Portsmouth Cathedral

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Chapter Update - November 2022

Chapter met Wednesday evening (13 November) for its last regular meeting of 2022 and to set the 2023 budget. The 2023 budget now goes to Cathedral Council on Wednesday, 30 November 2022 to be received. There will be more detail on the 2023 budget and likely 2022 outturn in the Notices next week.

Chapter reviewed progress being made on implementation of the new Cathedrals Measure which will see the Cathedral come under the joint regulation of the Church Commissioners (as we are now) and the Charity Commission (which will be new). Three Cathedrals have now successfully come under the measure, and we hope to learn from them, other cathedrals, and other examples of best practice as we move to come under the Measure in late 2023. The Terms of Reference for the Cathedrals Measure working party will be published next week.

Members of the working party are The Dean (chair), Kate Branigan, KC (Chair of Cathedral Council), Alex Lochrane (Lay Chapter member), Dr. Bryn Hughes (Lay Cathedral Council member, Richard Abraham (Chief Operating Officer) and Liz Snowball (Implementation lead for Cathedral Measure at Portsmouth)

Chapter also agreed:

  • an update to the Safeguarding Policy and Statement. These can now be seen around the Cathedral Precinct;

  • an update choir tour policy pending final review by the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor;

  • a new member of the Finance And Investment Committee, Philip Sturdy who is Head of Transaction at Mayfair Capital Investment Management. (Darrell Cox, Director of Operational Risk at the French bank BNP Paribas, London UK joined FIC earlier this year.)

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