Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 27 December 2020

Dear friends,

‘The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light’: these ancient words from the biblical book of Isaiah speak to us in a new way this Christmas.  It’s been a tough year and we need some light, some cheer, some good news.    And as 2020 draws to a close, at least we have a vaccine; indeed, several vaccines, and we can hope for a return to some kind of normality.

But as many have suggested, perhaps we don’t want everything to go back to the way it was.   After all, surely, we’ve learnt something this year about the kind of society we really want, not least about the priority of kindness, and justice.   

And at Christmas we celebrate a whole new beginning in God’s relations with the human race; the fulfilment of all those biblical dreams and longings for light in the darkness, and for God to do something radically new.  In the Christmas story, we hear how the shepherds sensed this new beginning, and visiting a humble stable, saw the glory of God in the face of a new-born child.

This baby grew up with his family in Nazareth, and as an adult he introduced his followers to a radically new way of life: to love even their enemies, to forgive without limit, to open their hearts to the neediest, to be courageous in the cause of justice and peace, and to discover life in all its fullness. I’d love to see a world in which we all lived like that, rather than simply going back to ‘normal’; in which we play our part in bringing light to dark places – not least in ensuring that every part of the world, including the poorest, receives that vaccine.   

In whatever way you are able to celebrate it, I wish you a very happy Christmas.   

Anthony Cane
Dean of Portsmouth

Covid-19 Information

Portsmouth is now in tier 4 restrictions; we are now only open for individual private prayer and reflection, and communal worship. Our shop is also now closed until further notice.

For further information and our latest updates regarding Coronavirus, visit our Covid-19 information page.


Christmas Week Opening Times

Fri 25: 7:45 am – 4:00 pm
Sat 26 & Sun 27: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Find the latest information on visiting the Cathedral here; you can also stay up to date with all our latest updates via Facebook and Twitter.


Services and Worship

We continue to hold communal worship at the cathedral, with our regular services of midday Holy Communion, and our Sunday Services

More information can be found on our worship pages, where you can also download our most recent service list.

Upcoming Services this January

·       Choral Evensong – Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays and Tuesdays starting from Thursday 7 January, 5:30 pm

·       Epiphany Eucharist – Wednesday 6 January, 5:30 pm

·       #PompeySundays – A new service for the new year… Our new weekly, informal service.   Held in relaxed, café style seating, great for young people, families and those new to church. See our website for further information – Sunday 31 January, 9:30 am


Online Services

We continue to livestream daily online worship via Facebook Live including Prayer and Compline from the homes of our ministry team. You’ll also find our Christmas and special services available on our live page, including catch-up links to watch these services again.

 Upcoming Online Worship

·       Toddler Service - Back for the new year on Facebook Live, our theme is the Three Wise Men. Please dress up as a king or bring along a present if you wish! - Wednesday 6 January, 2:00 pm.

Find out more about our online services or download service lists and orders of services from our prayer resources page.

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom

Our weekly Sunday Refreshments, hosted on Zoom will be resuming in the new year on 3 January 2021 at our regular time of 6:30 pm.

Prayers and Intercessions

We pray for all those affected by COVID-19.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Bob, Derek, Nigel, Trevor, Izzy, Clare, Bishop Peter Hancock, Laurence, Andy, Michael, Sarah, Sheila, Hector, Jean, Michael, Jenny, Monty, Maurice, and all those in need.

We pray for those who have died recently: Micky Ball, and Louisa Taylor RIP.

This Christmas, we especially pray for all who are struggling with loneliness, isolation, and separation from family and friends. 

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Upcoming Services and Events

  • Bible Discussion Group – Thursday 7 January 2021

  • Annual Muslim-Christian Evening – Tuesday 21 January 2021, 7:15 pm


Community News

  • What are your thoughts on Portsmouth Cathedral?

  • Cathedral Offices closed over Christmas

  • Portsmouth Cathedral welcomes lifeline funding from the Cathedral Choirs’ Emergency Fund 

  • Foodbank Collection Point

  • Thank you for your Christmas messages


Upcoming Services and Events

Bible Discussion Group – Thursday 7 January 2021

We’ll be resuming our Bible Discussion Group on 7 January 2021 at 7:00 pm. Please read the fifth chapter of John’s gospel. You will be able to find the Zoom link and invitation details in our New Year’s Notices.


Annual Muslim-Christian Evening – Tuesday 21 January 2021, 7:15 pm

This important celebration with our friends from the Wessex Jamaat  will be held over Zoom at 7.15 pm, please save the date.

Further information will be available on our website in the new year.

Community News

What are your thoughts on Portsmouth Cathedral?

Portsmouth Cathedral is undertaking a project to better understand how the cathedral is perceived by the community, including our current and potential visitors. This survey will help us to ensure we meet their needs now and in the run-up to us celebrating our centenary in 2027.

You can complete the short survey online here.


Cathedral Offices closed over Christmas period

The office remains closed to outside visitors with only a few staff permitted in the office at any one time to comply with Covid-19 social distancing guidance.

After a very busy year the Cathedral Offices will be closed from lunchtime on the 24 of December until Monday, 4 January 2021.  However, when the offices reopen on the 4 of January there will be only a minimal number of staff in each workday until 11 January 2021 when normal operations will resume.  Staff on duty in the Cathedral will respond to enquiries by phone or email.


Portsmouth Cathedral welcomes lifeline funding from the Cathedral Choirs’ Emergency Fund 

Portsmouth Cathedral is delighted to welcome a grant from the Cathedral Choirs’ Emergency Fund. The Fund brings together support from the Cathedral Music Trust, The Ouseley Church Music Trust, and the Choir Schools’ Association together with donations from thousands of members of the public. The grant to Portsmouth Cathedral will provide a lifeline to over 70 musicians across all three of our choirs, safeguarding our choral tradition and regular pattern of sung services until summer 2021. 

Find out more here.


Foodbank Collection Point

The Cathedral is home to a foodbank collection point, for the Roberts Centre. Donations of food and toiletries are particularly needed at the moment and greatly appreciated by those using the service.

Items currently most needed are tinned sweetcorn, carrots, potatoes; packet rice; biscuits; ravioli; spaghetti; cereal; long life milk; tinned potatoes; jars of sauces; pot noodles/microwave noodles/rice; baby wipes; toothpaste; shampoo.

Please bring your donations to the foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.


Thank you for your Christmas cards and messages

The Cathedral Ministry Team and staff would like to thank all who have sent a card or message this Christmas. It is really appreciated, and we thank you for your support throughout 2020.

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Dean Anthony Cane: 023 9282 4400 or Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Jo Spreadbury: 023 9275 2335 or Jo.Spreadbury@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Messages can also be left on the Cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 or by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.