New Cathedral Cycle Champion
We are delighted to announce that Hannah Gunga has agreed to take on the role of Cathedral Cycle Champion.
One of her first roles is helping organise and participate in the Portsmouth leg of the Cathedral Cycle Route Relay route (Cathedrals Cycle Route challenge | Cycling UK), that passes through our Cathedral on the 19th and 20th of June 2021.
On the 19th we welcome cyclists to Portsmouth from Chichester. On the 20th, riders set out from Portsmouth bound for Winchester Cathedral.
If you would like to become in volved in welcoming these pilgrims-on-a-bike to our Cathedral or become a pilgrim cyclist yourself, then please email for more information.
So far about 10 members of the congregation have signed up to cycle to Winchester – more are most welcome.
But we do not want this to be a one-off event. We are exploring the idea of creating a new Cycling and Walking Group within the Cathedral community welcome to all ages and abilities.
We are at the ideas stage so if you would like to become part of that discussion then this is the time to join Hannah and others in creating this new group of fun, fellowship, and fitness.
A few of the ideas so far include cycling or walking out to various parts of the Diocese -- arriving at churches in time for an evening service on a Saturday, walks on the Downs and exploring Shepherd churches along the way, and advocating for ways to increase use of bikes in and around Portsmouth and as a means to come and go from the Cathedral. If you would like to join Hannah and others, please email