Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 29 November 2020 - Advent Sunday

Welcome from The Reverend Canon Nick Ralph

Advent may start now, but in many ways, this whole year has felt a bit like Advent – waiting for the coming of light into the world but now we enter Advent fully and look forward to the gifts borne by scientists from East and West in the form of vaccines, knowing that unless the gifts are shared by all, they will be pointless. Well almost. When we have 60-80%+ vaccinated, presumably that will constitute something approaching the herd immunity talked about earlier in the year and needed for the virus to disappear and hopefully become extinct. For now, it could hardly be more ‘Adventian’ to continue to wait in anticipation and hope!

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One of the few positives to have emerged from this whole thing has been the outpouring of love and care for one another and the desire to ensure that everyone is looked after. Spontaneous groups grew up all over the place. In Portsmouth, nearly 10,000 people have signed up as members of the city’s Coronavirus Support group – a testament to the positive potential of social media. They and others have ensured that people get their prescriptions or shopping and that they have some human contact. Each and every one of them is a hero and we should thank them all.

There is also an opportunity to acknowledge those remarkable individuals who have gone above and beyond by nominating them as a Pompey Hero. This is being run jointly by Portsmouth Cathedral and The News. Nominees will be randomly selected to attend a special carol service for these local superstars on Monday 21 December. You can nominate frontline key workers, NHS staff, local volunteers, or simply the helpful person next-door. No matter how big or small, we want to celebrate stories of kindness; and to honour those who have brought positivity and hope to our communities through this challenging year. The nomination window closes on Monday 30th November and you can do it on the Cathedral website: www.portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/heroes

While we cannot open the Cathedral for public worship yet this weekend, it has remained open for private prayer throughout the latest lockdown and remains open. The building has not been closed at all in this period despite what some may have been led to believe by government messaging.

The fact is that from Wednesday 2nd December we can hold acts of public worship. The exact rules vary with the tiers a bit, but in all of them, places of worship can hold services inside, and we will be open on Wednesday for the first public worship since the 1st November. Details are all on the website. It could be viewed as part of the overall rather longer journey towards completely unrestricted services and that much desired ability to sing and participate as we used to, but we aren’t quite there yet.

So, this opening also becomes part of the exploration of the Advent journey. And similarly, our focus needs to be not on ourselves but on him who is to come, the Saviour of the world. For this Sunday please do join in online with our livestreamed services, the 9.30am Eucharist sung by the lay clerks and choral scholars and the 5.30pm Advent Carol Service sung by Cathedral Consort as we anticipate the coming of light into our fallen and suffering world and remembering that when it comes, it cannot be overcome by any darkness.

The Reverend Canon Nick Ralph,

Residentiary Canon

Services and Worship

We look forward to resuming public worship this week, from  Wednesday 2 December, starting with our midday Eucharist with prayers  for Wholeness and Healing. More information can be found on our worship pages, where you can also download our most recent service list.

Until then, the Cathedral is unable to hold Public Worship due to government guidelines. We will continue to be open daily for individual private prayer.

You can join us for daily services streamed online via Facebook Live, including our Sunday morning service streaming at 9.30am during lockdown.

Find the latest information on visiting the Cathedral here, you can also stay up to date with all our latest updates via Facebook and Twitter.


Online Services

Many of our regular services can be streamed online via Facebook Live.

We also broadcast Morning Prayer and Compline daily from the homes of our ministry team. Find out more about our online services here.

Orders of Service, Service Lists and more resources can be found on our prayer resources pages.


Sunday Refreshments at 11:00am via Zoom

Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments, hosted on Zoom at 11:00am. Catch up with other members of the congregation and members of our ministry team.

Please note to maintain security, information on how to join the Zoom call will be sent with our emailed notices. You can join our mailing list here.


Prayers and Intercessions

We pray for all those affected by COVID-19.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Bob, Derek, Nigel, Trevor, Izzy, Clare, Bishop Peter Hancock, Laurence, Andy, Michael, Sarah, Sheila, Hector, Jean, Michael, Teresa, Jenny, and all those in need.

We pray for those who have died recently: Manfred Schmidt, Elizabeth Robertson, Robert Keown and Margaret Aylen RIP.

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Upcoming Services and Events

Advent & Christmas at Portsmouth Cathedral

Christmas may be different this year, but Portsmouth Cathedral’s season of services, concerts and celebrations will bring comfort and joy however you choose to join us.

Portsmouth Cathedral will be shining a light in the darkness, with a range of beautiful services and seasonal concerts this December. Bringing families around the city together for celebration and worship, several of the Cathedral’s services continue to be streamed online for you to enjoy from the comfort of home.

Find out more here

Advent Carols this Sunday

Stream our  Advent Carol service on Facebook Live this Sunday -  a sequence of music and readings to mark the start of the season of Advent, sung by Cathedral Consort.

