Weekly Notices | Sunday 7 March 2021
Lent: the opportunity for a re-boot!
Zoom calls and video calls have become the norm this past year, and we have all had our share of problems with them. ‘You are on mute’ seems to be a phrase we will all remember from 2020! This week we had a ministry team meeting that took the biscuit in terms of connection issues. Firstly, people simply couldn’t get into the call, then when they did, their camera didn’t work, and there was a long delay between the sound and image, so there was an echo of whatever was being said! At one point, we had two versions of our Cathedral Reader Kitty Price on the screen! After 25 minutes of trying to get it to work on both Teams and Zoom, we decided to abandon the meeting because it was impossible to communicate effectively.
There could be a number of reasons for the difficulties: maybe the WIFI signal around the Cathedral was poor generally at that time; perhaps our home WIFI routers needed re-booting, or there were too many other people on the network at the same time. Who knows?
It made me reflect on communication generally, and our sense of connection to God. On our call, we were present and ready to communicate with each other but things outside our control got in the way. Thankfully we know that we can come to God in prayer any time and God will always listen, always be present and there will be no obstacles or unforeseen hurdles in our way on God’s side.
Sometimes however obstacles on our part can emerge gradually. For example, after a while we might get set into a pattern of prayer that no longer feeds us. We get stuck in a rut and are going through the motions, rather than finding prayer is really nourishing us. It’s like being on a video call where you can’t see the person’s face… it’s OK, but not great. We might need the prayer equivalent of a re-boot of our WIFI router, so that we are reset, alert and freed up to tune into God in new ways.
Lent is an opportunity to take stock of where we are in our relationship with God, to reflect on how we connect with God, to experiment with different patterns of prayer and see where they take us.
I wish you a restorative and communicative Lent!
The Revd Catherine Edenborough
Cathedral Curate
Easter Gifts coming soon to the Cathedral Shop!
Although it may be tempting to start ordering those Easter gifts for loved ones, friends and family – hold fire! Portsmouth Cathedral’s brand-new online store will be launching very soon featuring unique gifts including prayer books and Easter crosses and decorations, as well as our special range of Fairtrade chocolate easter eggs. You’ll also find a selection of thoughtful gifts and homeware being introduced in the weeks to come.
To enable you to shop with us during lockdown, we are launching ‘click and collect’ for all products being sold online. Keep your eye on your inbox for more information soon!
Community News
International Women’s Day – Monday 8 March
To mark International Women’s Day 2021, see Canon Kathryn in conversation with Professor June Purvis on this year’s theme: 'Women in Leadership – achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world'.
Watch the interview on our website
Bishop’s Lent Appeal
Each year, our bishop organises a Lent Appeal to help one local and one global good cause. Worshippers from our diocese donate money and hold fundraising events to support those charities. Bishop Christopher, shared a message about the appeal… “The 2020 Lent Appeal focused on the environment and our God-given responsibility for the care and sustaining of the world, its resources and its people, which are His first, and also ours.”
Although there will not be a new Appeal this year, you’re invited to pick up where we left off last year, Bishop Christopher reminds us “The threats and challenge are just as compelling and challenging. Our diocesan commitment to move quickly towards carbon reduction and play our part in meeting the Church of England’s intention to be carbon free by 2030.”
Find out more anddonate online
Deanery consultation process
A reminder that the draft Deanery Plan can be foundon our website here, and that our Deanery Synod reps are Kitty Price, Marian Pottinger, Chris Nicol, Marion Syms, and Canon Kathryn.
Friends’ Spring Newsletter
The latest edition of the Friends’ Newsletter was sent by email, where email addresses are held, or post this week. If you would like to know more about membership of the Friends please contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk
Chapter Meeting Update - 24 February 2021
At its meeting on 24 February Chapter discussed in outline the changes in Governance that will be required in due course under the Cathedrals Measure 2021 which was before the parliamentary Ecclesiastical Committee last week.
Read more on our website
Worship and Visiting the Cathedral
Portsmouth Cathedral continues to be open daily for private prayer, daily Holy Communion and Sunday Services. Sadly, government guidelines do not allow for sightseeing and our shop is also closed for now.
