Azariah France-Williams in conversation with the Dean at Portsmouth Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral is excited to announce that Azariah France-Williams, author of 'Ghost Ship: Institutional Racism and the Church of England', will be joining the Dean of Portsmouth for an ‘in-conversation’ event at the Cathedral on Saturday, 11 February at 4:00pm.

France-Williams is a leading voice on issues of racial justice and reconciliation within the Church of England. In his book, 'Ghost Ship', he exposes the systemic racism that has plagued the Church for centuries and calls for urgent action to address it.

During the event, France-Williams will share insights from his book, including role that faith communities can play in promoting racial justice.

The Dean of Portsmouth, The Very Revd Dr Anthony Cane was pleased to be welcoming Azariah to the Cathedral, explaining “The church has a history of lamenting its failings in the area of racial justice, but not following up with concrete action.  We are determined to do better, and Azariah France-Williams has a brilliant ability both to illuminate what has gone wrong in the past, and to show us a hopeful way forward.”

Azariah France-Williams' book, Ghost Ship, exposes the harsh reality of the barriers and bias faced by ethnic minority clergy within the Anglican Church. Through powerful imagery and devastating testimony, this book uncovers the institutional racism present within the Church of England, giving voice to the experiences of those who have been invisible for far too long. Ghost Ship is a must-read for anyone who is interested in understanding the complexities of race and religion, and for anyone who is committed to creating a more just and equitable society. The book is available now, via SCM Press and most book stores.

This event is free and open to the public. We encourage all members of the community, regardless of their faith background, to attend and be a part of this important conversation.

Find out more about the event and book online →