighted to welcome Joseph Keele-Toms to the Portsmouth Cathedral team in the new role of Digital Marketing Manager. This post is entirely supported by a special grant from the Cathedral Sustainability Fund, and we are very grateful for their support. Joseph was appointed following a highly competitive application process. He writes: 

"I’m so excited to be joining Portsmouth Cathedral, a landmark that has always been on the horizon from my home on the Isle of Wight. Growing up I attended services at the Cathedral as part of youth groups and scouting events, so it is a real honour to now be part of the team as we move forward in these challenging yet exciting times.  My background working across a variety of roles within the arts and non-profit sectors has given me a diverse wealth of experience which I hope to be able to draw upon as we move forward as an organisation. From working with large-scale music festivals through to grass-roots community projects, I have most recently been working and consulting with several religious organisations as they reposition their marketing and digital outputs going forward.   The challenges of 2020 have meant many organisations have had to rethink how they communicate with new and existing audiences, throughout my previous work I have always looked for new and innovative ways we can achieve this, and working with Sophie and the whole Cathedral team I believe we have some fantastic opportunities ahead of us which will be sure to put Portsmouth Cathedral on the map and help us continue to support our religious and community work.  I can’t wait to learn more about the Cathedral, the people, and all the fantastic work that happens here so that we can share it with more new audiences both in our local community and further afield." 

Joseph joins the team from Monday 19 October.   

Cathedral Offices

The Cathedral Offices are currently closed to visitor. A limited number of staff will be in office on week days. Most staff are now working from home in line with Government guidance.

We are very grateful to Ronald Rabbetts for once again lending his skills and energy to the Cathedral. Having built the elegant perspex communion screens for the Cathedral, he has now created hanging perspex screens between the desks in the Cathedral office to enhance our Covid protections for staff.   Many thanks again Ronald.

Cathedral Shop Reopens from 19 October

Portsmouth Cathedral’s shop will be reopening from Monday 19 October. As part of our coronavirus measures, we will be reopening with a limited range of products including books, cards and CDs. With Advent and Christmas around the corner, we will also be selling festive products including Advent calendars, Advent candles and Christmas Cards.  We are very grateful to all the Shop Volunteers for making it possible to reopen and run the shop. 

Opening times are available here.

Chapter News

Chapter met on 30 September 2020.  The meeting began with a presentation from the Organist and Master of Choristers, David Price, updating Chapter on his department’s activities during and after lockdown.   

The Chief Operating Officer provided an update on activities across the Cathedral since its last meeting.  Progress was noted in managing the deficit which continues to fall, but also acknowledged that this was mostly due to one-off Covid related grants that would not be repeated in 2021.  The proposed 2021 budget that was provisionally agreed in May 2020 was again reviewed with this budget now due to go to a joint meeting of Cathedral Council and Chapter on 20 October 2020. 

Chapter once again expressed its thanks to staff and volunteers for all they have done during lockdown and since reopening to enable the Cathedral to operate so well in such extraordinary times. 

Baby Loss Awareness Week

Baby Loss Awareness Week runs from 9 - 15 October. Portsmouth Cathedral will be joining in the Wave of Light on Thursday 15 October, lighting up our tower to remember all babies that have died too soon. We will also be saying prayers for all babies who have died and their families during our regular services on Thursday 15 October. Find out more here.

One World Week

This year, Portsmouth One World Week will be held from 18-25 October, with some events happening outside these dates.  All events will be online.  Highlights include Big Pharma and Covid on Wednesday 14, A Green Recovery: the future of transport in Portsmouth on Monday 19, Moving Stories – Climate, Migration and Racism on Tuesday 20, Making the World Better on Thursday 22.  There will also be a Trade deals Day of Action on Saturday 24.  For more information, visit http://www.campaign.exchange/campaigns/one-world-week-2020-2/ or speak to Sue Ward. 

The Roberts Centre - Family Friends 2020

Our friends at the Roberts Centre run a brilliant project called Family Friends which some members of our community already support. The project invites people to support a family in need at Christmas. To find out more or get involved, email carole.damper@robertscentre.org.uk or visit The Roberts Centre website.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral Annual General Meeting

The planned Friends’ AGM this Sunday has been postponed until next year when it is likely to be held with the 2021 AGM. A letter from the Chairman of the Council explaining the key decisions of the Council during the last year will be included in the next Friends’ Newsletter.

Thank you for supporting Portsmouth Cathedral

A huge thank you to everyone who has responded generously to our requests to consider your support of Portsmouth Cathedral. Since March over twenty people have committed to making regular donations or increasing their regular support. Many have also made one off donations to help us through this difficult time.

Thank you for your generosity and your trust.

If you would like to find out more about supporting Portsmouth Cathedral, speak with our Head of Fundraising Sophie Henstridge-Brown on Sophie.Henstridge-Brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or look at our website.

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!                                                                                                                     

The Dean: 023 9282 4400 or Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Jo Spreadbury 023 9275 2335 or Jo.Spreadbury@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967 or Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Cathedral Curate, Catherine Edenborough: 023 9282 3300 extn 221 or Catherine.Edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk (Usual days at the Cathedral: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday)

Messages can also be left on the Cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 or by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.