Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 9 May 2021

A reflection from Canon Anthony Rustell

When first century people encountered Christianity, many of them found it rather shocking. This was because Christians behaved in a way that was counter-cultural within that society. The Christians challenged social norms, not merely by refusing to participate in the official Roman pagan religion, but also in the way they behaved towards one another and the world beyond. 

In few places in the ancient world could you come into an ecclesia, an assembly, and find male and female, slave and free, rich and poor, all gathered together as a community on equal terms. In a world in which normally only adult male citizens could be part of an ecclesia, the idea that the good news meant that anyone could be welcomed to join in the church community was a revolutionary one. 

To understand how we came to have the liberties that we enjoy in the modern world, we have to perceive how these freedoms are very much rooted within the Christian story and the way of life adopted by the church. This way of life is very radical because it speaks against the temptation to rely on privilege, build walls, and exclude people who are not like us. 

Peter’s message in our first reading today is one of generosity and inclusion, and that message is very much at the heart of who we are as a cathedral community. God generously welcomes us, and so we are called on to welcome others into our community. 

As we continue to mark our cathedral season of generosity, let us continue to remember this week our call to be a generous people. 

The Revd Canon Dr. Anthony Rustell 

Community News

Season of Generosity 

Season of Generosity  

Thank you to everyone who has responded to the Season of Generosity. Your support is hugely appreciated.  

If you haven’t yet responded, please consider supporting us with a regular gift or increasing your current support.  

Find out more on our website, pick up a Season of Generosity booklet in the Cathedral or speak with any member of the ministry team or with our Head of Fundraising and Events, Sophie Henstridge-Brown. Don’t forget to return your pledge form by 16 May to be dedicated at the final Sunday services during the Season. 

Season of Generosity – Tea and Talk with Solent Mind – 10 May, 7:00pm 

As part of the Season of Generosity, we warmly invite you to an online tea and talk event with Solent Mind, one of the local charities supported by Portsmouth Cathedral through our outward giving.  

This online event will take place during Mental Health Awareness Week and will be an opportunity to find out more about the important work of Solent Mind in our local area. We will hear from staff working directly on the front line, and there will be plenty of time for discussion and questions.  

Sign up online to receive a Zoom link.

‘Cathedral of the Sea’ reopens from 17 May to Visitors and Explorers  

Like many attractions, museums, galleries and other cultural organisations, we have been unable to welcome visitors through their doors to explore the heritage and beauty of the 800-year-old Cathedral church. The Cathedral has been able to continue to host limited in-person services during the period of lockdown under Government guidelines, but it but it has been over six months since we actively welcomed visitors.  

We are pleased to announce the reopening of the Cathedral to cultural and heritage visitors’ 17 May 2021, alongside some exciting additional experiences thanks to funding from the Government’s Culture Recovery Funding. The Cathedral has also been working hard to improve other aspects of the visitors’ experience including our shop, with consultation from industry-leaders in the cultural retailing sector. 

Visitors to the Cathedral will be able to experience the stories and secrets behind our 800 years of history, new interactive experiences including augmented reality, virtual tours, and audio guides through a new mobile app and on the Portsmouth Cathedral website. 

We’ll be announcing further information about the new ways you can explore the Cathedral in the coming weeks as we countdown to the 17 May 2021. 

Find out more about the Cathedral on our explore pages

Cathedral Cycle Route Challenge - Are you a Cycle Champion

Portsmouth Cathedral is thrilled to be part of the Cathedral Cycle route (Cathedrals Cycle Route challenge | Cycling UK), a nearly 2,000-mile pilgrimage route linking all 42 English Cathedrals, which is launching during Bike Week 2021. To mark this new cycle route, we are taking part in a national baton relay along the whole route, starting at Newcastle Cathedral.  

On Sunday 20 June 2021 we will cycle our leg of the relay from Portsmouth Cathedral to Winchester Cathedral, and we need your help! We are looking for volunteers to be part of the team cycling all or some of the 29-mile route, and for one volunteer to coordinate our leg of the relay. Email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk if you are interested in being involved.  

A number of people have already signed up for the event.  More are welcome.  It is open to riders of all ages and abilities. If you are interested in helping us to promote cycling more widely, please consider becoming a Cycle Champion. Email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk to find out more.  


Annual  Meetings: Tuesday 25 May 7.00pm  

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting and Meeting to Elect Churchwardens will be held via Zoom on 25th May.  The revised Electoral Roll is now on display in the Ambulatory.  

The 2020 Annual Accounts which were approved by Chapter on 28th April will be published next week. Cathedral auditors, Haysmacintyre, noted the progress that has been made over the past 12-18 months to reduce expenditure while increasing revenue.  They noted that while better placed than it would have been, the Cathedral still has financial challenges ahead as it moves to balance its budget.  

Our two Churchwardens will also be elected at the meetings.  While Sue Ward, who has served as a Churchwarden for three terms will not be standing for re-election, we look forward to her continued contribution to the life of the Cathedral which includes her advocacy for Christian Aid and Fairtrade.  

The role of Churchwarden, which is not the same as that in a parish church, involves acting as a conduit between Chapter and the congregation, and assisting with the organisation of services including the coordination of the sidespeople, who with the welcomers, form such an important part of the Cathedral’s welcome.  One of the Churchwardens is also elected as a Lay Member of Chapter and both are appointed as Lay Canons.  During the past year, Sue and our other Churchwarden, Sheila Picton, have played a vital role in coordinating the many volunteers who have given so generously of their time to keep the Cathedral open.  Nominations for Churchwarden can be made at any time before the APCM.   

