Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 17 January 2021

Welcome from Revd. Canon Anthony

In the coming week there will be lots of discussions about vocation and leadership, and nearly all of them will have very little to do with church (at least in the way they are reported). As a new President of the United States of America is inaugurated, many will be talking about his calling to political life and service and wondering what sort of leadership he will be exercising over the next four years.

That such discussions will take place is a reminder that Christian language about vocation is not to be restricted simply to matters regarding ordained or church ministry, but rather can be applied to other significant areas of life. Christians can, and indeed should, be involved in matters of state and law, and should not allow the language of calling to the service of God to only be applied to those in licensed ministry. As a practising Roman Catholic, Joe Biden will bring to his new role a sense of what Christian life and doctrine might have to say to the challenges confronting government in the midst of a pandemic.

All of which raises a significant question: when we talk about calling and vocation, what is it that Christian leaders are called to? Far too much of the political discourse on both sides of the Atlantic over the past four years has centred on a ‘we won, and you lost’ mentality that belongs more in a sports ground than in politics. Good politics, at least in the Christian view, is about principles and purpose that go beyond the technical skill of spinning narratives in order that we can ‘win’.

Jesus prioritised the call of people into community: it is the first thing that he does in his ministry, and he leaves behind the church on earth to continue his work. Today’s gospel reading reminds us of Jesus’ call to his disciples to follow him, and their moments of doubt and faith about that call. A good deal of the New Testament concerns the question of how this call to be a true community of Christ is to be lived out in a context in which division and faction have taken hold. Christian leaders are those who bring healing, reconciliation, peace and justice. The New Testament makes clear that this is not an easy task, and this course will be opposed, but that this remains the call of those who are faithful.

Revd. Canon Dr Anthony C. Rustell
Residentiary Canon

Covid-19 Information & Visiting the Cathedral

In line with recent government guidance, we welcome all who come for private prayer and communal worship. We are however unable to allow sightseeing or visits to exhibitions, and our shop is also closed for now. Because of deep-cleaning issues, our toilets will be closed until Monday.

For further information and our latest updates regarding Coronavirus, visit our Covid-19 information page and find the latest information on visiting the Cathedral here.

Services and Worship

We continue to hold communal worship at the Cathedral. Our regular service of midday Holy Communion and our Sunday Services continue. Evensong, however, is now online only (including on Sundays).

More information can be found on our worship pages, where you can also download our most recent service list.

Changes to our services in the Cathedral

We are making some changes further to enhance safety at the Cathedral, particularly focusing on reducing the potential for the transmission of Covid-19 between households.

Our clergy team will no longer be present at the door after services. We also remind those attending services to remain at least 2m distance from other households, and to leave the Cathedral promptly after services without engaging in conversation. If you do need to speak to someone, please do feel free to contact a member of our ministry team using the contact details below.

We will also be reducing the number of people involved with our services at the Cathedral. All readings and intercessions will be given by the ministry team for that day for the foreseeable future, and our Midday Eucharists will now be taken only by the Cathedral clergy. This is counter to our instinct to involve as many people as possible, but we hope you understand our reasons in making these adjustments.

We continue to monitor Government and Church of England Guidance as well as the local Portsmouth Covid situation to inform any future changes to our opening.

Regular Services

  • Monday to Saturday Holy Communion at 12 noon will continue in person at the Cathedral

  • Sundays – the 8.00 am Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer) and11.00 am Choral Eucharist will continue in person at the cathedral and be available to livestream at home.

    • Sunday 9.30 am morning services will not be taking place until further notice.

    • Sunday 5.30 pm Choral Evensong will not be open to the public, but will continue to be available to livestream at home.

  • Our monthly Toddler Service will continue to be livestreamed at 2.00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month.

  • All evening services, including Compline, will be livestreamed online only except in exceptional circumstances (such as our two carol services, as below).

Special Services

  • #PompeySundays, our new informal service, will be rescheduled to start at a later date.

  • This weekend’s Epiphany Carols (17 Jan), and Candlemas Carols (31 Jan), will all continue in person as planned with livestreams available to watch from home.

Online Worship

Livestreamed daily online worship continues via our live page and via Facebook. Find out more about our online services or download service lists and orders of service from our prayer resources page.

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom – Sunday 17 January at 6:30 pm

Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments hosted on Zoom. It is a great opportunity to catch up with other members of the congregation and members of our ministry team.

For security purposes, the Zoom link will be sent out in our email notices. Please subscribe here to get the latest news, services and events from the cathedral.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Bob, Derek, Nigel, Trevor, Izzy, Clare, Bishop Peter, Andy, Michael, Sarah, Jenny, Monty, Michael, Laurence, Margaret, Roy, Dion, Rita, Tara, David and all those in need.

We pray for those who have died recently: Hector Arthur-Kifle, Ralph Rea, Arthur Green (priest), David Hughes, Sheila Deans, Bill Westwood and Maurice Crane RIP.
We pray for all those affected by COVID-19: remembering especially all those who are struggling with sickness, bereavement, loneliness, isolation, and separation from family and friends, and all who provide care and support for them.

