Chapter News - Wednesday 13 July 2022

Chapter met on Wednesday evening for its last meeting before the summer break. The meeting began with a presentation from David Price, Organist and Master of the Choristers, with highlights from the choir year – the first year since 2019 where, with the exception of a choir tour, there was a welcome return to pre-pandemic ways of working.
Chapter, with the Cathedral’s Lay Safeguarding Representative, Marian Pottinger in attendance, conducted the annual review of the Cathedral Safeguarding Policy and Policy statement.  Canon Kathryn continues to be the Chapter Safeguarding Lead. The planned safeguarding training by Diocesan staff had to be delayed until the autumn because of last minute Diocesan scheduling issues.  New social media guidelines and policy were approved.
Chapter approved a change to service timings on Saturdays, moving the act of worship from 5:45pm to no later than 9:00am from 1st September 2022.  This decision was taken to increase opportunities for commercial bookings designed to increase revenue to support missional activities.  Other cathedrals such as Guildford follow a similar pattern.
The Chief Operating Officer provided a financial update. Our financial position remains challenging.  Inflation is causing significant increases to our running costs such as lighting and as we move into autumn, heating costs and some departments are ahead of projected spend and inflation is causing significant increases to our running costs such as lighting and as we move into autumn, heating costs.  We continue to manage expenditure that is within our control tightly, but the Cathedral is now projecting a deficit of circa £120,000 not the £97,000 set out in the budget. We are though increasing revenues from events thanks to the work of our Events Manager, Jemima Crayden, and the increased effectiveness of our marketing thanks to Joseph Keele-Toms, our Digital Marketing Manager.
The Season of Generosity saw a small increase in Planned Giving of just over 1% from last year when an increase of 24% was recorded.  There are several reasons for this which include the moving away and death of some members of the congregation.  Without the loss of this giving the increase would have been 6%. Chapter was most grateful that, in these challenging times, so many were able to increase their financial commitment to the Cathedral.
The Dean updated Chapter on the next steps on the path to implementation of the 2021 Cathedrals Measure.  The Cathedral will come the new Measure, a piece of legislation that amends our governance structures, in late summer 2023. In late August 2022, the Church Commissioners will lay out a detailed timeline towards implementation that can then be shared with the wider congregation.
Chapter approved the appointment of twenty-eight sidespeople including four Deputy Wardens to work alongside the Churchwardens.  Chapter expressed gratitude to them all for this ministry amongst us.
Chapter noted that since the APCM in May, fifteen people had joined the Electoral Roll bringing the total to 314.  Chapter most warmly welcomed the new members of our congregational family.