If you would like to know more about the role please speak to the Dean, one of the Canons or Sue and Sheila. 

Cathedral Council - Congregational Representatives

Shirley Grayson-Smith and Nick Speller come to the end of their current four year terms of office on the Cathedral Council at the APCM, when elections for Congregational Representatives will be held.  One of the changes through the new 2021 Cathedrals Measure will be that Cathedral Councils will cease to exist but until the Cathedral's Constitution and Statutes are changed the Council continues to be an important part of the governance of the Cathedral and will be involved in the discussions on how the Chapter engages with the congregation and wider community after the changes. 

Nomination forms for Churchwarden and Cathedral Council and Zoom details for the meetings are available from the Cathedral Offices.

SCIE Safeguarding Audit 

As part of the Church of England’s commitment to good safeguarding practice, it has commissioned the Social Care Institute for Excellence to carry out independent safeguarding audits of every diocese and cathedral.  The diocesan audits were completed in 2019, but the cathedral audits were paused last year because of Covid-19.  The process for cathedrals has now restarted, and Portsmouth Cathedral’s audit will be carried out over 2 ½ days on 22-24 June.  The audit will be a collaborative process, and we welcome it as an opportunity to review and improve our policies and provision in this vital area.  Our audit will be a ‘hybrid’ as we start to emerge from Covid:  the auditors will visit us, but all surveys will be conducted electronically, rather than face-to-face.  It is important that as many people as possible have an opportunity to provide safeguarding feedback.  If you wish to complete a survey, please follow this link:  

SCIE Cathedral Audit Survey for Adults

Please note that this survey is for completion by adults only. There is a separate survey for children which will be circulated to choristers and can be made available on request. All surveys should be submitted by Friday 28 May, please.

All surveys should be submitted by Friday 28 May, please.  

A reminder that the Chapter Safeguarding Lead is Canon Kathryn, and the Lay Safeguarding Lead is Marian Pottinger.  Further details on safeguarding at the Cathedral can be found on our website Safeguarding pages. 

Christian Aid Week 10-17 May

Christian Aid Week starts on Monday!

This year’s theme is Every Last Drop and focuses on the climate crisis which is already having a devastating impact on poorer countries in Africa, Asia and South America at the same time as Covid-19 sweeps the world and UK aid money is cut to the bone.

This year we will be distributing envelopes to the congregations and to the parish, but not collecting them. Instead we will ask for them to be returned to the Cathedral or other convenient points.  

Later in the year we hope to hold our Big Breakfast. Other fundraising ideas and online donations can be found at caweek.org. Anything you can give will make a difference. 

 If you would like to help or need more information contact Sue Ward at 02392877239 or at sueandterryinpk@yahoo.com 

Worship and Visiting the Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral continues to be open daily for private prayer, daily Holy Communion, Choral Evensong and Sunday Services. All our services are broadcast on our live page and Facebook. Find out more on our website and download orders of services.  

The Cathedral, including the shop, will reopen for visiting from Monday 17 May.  
We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including the mandatory wearing of face masks, except for those with exemptions (please note face visors should only be worn with a face mask). Find out more on our Covid-19 information page

#PompeySundays - 9:30am - from Sunday 23 May

#PompeySundays will begin in person at the Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday, 23 May, and then continue weekly. All are welcome, especially families, young people, and those new or returning to faith. 

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Izzy, Michael, Mercedes, Stuart, Dave, Amanda, Reuben, Linda, Mervyn, Oliver, Beverley, Hannah, Richard, Anthea, Aaron, Muriel, Christopher, Phil, Jane, and all those in need. 

We pray for those who have died recently: Susan Martin, Marilyn Jordan, Jeffrey Beadle, Malcolm Williams, Laurence Measey RIP. 

Upcoming Services and Events

Beating the Bounds – Sunday 9 May

This Rogation Sunday, at 12:30pm following the 11:00am Eucharist we will walk the boundary of the Cathedral parish. This includes going along the seafront to Clarence Pier and then through the City to the Guildhall. We will take a short trip on the train from Portsmouth and Southsea to Portsmouth Harbour stations, as well as taking the Gosport Ferry. Please note, you will need to buy your own tickets.  

All are welcome, but it would be helpful to know numbers in advance. Email Canon Jo if you’d like to join this historic tradition this year.

Bible Discussion Group – Thursdays, 7:00 pm

This week, continuing our theme of biblical characters, the Group will look at Jonah.

New members always welcome – no previous experience required. 

New members always welcome – no previous experience required.

Join us on Zoom

For security reasons the Zoom link is sent in our weekly Notices email, subscribe online now to get them direct to your inbox.

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom – Sunday, 6:30pm

Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments hosted on Zoom – catch up with other members of the congregation and our ministry team.

Join us on Zoom

For security reasons the Zoom link is sent in our weekly Notices email, subscribe online now to get them direct to your inbox.

Ascension Day Eucharist – 13 May, 5:30pm

Join us to mark the Feast of the Ascension, the fortieth day of Easter when we mark Jesus’ ascension to heaven. We will celebrate the feast with a Choral Eucharist at 5:30pm, with music from Portsmouth Cathedral Choir.

A small number of spaces will be reserved for those who cannot book, but please help us to plan by booking your space online if you can. Book onlinehere.

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