Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 1st March 2020

First Sunday of Lent

Painted meditations on the Passion of Christ

The astonishing series of thirteen paintings by Nicholas Mynheer called The Sarum Cycle is now on display around the ambulatory starting from the South doors. As painted meditations on the Passion of Christ, they are well worth spending time with and perhaps revisiting over the coming weeks. They will be on display for the whole of Lent, as we journey together on our pilgrimage with Jesus on the way that led him to the Cross. And they will stay at least into the beginning of Eastertide, because the Cycle ends with the women discovering the Empty Tomb and finally the risen Jesus appearing by the sea to his fishermen disciples.

A few of the paintings echo the traditional images of the Stations of the Cross. But the series as a whole includes many fresh insights and striking images. So we are drawn into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and then three sombre paintings of the events of Maundy Thursday show us the disciples gathered for the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the arrest of Jesus. The weight of Peter’s denial and the mockery on the road to Calvary lead to the Crucifixion: the stark centre of the Cycle, with the sky turned not black but blood red. After the deposition, when Christ’s body is taken down it is cradled poignantly in his mother’s arms, before being planted in the earth ‘like a seed’. The Stillness then anticipates Holy Saturday, with its silent waiting, with just a single leaf of new life to glimpse before we arrive ourselves at the empty tomb and find that the final painting is ‘a beginning, a calling’ for us also – as the artist’s notes suggest.

These are painted meditations to give us all food for reflection and prayer this Lent.

The Reverend Canon Dr Jo Spreadbury Canon Precentor


Choral Evensong Please join us at 6.00pm for lovely Welsh hymns and composers as recognition for St David’s Day.

David Price is performing a recital at Westminster Cathedral today at 4.45pm.

The Service List is available in the Cathedral or on the website. Our Lent and Easter leaflet with details of services and events is also available.


Fairtrade Breakfast Many thanks to all who supported and helped last Sunday. Over £220.00 was donated to The Fairtrade Foundation, which sets up, supports and monitors Fairtrade products across the developing world.


The Cathedral’s new Strategy and Vision Following the Dean’s letter last week, a draft Strategy and Vision is distributed with notices today in advance of consultation events and meetings. All members of the congregation and Cathedral Community are warmly invited to participate in consultations on Tuesday 10th March 7.00pm after Evensong and/or Sunday 15th March 12 noon after Eucharist.

Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust PCDT meets on Monday to consider the draft Strategy and Vision.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a concern or would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo 9275 2335 or Canon Kathryn 9282 3300 extn 229.

Cathedral Shop volunteering opportunities Would you like to join our team of fabulous volunteers who ensure the smooth running of the shop? If you are interested in joining the team of volunteers then please speak to our Finance Officer, Nicky Taylor nicky.taylor@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk 023 9289 2965.

Bishop’s Lent Appeal The focus of this year’s Lent Appeal is about playing our part as humans in loving God’s creation by prayer, by action, and by giving. Information leaflets and envelopes for donations are available in the Cathedral.

Table Talk at The Dolphin An informal group for Lent, meeting at The Dolphin, to discuss big issues (hope, evil, justice, forgiveness, suffering, death) in a short time. Every Tuesday in March (3rd-31st) 7.30pm-8.15pm. All welcome. No booking required. Please contact Canon Kathryn for further details.

Lent Resources ‘Saying Yes to Life’ by Ruth Valerio is available in the Cathedral Shop priced £9.99. Also available and inspired by the book is a forty day reflection booklet for adults ‘#Live Lent Care for God’s Creation’ £1.75 each. Further details available at https://bit.ly/2P78buY.

Mothering Sunday If you would like to help make posies to be handed out then please join the Flower Guild on the morning of Saturday 21st March in the Bishop Kenneth Room from 9.00am.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral The Spring Newsletter has been sent out to members. If you would like to know more about the Friends please pick up a leaflet from the Welcome Area or contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Confirmation preparation If you are interested in preparing for Confirmation at the Easter Vigil a group will meet on Sunday afternoons from at 4.00pm from 8th March. A group for young people can be arranged midweek as required. Please contact Canon Jo or Canon Kathryn for details.


The Sarum Cycle a painted meditation of the Passion of Christ by Nicholas Mynheer is displayed in the Ambulatory until Easter.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 5th March with Boundary Oak School and St John’s Chapel Choir. Free with retiring collection.

Faith in Politics 7.30pm Friday 6th March. ‘Political use of Biblical language’ with Professor Graeme Smith. Portsmouth Cathedral we be hosting events on the first Friday of the month to look at the issues of modern politics and the role that faith, trust and confidence has to play. The series will hear from local politicians, academics and clergy as we seek to look at the interface between politics and faith. All welcome to attend. A leaflet of future dates is available in the Cathedral.

Becket 2020 – Lent: Wilderness and exile 6.00pm Choral Evensong Sunday 8th March with Canon Kevin Arkell from Newport. All welcome to join us at our next sermon in the series as part of our 2020 celebrations.

Mediaeval Pilgrimage: faith, fun or folly? 7.00pm Wednesday 11th March in the Nave. Illustrated talk by Professor Nicholas Orme, Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Exeter and Honorary Lay Canon of Truro Cathedral. Free event, booking essential via Eventbrite. ‘The History of England’s Cathedrals’ by Professor Nicholas Orme is on sale in the Cathedral Shop priced £18.00. Signed copies available on the night.

Silver Screen – ‘The Italian Job’ 2.00pm Tuesday 17th March in Becket Hall. All welcome. Free event, tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.

A Reflective Afternoon in an Emsworth home and garden 2.00pm-4.30pm Wednesday 18th March. ‘Everyday Pilgrimage’ led by Canon Jo Spreadbury. To book a place and to arrange transport, please contact the Cathedral Shop.

Pilgrimage Passion 18th - 21st March. A Lenten exploration of the Passion Story. Four days of music, reflection and journey in faith. Donations welcomed.

Handel’s Messiah 7.30pm Saturday 21st March. Tickets £25.00, £20.00 (concessions), Under 16s £5.00. Available from the Cathedral Shop and Eventbrite

Skittles Evening 7.30pm Friday 3rd April at the Royal Maritime Club, a match between the Cathedral and St. John’s Catholic Cathedral. Tickets £12.00 including basket meal. Available from the Cathedral Shop.


All those in need including: Bob, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Trevor, Roy, Emrys, Reuben, Neil and Andrew.

And those who have died: John Woolnough RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here

Portsmouth Cathedral