Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 15th March 2020

Third Sunday of Lent

‘Give me a drink.’

The words of Jesus to the woman at the well in our Gospel reading this Sunday have a particular resonance for us at the moment, as, in line with our Archbishops’ advice on the coronavirus, water has been removed from our font and water stoup, and we will no longer be receiving the wine at Communion.

‘Give me a drink’ is a demand which opens up a rich and very human conversation, and the starting point of it is Jesus’s physicality – his thirst. Just like us, Jesus had human needs: he is famished in the wilderness; he will thirst again, before he dies, on the Cross. The one who ‘fills all in all,’ as St. Paul puts it, shows us what it is to live with emptiness. We cannot escape from his presence, but he knows what it is to experience absence.

‘Do not hold on to me,’ says the risen Jesus to Mary Magdalene. We too are losing the comfort of the touch of hands in our services, and we will miss all these physical reminders of the blessings God gives us. But by losing for a season the water and the wine and the contact, these powerful mediators of the presence of Christ, we are being shown new ways of depending on him, and on each other. Even in the desert of Lent, and in the midst of anxiety and suffering, Jesus shows us that absence never has the last word, and that into the world’s emptiness, God pours love.

The Revd Canon Kathryn Percival Canon Chancellor

‘Coronavirus’ The Dean has convened a Cathedral COVID-19 task group that is meeting and conferring regularly to make the necessary decisions relating to every aspect of our common life.   We have issued advice to the Cathedral community, and will continually update this as and when required: [link here]. It may be necessary to cancel or postpone events at short notice.  Please check the website for updates or contact the Cathedral Offices.


Cathedral Services Our services today will be live streamed through Facebook and available on YouTube for those unable to attend services. Your image may therefore be broadcast.  If you do not wish to be filmed please let a sidesperson know and they can seat you in an area where best efforts will be made not to film.

Strategy and Vision Consultation All are welcome to attend after this morning’s Eucharist at 12noon in Becket Hall. 

The Service List is available in the Cathedral or on the website.  Our Lent and Easter leaflet with details of services and events is also available.


Staff changes: Sarah Page After more than 5 years of valued service as the Cathedral’s Education Officer Sarah Page has decided to move on.  The Canon Chancellor said “Sarah has brought imagination, flair and depth of experience to her work with schools across the diocese, and with the Church nationally, in telling and interpreting the stories of our faith and our history.  We wish her every blessing as she pursues new challenges, having now brought the Pop-Up Cathedral to fruition”.  Sarah’s last day will be the 31st March.  There will be an announcement shortly about next steps.  Donations towards a leaving present can be left at the Cathedral Offices.


Sharing the Peace and receiving Communion In line with the latest national advice on ‘Coronavirus’ (COVID-19), people are advised not to shake hands at the Peace.  Communion will be administered in one kind only, the consecrated bread and the wine will not be offered.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a concern or would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo 9275 2335 or Canon Kathryn 9282 3300 extn 229. 

Cathedral Placement Welcome to the Revd Mary Kells, Curate at St Faith’s Lee-on-the-Solent who is here on placement for a fortnight from Monday.

Mothering Sunday If you would like to help make posies then please join the Flower Guild 9.00am Saturday 21st March in the Bishop Kenneth Room.

Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey) A few places are still available on the visit organised by the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral to Burghclere on Tuesday 21st April.  Please book by Wednesday using the forms available in the Cathedral or on the website or contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Easter Egg Appeal Please leave donations of Easter Eggs for children and young people supported by the Roberts Centre and Stop Domestic Abuse Now at the Cathedral Shop.  Last day for donations Thursday 2nd April.

Cathedral Shop volunteering opportunities We are looking for new shop volunteers to cover Monday and Friday mornings 10.00am-1.00pm.  Please speak to our Finance Officer, Nicky Taylor 023 9289 2965 for further details.

Easter Lilies If you would like to donate the cost of an Easter lily (£2.50) in memory of a loved one, please complete a form available in the Cathedral or print from our website.  Last day for inclusion is Thursday 9th April.

Pilgrim Passports are available in the Cathedral Shop priced £5.00, as part of the national campaign: 2020 Year of Cathedrals, Year of Pilgrimage.  These have been devised by our Education Officer Sarah Page and Jackie Holderness from Oxford. 


The Sarum Cycle A painted meditation of the Passion of Christ by Nicholas Mynheer is displayed in the Ambulatory until Easter. 

Silver Screen – ‘The Italian Job’ 2.00pm Tuesday 17th March in Becket Hall.  All welcome. Free event, tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.

Pilgrimage Passion 18th - 21st March.   A Lenten exploration of the Passion Story.  Four days of music, reflection and journey in faith.  Donations welcomed.

Reflective Afternoon This week’s Afternoon in an Emsworth Garden has been cancelled.  The next afternoon is planned for 17th June.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm this Thursday with Yoon Seok Shin (piano).  Free with retiring collection. Refreshments will not be available due to COVID-19 precautions.

Handel’s Messiah 7.30pm Saturday 21st March. Tickets £25.00, £20.00 (concessions), Under 16s £5.00.  Available from the Cathedral Shop and Eventbrite.

Cathedral Club 2.45pm Thursday 26th March in Becket Hall.  ‘The work of the Portsmouth Family Welfare Association’ with Lynda Waldren. 

Pop Up Cathedral Launch Event 2.00-4.30pm Tuesday 31st March on the Cathedral Green.  All welcome to come along and see Pop-Up Cathedral and some of the resources we are using inside.

Skittles Evening 7.30pm Friday 3rd April at the Royal Maritime Club, a match between the Cathedral and St. John’s Catholic Cathedral.  Tickets £12.00 includes basket meal.  Available from the Cathedral Shop.


All those affected by COVID-19
All those in need
including: Bob, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Trevor, Roy, Emrys, Reuben, Neil and Andrew.
And those who have died: Anthony Trimmings (Cathedral Funeral 1.00pm Wednesday 25th March), Rodney Baker (Lay Canon Emeritus) and Barbara Dines RIP.

Click here for a printable version of the notices


Portsmouth Cathedral