Portsmouth Cathedral

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Cathedral Notices Sunday 16th February

Second Sunday before Lent

Ash Wednesday is upon us very soon. During Lent and Holy Week this year we are all invited on a pilgrimage with Jesus. From his time of trial in the wilderness, we journey with Christ, joining in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, going through the desolation of Golgotha on Good Friday and then on into the eternal joy of Easter.  Artist Nicholas Mynheer’s work The Passion of Christ from his Sarum Cycle will form a focal point in the Cathedral for prayer and reflection throughout Lent and it will be installed in the Cathedral next week.

Ind Easter leaflet with details of services and events is also available.


Cathedral Chapter Chapter met on Wednesday to review progress on the development of the Cathedral’s new Strategy and Vision 2020-2027.  Consultation on the strategy will take place over March and April with a number of opportunities for input from the congregation, committees and the wider community (details in future notices). Chapter also heard an excellent presentation on the work of our vergers by Head Verger Malina Green including a video of the vergers at work which is now on our Facebook page.

Head of Fundraising and Events We will be delighted to welcome Sophie Henstridge-Brown to the Cathedral team from Tuesday. 


Pastoral Care If anyone has a concern or would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo 9275 2335 or Canon Kathryn 9282 3300 extn 229.

Safeguarding.  The Dean’s sermon last Sunday highlighted the importance of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. Attention was drawn to the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) independent safeguarding audits of all cathedrals.  Portsmouth’s audit will take place 22nd-24th June this year.  The text of the sermon and information on Cathedral Safeguarding including our Safeguarding Policy and who to contact if you have any concerns are on the website.

Palm Sunday Crosses Last year’s crosses to be burnt for use as ashes on Ash Wednesday can be returned to the vergers or left in the Welcome Area. 

Raffle Prize For those following the search for Lavinia in the weekly Notices, she has now come forward and claimed her substitute prize. 

Confirmation preparation If you are interested in preparing for Confirmation at the Easter Vigil a group for adults will meet on Sunday afternoons at 4.00pm from 1st March.  A group for young people can be arranged midweek as required. Please contact Canon Jo or Canon Kathryn for details.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral visit to Canterbury Cathedral Tuesday 7th July, Choral Evensong that day will be sung by the Choirs of Canterbury Cathedral and Portsmouth Cathedral.  Cost £25.00.  If you would like to register your interest in this visit please fill in a form from the website or in the Cathedral.

Craft and Chat The needlework group, will not be meeting for the time being.

Table Talk at The Dolphin An informal group for Lent, meeting at The Dolphin, to discuss big issues (hope, evil, justice, forgiveness, suffering, death) in a short time. Every Tuesday in March (3rd-31st) 7.30pm-8.15pm.  All welcome.  Especially suitable for those who aren’t familiar with church, so if you regularly worship here, why not bring a friend who doesn’t.  No booking required; just turn up to all or some of them.  Please contact Canon Kathryn for further details.

Pennies from Heaven Fund Last year’s collection of otherwise near useless coins amounted to £200 for the Roberts Centre.  Your support for many years in one form or another for my fundraising initiatives has been rewarding but my part will now cease for understandable reasons.  A heartfelt vote of thanks for all your generosity and response to appeals which has been magnificent. Many thanks too for the expressions of care and compassion over my recent tribulations which did help over a difficult time. Muriel Allen


Cathedral Fairtrade Breakfast will be available from 8.40am–10.15am and 11.30am next Sunday 23rd February in the Nave. For further details about Fairtrade Fortnight events in Portsmouth see https://bit.ly/2OBb2fb

Becket 2020 – Looking Ahead: Hope and Glory 6.00pm Choral Evensong Sunday 23rd February with Canon Julie Price from Warblington and Emsworth.   All welcome to join us at our next sermon in the series as part of our 2020 celebrations at Portsmouth Cathedral.

Shrove Tuesday Join us from 10.00am-5.00pm for pancakes in the Nave.  £1.50 per pancake.  Proceeds in aid of the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association.

Cathedral Club 2.30pm Thursday 27th February.  ‘Around the World in 80 Days’ a talk by Angus Ross.  Free, all welcome.

Evening Organ Concert - Dr David Flood, Organist and Master of the Choristers at Canterbury Cathedral. 7.30pm Friday 28th February.  Tickets £10 (£8 concessions) on the door or through Eventbrite.

Mediaeval Pilgrimage: faith, fun or folly?  7.00pm Wednesday 11th March in the Nave.  A free illustrated talk by Professor Nicholas Orme, Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Exeter and Lay Canon of Truro Cathedral.   

Pilgrimage Passion 18th - 21st March.  A Lenten exploration of the Passion Story.  Four days of music, reflection and journey in faith.  Donations welcomed.

Handel’s Messiah 7.30pm Saturday 21st March. Tickets £25.00, £20.00 (concessions), Under 16’s £5.00.  Available from the Cathedral Shop and Eventbrite.


All those in need including: Bob, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Trevor, Roy, Emrys, Reuben and Neil.
And those who have died: Stuart McCullagh, John Jenkins and John Woolnough RIP.

Click here for a printable copy of the notices.