Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 3 May Fourth Sunday of Easter

Welcome from David Price


One of the many challenges we are all dealing with at the moment of course revolves around friendships and relationships seemingly temporarily on hold or in suspension. There are ways to keep in touch through pen and ink, telephone or social media. Not everyone enjoys all of these media of course; I have a particular phobia about talking on the telephone – my heart rate rises when the telephone rings and I’m not particularly chatty if I do pick up. I think this might be a bloke thing though, if telephone calls between Kitty and her two sisters and mother are any judge.

And choir is one of those ties of musical friendship and close camaraderie that have been temporarily suspended. We await with bated breath as to if, how and when any relaxation in the current rules might permit our cathedral choirs to make music together in some shape or form in coming weeks and months. In the meantime, we have kept in touch with other with weekly chats via the internet and next week we hope to start some daily morning rehearsals which I expect will be noisy, slightly chaotic and fun as we learn some new repertoire – much like normal perhaps.

I think many of us have found how important music (of all genres) is to us all in times like these. We have been able to access a wealth of recorded music of course to help us stay sane and cheerful but also to help cope with loneliness and fear. This should only serve to remind us, even as we place such hope in science just now how important it is to also nurture understanding and talent in the arts. So much of the music we all know and appreciate flows from creativity and inspiration from faith God. It is our fervent hope and prayer that we can continue to make music in the service of the Church into further generations.

David Price
Organist and Master of the Choristers

Portsmouth Cathedral - our future

Chapter met on Wednesday evening to review the impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 budget and the likely future impact.  Chapter meets again on Wednesday and a full update will be provided next week. The Cathedral Council will meet on Tuesday 19 May.

Supporting the Cathedral

In common with many other organisations and individuals, Portsmouth Cathedral is facing an almost unprecedented economic situation which presents serious challenges to us financially. We know that some of you might also be experiencing financial uncertainty at this time as well. If you give to support our ministry and mission and would like to pause this, please speak with our Head of Fundraising and Events, Sophie Henstridge-Brown by email or phone (023 9289 2964) and leave a message.

Although the Cathedral is closed we are still working hard to stream services every day and provide spiritual and pastoral support to those who need it. If you are in a position to continue supporting us, please consider enabling us to make the most of your generosity:

  • if you normally give through the collection plate please sign up to give regularly through standing order or direct debit

  • if you are a UK taxpayer and not currently signed up for Gift Aid, please download the Gift Aid declaration from our website to enable us to claim an additional 25% of your donation from the Government at no cost to you.

  • details can be found here or email Sophie.

We are beginning to look to the future and the period of recovery that will come after the Cathedral and the country reopens. We know we will need your support to enable the Cathedral to be sustainable and flourish now and in the years to come, and look forward to sharing more about this in due course.

In the notices this week:

  • VE Day and the Big Picnic for Hope

  • Online Cathedral Pub Quiz

  • Daily Hope - new telephone service from the Church of England

  • Living Faith - theological education course for lay people run by the Diocese of Portsmouth

  • Lighting a candle for a loved one

As well as regular details of online worship, prayers and intercessions. Dr David Price’s weekly music choice and ways to contact the Cathedral.


75th Anniversary of VE Day

Big Picnic for Hope - Friday 8 May

Join us and 21 Cathedrals around the country in the Big Picnic for Hope! The event is an opportunity for households to be part of a virtual get together on 8 May to honour our heroes past and present. We might be living in lockdown and unable to gather for street parties or celebrations, but we can still celebrate the key worker heroes of our new ‘homefront’. The project also serves an opportunity to recognise that these times are difficult for many people. The national campaign is aiming to fundraise for the Trussell Trust, and in Portsmouth, we want to raise £500 towards the Roberts Centre, an organisation working to support the most vulnerable families and people in our area.

How to participate

Whether you are on your own or with other people at home, have a picnic in your home or garden.

Ahead of time, share your ideas about what to bake and make online using the hashtag #bigpicnicforhope to help inspire others to get involved. 

On the day itself, share your pictures with Portsmouth Cathedral on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #bigpicnicforhope. If you are able, consider making a donation to the Roberts Centre here.

