With Thankful Hearts – Portsmouth’s Citywide Harvest 2021

Portsmouth Cathedral are pleased to once again be participating in the citywide harvest, With Thankful Hearts.

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A year ago people were invited to reflect on their experiences of lockdown and as a sign of our thanks for all the support and care that we had received to donate food or money to support those who provide food to those on the margins.

This coincided with the season in we as Churches celebrate Harvest Festivals and give thanks to God for all the gifts he has given us by sharing some of those gifts with others who are in need. This practice stretches back through history into the Old Testament and can be traced over thousands of years.

During COVID we re-discovered the strong sense of community in our city and our care for one another. It is important that this does not fade into a distant memory but becomes part of the fabric of who we are and what we do. 

Once again we are inviting you to ‘respond with thankful hearts’ by sharing some of what you have with those around us in the community.

Over September we would like everyone who is able to donate food, these will then be shared with the local food providers in the community. This will include Foodbanks, Larders, Pantries and other groups who provide meals and support to those who experience food poverty.

The appeal aims to support those who are struggling for food supplies this autumn and winter, particularly those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Please bring your donations to the Harvest Sunday service on 19 September, 11am.