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

In the notices this week…

Upcoming Services and Events

  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 18-24 January

  • Bible Discussion Group – 14 January, 7:00 pm

  • Annual Muslim-Christian Evening – Tuesday 26 January, 7:15 pm

Community News

  • Chapter meets 20 January 2021

  • Cathedral welcomes two new vital grants

  • Welcoming our new Shop Manager

  • What are your thoughts on Portsmouth Cathedral?

  • Foodbank Collection Point

Upcoming Services and Events

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 18–24 January

Monday marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and we will be joining in by sharing a daily prayer online on Facebook and Twitter. You can find updates on Twitter by following the #wpcu2021 hashtag or share your own prayer on their Prayer Wall by adding #wpcuwall to your prayer on Twitter.

Bible Discussion Group – 21 January, 7:00 pm

Join us online for our weekly Bible Discussion Group. We will be looking at John 6.1-21.

For security purposes, the Zoom link will be sent out in our email notices. Please subscribe here to get the latest news, services and events from the cathedral.

Annual Muslim-Christian Evening – 26 January, 7:15 pm

This important celebration with our friends from the Wessex Jamaat will be held over Zoom this year. The evening will include readings, music, and the opportunity hear from one another about the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic in our faith communities. All are most welcome to attend.

Booking will open later this week, stay updated on our Facebook, Twitter and website.

Community News

Chapter meets on 20 January 2021

The first meeting of the year for Chapter takes place via Zoom on Wednesday 20 January 2021. An update on the outcomes of this meeting will be in the Notices next week.

You can download a copy of the Agenda here.

Cathedral welcomes two new vital grants 

We are pleased to welcome two much-needed grants to support our heritage and improve how we work as an organisation.

We have received a grant from the Heritage Stimulus Covid-19 Emergency Heritage at Risk Response Fund, part of the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund. The grant will enable us to repair the rapidly decaying stonework and glazing to the South West of the nave.

We have also received another grant from the Cathedral Sustainability Fund, who already cover the salaries for two of the cathedral staff. The Fund has agreed to fully pay the costs for a one-year Records Manager post.

This position will enable the Cathedral to streamline office functions and make full use of our new database and our recent upgrade to Office 365. In addition, as we prepare to come under the regulatory overview of the Charity Commission for the first time as part of the Cathedrals Measure, this role will enable our records to reflect best practice in the management of data, thereby aiding good governance.

We are so grateful for this funding, without which these important projects would not be possible.

Find out more on our website.

Welcoming our new Shop Manager

We are delighted to announce that a member of our congregation, Crystal Gale, will be joining our volunteer team as the new Cathedral Shop Manager.

We are very grateful to Crystal for taking on this role at such a crucial period, as we develop and expand our retail offering with the help of the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage grant. Crystal will be working with our dedicated shop volunteers, and we look forward to sharing more developments with you soon. Crystal says...

"After living in America with my husband Simon, I was pleased to return last autumn to Portsmouth, our home for 27 years, and in particular to the Cathedral where I have been welcomed back with warmth and affection. I was a Royal Navy officer for 26 years and then devoted my time volunteering with organisations in Portsmouth before accompanying my husband, a serving Naval officer, to Omaha, Nebraska. There I was deeply involved in many outreach and volunteer activities.

I delighted to accept the position of Cathedral Shop Manager. It is with much joy and enthusiasm that I join at this exciting time for the Shop with many plans afoot to enhance the visitor experience, and for it to become a more vibrant contributor in support of the Cathedral’s mission.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me about any ideas or comments about the shop at
Crystal Gale, Shop Manager

We’re working busy to improve our shop offering a look forward to shareing more with you soon, stay connected with all our updates on social media and in future Notices.

What are your thoughts on Portsmouth Cathedral?

Portsmouth Cathedral is undertaking a project to better understand how the cathedral is perceived by the community, including our current and potential visitors. This survey will help us to ensure we meet their needs now and in the run-up to us celebrating our centenary in 2027.

We are keen to hear from as many people as possible, so please do share widely with family and friends, even those who have not visited us before.

You can complete the short survey online here.

Foodbank Collection Point

The Cathedral is home to a foodbank collection point for the Roberts Centre. Donations of food and toiletries are particularly needed at the moment and greatly appreciated by those using the service.

Items currently most needed are: tinned sweetcorn: carrots: potatoes; packet rice; biscuits; ravioli; spaghetti; cereal; long life milk; tinned potatoes; jars of sauces; pot noodles/microwave noodles/rice; baby wipes; toothpaste; shampoo.

Please bring your donations to the foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.

Recommend our notices to a friend…

Do you know someone who may benefit from receiving our notices? Why not recommend them our newsletter by sending them to our website where they can sign up online. Or if they do not have internet access, please contact our pastoral team using the contact details below.

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Dean Anthony: 023 9282 4400 or Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Jo Spreadbury: 023 9275 2335 or Jo.Spreadbury@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967 or Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Cathedral Curate, Revd Catherine Edenborough: 023 9282 3300 extn 221 or Catherine.Edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk (Usual days at the Cathedral: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday)

Messages can also be left on the Cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 or by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.