Sunday 29 December, 17:30 | Stream via Facebook Live


Bible Discussion Group - Thursday 3 December, 7:00pm

Our Bible Discussion Group continues – new members welcome. This week, please read the account of Jesus and the woman at the well in John Ch. 4.  If you would like to look it up online, just go to bible.oremus.org and search the reference.

The Zoom link will be sent out with the email version of the notices. You can sign up to notices here


Eucharist with prayers for Wholeness and Healing – Wednesday 2 December, 12noon

Our monthly service of Wholeness and Healing will be held on Wednesday 2 December at midday, the first service of public worship after lockdown ends. All are invited to attend, whether to ask God's help and strength for themselves or for someone they know who is ill or in need of special support at this time. 

Pre-booking is not available for this service though you will be asked for your details as part of track and trace.


Homemade Christmas Produce Stalls – Sunday 13 December

Following the cancellation of the Christmas Market, we are pleased to announce that you will be able to buy homemade Christmas produce including cakes, preserves and lavender bags on Sunday 13 December after each of the morning services.

Donations of homemade cakes and preserves are very welcome. Please bring your produce to the Cathedral on Saturday 12 December between 10:00am and 12noon.

It would be very helpful to know what produce to expect; please email us if you intend to make something. For cakes please email Sheila Picton, or for preserves please email Sophie Henstridge-Brown.

Thank you to everyone who is helping to make this happen.


Aled Jones Live at Portsmouth Cathedral – Saturday 15 May 2021

Join Aled Jones as he embarks on a UK-wide tour, performing at many of the nation’s best-loved cathedrals, and stopping off in Portsmouth this May.

Over his extraordinary 30-year career, Aled's outstanding performances have made smash-hit box office history. He is the original crossover star and has sung for the Pope and the Royal Family, received an MBE, released over 30 albums - with over 10 million album sales and counting - and has over 40 silver, gold and platinum discs.

Find out more here, and book tickets online with Ticketmaster

Community News

Vote for your Pompey Hero – Nominations close this Monday!

During this year of challenges, loss, and disappointment, remarkable individuals from around Portsmouth have gone ‘above and beyond’ for neighbours, friends, and their communities.

We will be celebrating people’s everyday acts of kindness both big and small with ‘Pompey Heroes’, a special carol service for Portsmouth’s local superstars on Monday 21 December.

We’re encouraging our congregation and residents of Portsmouth to vote for their ‘Pompey Hero’. You can nominate frontline key workers or NHS staff, local volunteers, or simply helpful next-door neighbours. No matter how big or small, we want to celebrate the stories of kindness and honour those who have brought positivity and hope to our communities through this challenging year.

Nominees will be randomly selected to attend the service, which is in addition to the other five public carol services already announced.

Find out more and vote online here


Portsmouth Cathedral Shop to reopen after lockdown

The shop is currently closed due to lockdown restrictions and will reopen on Thursday 3 December from 10:00am. Our full opening times and further information can be found on our website.


Cathedral Budget 2021

Cathedral Council met on Wednesday to receive the 2021 Cathedral Budget that had been approved by Chapter on 11 November.

The 2021 budget projects a £96,500 deficit for the year. This marks significant progress in tackling the deficit and is the first year since 2014 that the deficit is forecast to be under £100,000 (before unrealised gains).

The deficit for the 2020 financial year which ends on 31 December is now forecast to be under £200,000 before depreciation and unrealised gains. This is a reduction from the £319,000 budget deficit that was forecast when the 2020 budget was set in December 2019. The 2019 and 2018 deficits, before unrealised gains were, respectively £356,000 and £402,000

The difficult decisions Chapter has made during 2020 alongside the dedication of staff and volunteers and the focus on ensuring that every opportunity to access Covid-related grant funding was taken have resulted in Portsmouth Cathedral being in a much stronger position ending 2020 and entering into 2021 than might have been expected in early April 2020 as the pandemic took hold. I am also grateful to all who have started or increased their regular giving this year. But the Cathedral is still in deficit and the causes of this still need to be addressed over the coming year.

With the work now underway with respect to the new Strategy and Vision, grant aided work to the fabric of the Cathedral, investment in making the Cathedral a more Carbon Neutral operation, and with funding from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage, there are amazing opportunities for the Cathedral and wider community.

There will be financial challenges ahead especially as the country emerges from Covid-19, grant funding related to the pandemic ceases, and the Government addresses the  impact of the pandemic on national finances. The 2021 budget will be challenging to meet as the Cathedral moves to a balanced budget by, at the latest, 2023.

Your generosity is more important than ever. To find out more about supporting the Cathedral, speak with Sophie Henstridge-Brown.

Richard Abraham (Chief Operating Officer)



Cathedrals Measure

Earlier this week the Synod of the Church of England passed the new Cathedrals Measure. It is anticipated that Royal Assent will be given to the Bill once it passes the required parliamentary processes in the first half of 2021.