We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including the mandatory wearing of face masks, except for those with exemptions (please note face visors should only be worn with a face mask). Find out more on our Covid-19 information page.
We broadcast three services a day on our live page and Facebook. Find out more on our website and download orders of services.
Prayers and Intercessions
We pray for all those affected by Covid-19.
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Bob, Derek, Trevor, Izzy, Clare, Sarah, Jenny, Michael, Laurence, Rita, Dave, Mercedes, Peter, Amanda, Joan, Reuben, Kathy, Alison, Jane, Emilia, David, Linda, Mervyn and all those in need.
We pray for those who have died recently: Sheila Deans, Enid Gull, Dorothy Bellamy, Peter Johnson, Paul Nicol, Beryl Rundle, Dennis Ede, Ruth Etheldreda, David Stuart, Laurie Fricker, Monty Seal and Barry Paul RIP.
To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk
Upcoming Services and Events
Sunday Refreshments via Zoom – 7 March, 6:30pm
Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments hosted on Zoom. It is a great opportunity to catch up with other members of the congregation and members of our ministry team.
For security purposes the Zoom link will be sent in our email newsletter, sign up to receive our weekly email.
Lent, Holy Week & Easter
Explore God’s story of loving and creative engagement with the world in our season of inspiring services, courses and events during Lent as we prepare to celebrate Easter.
Visit our websitefor the latest information on services and events. Please note that in these uncertain times, planned events and services may need to change.
Booking to attend services during Holy Week and Easter Day
Information on how to book for services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day will be shared in next week’s newsletter. All our services will continue to be livestreamed if you are unable to join us in person.
Catch up on last week’s servicehere, and the full interview with the Revd Richard Coleshere. Our next #PompeySundaysathome service will be streamed at 9.30 am on Mothering Sunday, 14 March.
Stations of the Cross – weekly on Saturdays, 5:30pm
This week the Revd Catherine Edenborough, leads a People’s Stations of the Cross, with art, readings and prayers by members of the congregation. We invite you to journey with us this Saturday at 5:30pm on ourlivechannels.
Social Tuesdays – 9 March, 7:30pm
Settle down with Dravid Price as we explore our Cathedral community’s favourite 'Dessert' Island Discs. Enjoy with a cake and a cuppa as Dr Price meets with Bishop Christopher, exploring some of his favourite songs and sounds. Watch on ourlive channelsthis Tuesday evening, and catch-up on previous episodes via ourYouTubechannel.
Art Wednesdays – 10 March, 7:30pm
This week, our guest speaker is the Dean, whose talk is entitled:Earthy, attentive, and at ease with creation: Stanley Spencer’s ‘Christ in the wilderness’ paintings.
Find out more and sign-uporwatch last week’s talk online.
Lunchtime Live: Lent Term 2021 – Weekly on Thursdays, 1:10pm
Our recitals from the Cathedral continue on Thursday lunchtime.
Find out more and watch online
Living His Story: Lent Group – 11 March, 7:00pm
The Lent Group continues its exploration of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2021:Living His Story, by Hannah Steele. All are welcome to join, you don’t have to have attended the previous sessions. Email Canon Kathryn for a free handout if you don’t have a copy of the book.
This week, we will be looking at chapter 4: ‘Communicating like Jesus did’.
For security purposes the Zoom link will be sent in our email newsletter, sign up to receive our weekly email.
Recommend our notices to a friend…
Do you know someone who may benefit from receiving our notices? Why not recommend them our newsletter by sending them to portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/newsletter where they can sign up online.
If you know someone without internet access, we also provide a printed mailing. Please contact our pastoral team using the contact details below to sign up.
Foodbank Collection Point
The Cathedral is home to a foodbank collection point for the Roberts Centre. Donations of food and toiletries are particularly needed at the moment and greatly appreciated by those using the service.
See what items most in need are on our website.
Getting in touch
We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!
Dean Anthony: 023 9282 4400 or Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk
Canon Jo Spreadbury: 023 9275 2335 or Jo.Spreadbury@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk
Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967 or Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk
Cathedral Curate, Revd Catherine Edenborough: 023 9282 3300 extn 221 or Catherine.Edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk (Usual days at the Cathedral: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday)
Messages can also be left on the Cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 or by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.