Portsmouth Cathedral

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Lent 2023: Confirmation Classes

Confirmation classes will be held this Lent on Sundays at 3-4 pm in the Bishop Kenneth Room, from 26 February - 2 April inclusive. This will be a mixed class for adults and young people.

The book we will use, Faith Confirmed, by Chris Wright and Peter Jackson, is available from the Cathedral Shop.

Confirmation is a special service in which the Bishop lays his hands on your head and asks the Holy Spirit to give you the strength and commitment to live God's way for the rest of your life.

If you have been baptised (Christened) this is an opportunity for you to confirm for yourself the promises made on your behalf by your parents and godparents. If you have not already been baptised, don't worry - you can be baptised, before you are confirmed, in the confirmation service itself.

In our classes, we will be looking at lots of big topics, including the nature of God, the Bible, prayer, the Eucharist, the Church and the creeds, as well as of course baptism and confirmation themselves. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

If you are not sure whether you wish to be confirmed at this time but would just like to explore with no strings attached, you are most welcome. The minimum age for confirmation is usually 10; there is no maximum!

If you, or anyone you know, would like to explore the Christian faith further, either with a view to being confirmed at our Easter Vigil service on 8 April, or simply to find out more, please contact Canon Kathryn.

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