Portsmouth Cathedral

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How you can get involved with our Christmas Fair

This year our annual Christmas Fair takes place on 10 December, and is supported by our wonderful team of volunteers. If you would like to get involved, the easiest way is to donate an item for the raffle or for one of the stalls.

We need all sorts of items for our stalls, including:

  • Children’s good quality clean Clothes, Books, Puzzles, Games and Toys

  • Paperback novels for all ages (no hardback or non-fiction though please)

  • Unopened toiletries

  • China & Glass

  • Jewellery, Bags and Scarves

  • Beers, Cider, Wine, Prosecco etc for the Bottle Tombola

  • Children’s Tombola ~ Bubble Mixes, Penny Sweet Jars, Drinks

  • Chocolate for the Chocolate Tombola

  • Create something to donate

  • Homemade cakes, cupcakes, scones*

  • Kitted Scarves or Sewn Bags

  • Homemade Candles

  • Homemade Jams or Chutneys

If you have a relationship with a local business who would be happy to sponsor or donate a raffle prize, then please let us know using the email below.

Due to a limited storage, donations will be gratefully received from Tuesday 5 Dec into the boxes located in the Cloister by the north door.

If you have a Jewellery or other valuable donation, please bring it with you on the day or the cathedral shop can store it for you (after Tuesday 5 December).

If you are kindly donating alcohol please contact us using the email below or call 023 9282 3300 so that a safe hand over and storage can be arranged, or drop it to the Bottle Tombola directly on the morning of the fair, before 10am.

Please bring cakes in on the day about 9:30am so that they are protected and stored correctly. Please label if the cake is gluten free or dairy free as this is helpful when selling, it will be assumed that no cake made at home can be guaranteed to be nut free and we will display appropriate signage.

All donations are very gratefully received, many thanks!

Email our team: christmasfair@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

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