Weekly Notices | Sunday, 16 January 2022
A reflection from Kitty Price
There is a wonderful anthem by Philip Moore called “All wisdom cometh from the Lord”, which uses verses from Ecclesiasticus. Not only is the music incredible – so look out for it on the music list! – the words remind us that everything we have we owe to God.
In my family I am sometimes known as ‘The wise one’, which is their joking way of saying that sometimes I can see things in a situation that others can’t. However, this tiny amount of wisdom is often balanced out by a sense of the ridiculous! On Sunday evening we have the Epiphany carol service, which is one of my favourite services of the year. The wise men, or magi, or kings, had an extra dose of wisdom, so much so that they were able to interpret an astronomical event as a sign of the incarnation. Such was their commitment, that they travelled “from the east” to worship the infant king, bringing gifts that signify his nature.
My favourite line in the entire Bible is Matthew 2:12, “And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.” It isn’t poetic, it isn’t necessarily that memorable, but the way I see it, these 21 words sum up the Christian faith: they ignore and therefore challenge unjust earthly authority (rock on, chaps!), and having met God incarnate they are never the same again. That is how we should live.
Back to the gifts. During the service we will have a chance to reflect on what we can offer to God, both in terms of gold (giving to the Church or charities), worship (extra prayer or joining a Bible study) and acts of service (volunteering or helping someone in need). We will write these things on luggage labels, signifying the changes we want to make as we journey through 2022. Why? Because as we celebrate Epiphany with the Wise Men, we are changed, we go back home via another road.
Community News
Missed any of our 12 Days of Christmas videos? Catch up with the whole series now on our YouTube channel.
Journeying with Christ
Sunday Evensong Sermon Series “Journeying with Christ – a personal pilgrimage with the Honorary Canons of Portsmouth Cathedral.” During the year, we are inviting each of our Honorary Canons to be our guest preacher at a Sunday Choral Evensong service. Evensong is at 17.45 each Sunday.
The first three sermons in this series will be:
Sunday 23 January – Canon Bob White, Vicar of St Mary’s Portsea
Sunday 20 February – Canon John Owen, Vicar of Steep and Froxfield
Sunday 20 March – Canon Hugh Wright, Vicar of Ventnor on the Isle of Wight
Come to hear their experience about journeys of faith and their wisdom about the pilgrimage through life that we are all on together.
Annual Muslim Christian Evening
Portsmouth Cathedral and the Wessex Jamaat are looking forward to celebrating their 27th annual Muslim Christian Evening on 25 January at 7:15pm. This much-valued event will once again be online via Zoom, with both communities looking forward to strengthening bonds of friendship and exploring together the impact and opportunities which the pandemic has presented for faith groups.
Further information can be found on our website →
Christmas Fair Feedback Meeting
Our 'Christmas Fair' wash-up meeting will take place in the Nave at 12:15pm following the 11:00am service. An opportunity for you to share your feedback and thoughts. All volunteers and members of the congregation are welcome. Please bring along your coffee to the Nave, allowing us to start the meeting on time, which will need to conclude by 1:00pm.
If you have any ideas and suggestions for the future, but not able to attend the meeting, please send a message to Ann using the form below…
January Shop Sale
Christmas 2022 will be here before you know it! Shop our January Sale now and get a head start on next year! Includes cards, wrapping paper, decorations, and gifts. Limited lines available online or for the full sale visit us in store portcath.link/sale
Living in Love and Faith
Along with the rest of the Church of England, our Diocese is currently holding conversations relating to gender, marriage, sexuality, and relationships, under the heading 'Living in Love and Faith'. The aim of these conversations is to create brave, safe, supportive spaces in which we can explore together the theology and ethics involved. The conversations for our Deanery are being run in the Becket Hall at 7 pm on Thursdays, starting on 20 January and running for five sessions with a break on 17 February. Course booklets will be provided free of charge.
For more information, please see our diocesan LLF page: Living in Love and Faith – Diocese of Portsmouth (anglican.org) and the national LLF page, which contains links to a vast array of resources through the LLF Learning Hub, is free to join and open to everyone: Living in Love and Faith | The Church of England
To reserve a place on the deanery course, please contact Canon Kathryn.
Worship and Visiting
Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is no longer required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more on our website , where you can also download orders of service.
We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus. It is now mandatory to wear a face covering inside the Cathedral, including when singing as part of the congregation, unless you are medically exempt. Please also continue to check in with the NHS Covid-19 app and remaining at a safe distance from other groups. Further information can be found on our Covid-19 information page.
Prayers and Intercessions
All those affected by COVID-19
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Derek, Beverley, Richard, Aaron, Jane, Alan, Lesley, Hilary, Stan, Andrew, Amanda, Wendy, Jeff, Derek, Denise, and all those in need.
Long-term sick including: Alison, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita, Izzy, Meriel, Graeme, Clare, and Libby.
We pray for those who have died recently: Aida Mackenzie, Elva Corbett, David Baird, Jeni Flynn, and John Hopkinson RIP.
Upcoming Services & Events
Getting in touch
Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!
Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.