Portsmouth Cathedral VE Day Service - Sunday 10 May, 11.00am

Join us for a service of readings and music as we remember the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. We will be welcoming The Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire and representatives from the Armed Forces to give readings, with music from Portsmouth Cathedral Choirs. The service will be broadcast on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel at 11am on Sunday 10 May.

Online Cathedral Pub Quiz

Brush up on your trivia because we are running Portsmouth Cathedral’s first ever online Pub Quiz on Wednesday 13 May at 6pm.

The quiz will be hosted on Zoom and details of how to sign up will be circulated in next week’s notices. In the meantime, please spread the word and start forming teams of no more than eight households per team.

Daily Hope

The Archbishop of Canterbury has launched a free national phone line as a simple new way to bring worship and prayer into people’s homes. Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line and is particularly aimed at those unable to join online church services, including the 2.5 million people aged 75 and above who have never used the internet. Callers will hear a special greeting from the Archbishop before being able to choose from a range of options, including hymns, prayers, reflections and advice on COVID-19.

The number is 0800 804 8044 and is available 24 hours a day.

Please help us to get the word out to those who do not have internet access, or to anyone who you think would benefit from Daily Hope.

Living Faith - theological education course for lay people

Living Faith is the Diocese of Portsmouth’s theological education course for lay people. Two Living Faith modules will be running this term via Zoom free of charge.

New Testament - Tuesdays at 7.00pm,

Christian Doctrine - Thursdays at 7.00pm,

Materials will be sent out electronically, and both courses are free of charge. Please contact Bev Hughes on 023 9289 9656 or Bev.Hughes@Portsmouth.anglican.org for further information.

Lighting a virtual candle for a loved one

We may not be able to light candles in the Cathedral for our loved ones, but the Church of England website now allows you to light a virtual candle and make space to remember someone special to you.

Click here to light a candle.

Resources for Families

For ideas for worship and activities at home with children and young people, please see the ‘Resources for Families’ section on our website.  This week, there are some ideas for joyful Easter worship at home for 0-18 year olds, and some instructions for making an Easter garden. Please join our Cathedral Toddler Group via Facebook Live on Wednesdays at 2.00pm.   You can find it on the Portsmouth Cathedral Facebook page, and you don’t have to be a member of Facebook to join in.


This week’s selection of music chosen by David Price. In 2001 our choir recorded the worship song ‘In your image I was made’; a song that speaks of the inherent goodness in us all; a goodness that can radiate if we root ourselves in the life of Jesus Christ throughout our lives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4jV9ZOc1FY&list=OLAK5uy_nhO8idsdmQJlt9Gfd3wKAjGFAz2etxi1k

Online worship


8.15am Morning Prayer                    

5.30pm Evening Prayer              

8.30pm Compline during Eastertide       

Plus Toddlers Group on Wednesdays at 2.00pm via Facebook


9.00am  Holy Communion, followed by online coffee at 10.00am

5.30pm Evening Prayer

8.30pm Compline during Eastertide    

How to join the services

You do not need to be a member of Facebook to join the services. Please use this link. when the service is about to begin. You will see a prompt asking you to join Facebook, just click ‘not now’. We regret that it is not technically possible to add captions to the broadcasts.

How to join the online Sunday Coffee Hour

Coffee is hosted on Zoom. In order to maintain security details will be sent with our emailed notices.

Prayers and Intercessions

A prayer during COVID-19

O God,
help me to trust you,
help me to know that you are with me,
help me to believe that nothing can separate me 
from your love
revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Cathedral Prayers

We remember in our prayers all those who are affected by COVID-19 as well as those from our own Cathedral Community who have asked for our prayers: Christopher, Michael, Richard, Stephen, Paul, Marinus, Chris, Colin, Jan, Philippa, Terry, Sally, David, John, Bob, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Nigel, Trevor, Roy, Emrys, Reuben, Neil, Andrew, Jonathan, Peter, Grant, Melissa and all those in need.

All those who have died: Derek Bastide, John Robinson, Samantha Wood, Joan Moult and Terry Carter (priest) RIP.

Requesting an addition to the prayer list

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

By phone:                                                                                                                                      

The Dean: 023 9282 4400                             

Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967

Canon Jo Spreadbury: 023 9275 2335

Messages can also be left on the cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 and will be responded to as necessary.     

By email:

For pastoral matters pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

General matters info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Liz Snowball