Portsmouth Deanery Plan (proposed Feb Synod 2021)

The Diocese is reviewing its strategy and vision and is engaged in a process of transformation over the coming months. There is an agreed process for this which involves and engages deaneries and parishes in a dialogue with the Bishop and those who advise him.

The churches of our deanery are currently exploring new ways of working together across parish boundaries. Over the past few weeks, each ‘cluster’ of churches within the deanery has held two facilitated conversations, at which representatives from each church have explored collaborative ways forward. The results of these meetings have been used to compile a draft Deanery Plan, which is now being circulated for consultation within the parishes, before it is considered at the Deanery Synod meeting on 22nd February.

Jane Turner, Elyza Loren and I represented the Cathedral at the meetings of the Central Cluster, and our Deanery Synod representatives are Kitty Price, Marian Pottinger, and Chris Nichol; our church wardens, Sue Ward and Sheila Picton, have also been involved.

The draft plan can be found here and you are welcome to send your comments on the plan to me, in advance of the Deanery Synod meeting. This is the beginning of a process which will see the draft plan (with amendments as necessary) being taken to the Bishop’s staff team for further consideration.

Canon Kathryn.

NewsPortsmouth Cathedral