Introducing our Holy Week Preacher, the Revd Dr. Stephen Hance
Photo thanks to Church of England
We are delighted to welcome the Revd Dr. Stephen Hance, as our Holy Week preacher this year. Ordained here at Portsmouth Cathedral, he is the National Lead for Evangelism and Witness for the Church of England. Previously serving as Dean of Derby, as Canon Missioner in Southwark, and as a parish priest.
The topic for his series of sermons will be God’s Story: Our Story. Stephen explains “Everybody has a story. Our stories include the places, the people, the moments that have made us who we are. Our stories are not ours alone, but part of lots of other stories – those of our family, our church, our community. God has a story too, the story of God’s loving and creative engagement with the world which finds its high point in the events of Holy Week. This week we will explore what it means to live our lives in the light of that story, and how we might be bearers of that story to the world.”
You can follow Stephen’s, God’s Story: Our Story sermon series from Palm Sunday to Easter Day Festal Evensong.
See all our services and events for Lent, Holy Week and Easter here.