Chapter Meeting Update - 24 February 2021

At its meeting on 24 February Chapter discussed in outline the changes in Governance that will be required in due course under the Cathedrals Measure 2021 which was before the parliamentary Ecclesiastical Committee last week.

The Measure will bring all Cathedrals under joint oversight by the Church Commissioners and the Charity Commission for the first time. Changes to cathedrals’ Constitution and Statutes will be rolled out over the next three years and are subject to successful completion of the SCIE Safeguarding Audit which Portsmouth Cathedral will undertake at the end of June this year. Changes to governance and the revised Code of Conduct for Chapters, which includes an emphasis on diversity, will be considered in detail at future meetings. A presentation on the Cathedral’s retail offer was given and Chapter received updates on Vision and Strategy, Cathedral Departments and finances.

The annual audit is in progress and the accounts will be published before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which will be held on the evening of Tuesday 25th May.