Portsmouth Cathedral

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An introduction to our new Curate, Revd Hannah Barraclough

We look forward to welcoming a new Curate to the Cathedral, ahead of her arrival, Revd Hannah Barraclough introduces herself in a short blog…


My name is Hannah and I am really looking forward to joining you at Portsmouth Cathedral in the next few weeks.

I have completed two-thirds of my curacy in the Parish of Newport and Carisbrooke with Gatcombe on the Isle of Wight, working with a team of people there in creating a new combined parish of 4 churches. It has been richly rewarding and I have learnt a lot about myself as a Priest and about Parish ministry. I have had a good deal of experience in funeral ministry, hospice work, engagement with children and families, and service planning and preparation. Before that I completed a 3-year BA in Theology, Ministry and Mission in Bristol and at Cuddesdon, Oxford. I hope that this next phase of my ministry will enable me to experience rich and well-rounded ministry, liturgy, preaching and music in the Cathedral.

I am creative, passionate and deeply interested in the intersection of theology and daily life. Having originated from Yorkshire many years ago, I lived in Portsmouth previously when I worked with Harbour Church as they established themselves here. I have also done a lot of travelling and spent time in Zimbabwe working with charities enabling engagement with young women.

In my spare time, I enjoy creative endeavours at my sewing machine, staying active playing rugby, sea swimming, walking my dog, Alfie and really good coffee.

I look forward to joining you more permanently in late May, and until then I will be around for some things until a house move is negotiated. Thanking God for hope-filled and expectant times ahead.



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