Under the new Measure Chapter remains the governing body of the Cathedral but will now come under Charity Commission regulations for the first time. Furthermore, a majority of Chapter members will have to be Non-Executive members. Cathedral Councils will cease to exist.

Work has already begun to prepare for the new Measure in anticipation of them being agreed and there will be a transition period after the Measure becomes law. Chapter will return to these issues early in the new year with further communication thereafter with the congregation.

Read more about the Cathedral Measure

Safeguarding News

The Cathedral Safeguarding committee met earlier this week for its regular monthly meeting. Progress was reviewed against preparations for the SCIE audit schedule for June 2021, the past case review and the service level agreement with the Diocese. The committee continues to review existing policy and practice on an ongoing basis to ensure that it is fit for purpose including for our online presence.

The Chapter Safeguarding Lead is Canon Kathryn Percival Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk and the Lay Safeguarding Representative is Marian Pottinger laysafeguardportsmouth@gmail.com.


Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust (PCDT)

The PCDT meets on Monday, 30 November. This is a regular meeting of the Trust to review its annual accounts. Additionally, they will receive updates from the Dean, the Chief Operating Officer and the Head of Fundraising and Events.


Catch-up with Hope in the Darkness

Last Wednesday (18 November) we live-streamed an interactive journey of contemplation and prayer around the Cathedral to help us find hope in these strange times. Visiting several prayer stations around the Cathedral, there was plenty of time for reflection and space to encounter God in the darkness.

If you weren’t able to join us live, you watch again now on YouTube.


Portsmouth Cathedral Choir featured in BBC Music Magazines best UK Cathedral choirs

We're so pleased to share that the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir has been selected as one of the best Cathedral and Abbey Choirs in the UK according to BBC Music Magazine. You can  enjoy ‘I Saw Three Ships’ by David Beeby from our 2019 Christmas release ‘Verbum Caro Factum Est’, featured on the cover.

You can pick up the BBC Music magazine exclusively from Sainsbury's, and our album ‘Verbum caro’ is available in the Cathedral Shop.

The latest Portsmouth Cathedral Music Newsletter, edition #64 has also now been published.  As the choir has started to adapt to new routines and guidelines over the past few months, it seems a good moment to look back at some key musical events in 2020 and to highlight some future plans.

You can read the newsletter on our blog.


Livestreamed Services Survey

Since March we’ve been livestreaming our services and we are currently looking into a number of ways we can improve our output as we go into 2021. 

We would really appreciate you taking the time to complete a short survey that should take no more than a couple of minutes.

You can complete the survey anonymously here.


Foodbank Collection Point

The Cathedral is home to a foodbank collection point, for the Roberts Centre. Donations of food and toiletries are particularly needed at the moment and greatly appreciated by those using the service.

Items currently most needed are (all tins, jars, or packets, please):  sweetcorn; corned beef; hot dogs; ravioli; carrots; potatoes;  rice; biscuits;  spaghetti; cereal; long life milk; jars of sauces; pot noodles/microwave noodles/rice; baby wipes; toothpaste; shampoo.

Please bring your donations to the foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.


Church Homeless Action Christmas Voucher Scheme 2020

Churches from across Portsmouth will once again be joining to support those who are homeless. This year, inevitably, the project will be slightly different to meet the current needs.

This year the campaign will be working in partnership with The News, HIVE Portsmouth and the City Council to broaden the scheme and seek to increase the impact and benefit it can bring. The campaign encourages in our city as individuals and as groups to share some love in Portsmouth this Christmas.

To support the campaign, people are being encouraged to either…

·      Donate a gift card or voucher (In previous years we have suggested £5 cards)

·      Donate a cheque (payable to St Mary’s Church) or cash

·      Send a donation to St Mary’s Vicarage, Fratton Road Portsmouth PO1 5PA or hand in at St Mary’s Church any morning between 9am & Noon.

The deadline for receiving donations is 18 December 2020

The campaign will ensure donations are passed on to the charities worked with in the past to reach those most in need.

Find out more about the campaign


Independent Faith Engagement Review

The Bishop of London, the Rt Revd Sarah Mullally, has welcomed the opportunity for people nationally to respond to an independent review on Government engagement with faith communities, now and in the future.  The review, which predates the Covid-19 pandemic, will nonetheless inform how Government engages with faith groups during the Covid-19 recovery phase and beyond. 

The consultation lasts for four weeks, from Nov 13th until December 11th, and we are all encouraged to complete a survey which can be found here.

It takes about 15 minutes to complete, and can be done anonymously. 

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Dean: 023 9282 4400 or Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Jo Spreadbury: 023 9275 2335 or Jo.Spreadbury@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967 or Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Cathedral Curate, Revd Catherine Edenborough: 023 9282 3300 extn 221 or Catherine.Edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk (Usual days at the Cathedral: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday)

Messages can also be left on the Cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 or by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.