Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 2 May 2021

A reflection from Revd Catherine Edenborough

As we approach the end of this phase of lockdown restrictions and await the news about the next phase of unlocking, there is a sense of hope and positivity in the air. The idea of being able to meet more freely indoors again feels tantalisingly close and will seem like a real gift when it comes, after so many months of having to stay away from each other.

At the same time, we have all been changed by the pandemic experience and continue to be changed. We are in a transition phase that is hard to navigate. Many have lost loved ones and not been able to grieve properly. Many struggle with mental health issues. We have all been touched consciously or unconsciously by this experience and we have yet to see what will happen when we are through the worst of it and can take a breath. My sense is that a lot of unexpressed grief and emotion, that we did not even realise was there, will rise to the surface at some point.

As the church and at the Cathedral, we have a role to play in helping people express those feelings and holding them safely. We can offer a space for people to come and be open with their feelings. We can be alongside them. We can point them to the goodness of God, who holds us all in ways beyond our understanding. We can point them to other forms of support, that might be helpful. It feels like a great opportunity lies ahead for us to share our faith in a very practical and real way. Let’s reflect and pray about how we do this together.

Revd Catherine Edenborough,
Cathedral Curate

Community News

Season of Generosity 

Last Sunday we launched the Season of Generosity, a month to explore what it means to be generous as individuals and as a community.

In his sermons on Sunday morning, Dean Anthony encouraged all of us to share in the collective responsibility of ensuring the Cathedral has the funds we need to live out our Christian calling, which we express in our vision to be ‘a beacon and safe haven, anchored in Jesus Christ’.

Please consider supporting us with a regular gift or increasing your current support. Every gift matters.

Find out more on our website, pick up a Season of Generosity booklet in the Cathedral or speak with any member of the ministry team or with our Head of Fundraising and Events, Sophie Henstridge-Brown.

‘Cathedral of the Sea’ reopens again 17 May to Visitors and Explorers

Like many attractions, museums, galleries and other cultural organisations, we have been unable to welcome visitors through the doors to explore the heritage and beauty of our 800-year-old Cathedral church. The Cathedral has been able to continue to hold a reduced pattern of in-person services during the third national lockdown under Government guidelines, but it has been over six months since we actively welcomed visitors.

We are pleased to announce the reopening of the Cathedral to visitor and pilgrims from 17 May 2021, alongside some exciting additional experiences thanks to funding from the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage. Visitors will be able to experience the stories and secrets behind our 800 years of history, through a new mobile app hosting new interactive experiences including augmented reality, virtual tours, and audio guides.

The Cathedral has also been working hard to improve other aspects of the visitor’s experience including our shop, with consultation from industry-leaders in cultural retailing sector, with new and bespoke ranges of homeware and jewellery available to buy online now, and in store from 17 May.

We’ll be announcing further information about the new ways you can explore the Cathedral in the coming weeks as we countdown to the 17 May 2021.

Find out more about the Cathedral on our explore pages.

Chapter update

Chapter met on Wednesday to approved the 2020 Annual Accounts which will be published in advance of the APCM in late May. Cathedral auditors, Haysmacintyre, noted the progress that has been made over the past 12-18 months to reduce expenditure while increasing revenue. They noted that while better placed that it would have been, the Cathedral still has financial challenges ahead as it moves to balance its budget.

Cathedral Cycle Route Challenge - Are you a Cycle Champion?

Portsmouth Cathedral is thrilled to be part of the Cathedral Cycle route, a nearly 2,000-mile pilgrimage linking all 42 English Cathedrals, which is launching during Bike Week 2021. To mark this new cycle route, we are taking part in a national baton relay along the whole route, starting at Newcastle Cathedral.

On Sunday 20 June 2021 we will cycle our leg of the relay from Portsmouth Cathedral to Winchester Cathedral, and we need your help! We are looking for volunteers to be part of the team cycling all or some of the 29-mile route, and for one volunteer to coordinate our leg of the relay. Email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk if you are interested in being involved.

More details on the Cathedral Cycle Route route are available on their website: Cathedrals Cycle Route challenge | Cycling UK

If you are interested in helping us to promote cycling more widely, please consider becoming a Cycle Champion. Email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk to find out more.

SCIE Safeguarding Audit

As part of the Church of England’s commitment to good safeguarding practice, it has commissioned the Social Care Institute for Excellence to carry out independent safeguarding audits of every diocese and cathedral. The diocesan audits were completed in 2019, but the cathedral audits were paused last year because of Covid-19. The process for cathedrals has now restarted, and Portsmouth Cathedral’s audit will be carried out over 2 ½ days on 22-24 June. The audit will be a collaborative process, and we welcome it as an opportunity to review and improve our policies and provision in this vital area.

There will be further details, including information about surveys and feedback, in due course. A reminder that the Chapter Safeguarding Lead is Canon Kathryn, and the Lay Safeguarding Lead is Marian Pottinger. Further details on safeguarding at the Cathedral can be found on our website Safeguarding pages.

Farewell to Bishop Christopher

This past Saturday Bishop Christopher laid down his crozier and retired as Bishop of Portsmouth. All of us at Portsmouth Cathedral with him and Sally the very best for their retirement. If you’d like to watch the service again, you can find it on our website.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral 2021 Programme

At the Friends meeting on 26 March 2021 the Council discussed what programme of events might be feasible in 2021. Given the uncertainties still surrounding the pandemic it was felt that it would be imprudent to organise events before September this year. However, we agreed that it was important for our friends to have a say in what type of events that they would like included in an autumn programme.

Read more on our website

New Sign on Cathedral Green

Thanks to the generosity of the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral a new sign has been put in place on the southwest corner of The Green. The sign was handpainted by Gerrald Whittaker who also updated the Archdeacons’ Board in the Welcome Area. The new sign replaced an old sign and matches that at the southeast corner.

Good news from our friends in Sunyani

Covid is impacting hard on life in Ghana, but the good news is that Festus Yeboah Asuamah, Bishop of Sunyani, together with his wife Felicia have now both received a covid vaccination. Our Cathedral has a companion link with St Anselm’s Cathedral in the Diocese of Sunyani (Ghana), part of the Inter-Diocesan West Africa Link which links the Diocese of Portsmouth with the Internal Province of Ghana.

The Anglican Church in Ghana has just appointed a new Archbishop and we will be bringing news of this in the coming weeks.

Worship and Visiting the Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral continues to be open daily for private prayer, daily Holy Communion and Sunday Services. Sadly, government guidelines do not allow for sightseeing and our shop is also closed for now, except for click-and-collect from the online shop.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including the mandatory wearing of face masks, except for those with exemptions (please note face visors should only be worn with a face mask). Find out more on our Covid-19 information page.

Choral Evensong and online Compline have now resumed, please check our latest service list for details on services you can now attend in the Cathedral.

We continue to broadcast daily services on our live page and Facebook. Find out more on our website and download orders of services.


Look out for the last of these online-only services on Sunday at 9.30am and then on catch-up, on our live channels. This time, our theme is Unlocking.
#PompeySundays will start in the Cathedral at 9.30am on Pentecost Sunday, 23 May, and then continues every week – all welcome, especially families, young people, and those new or returning to faith.

Choral Evensong open to congregations again!

Choral Evensong is now open for congregations to attend on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 5.30pm. Come and hear our choirs sing this glorious service. You do not need to book a space for services during weekdays.

See the full list of all our services on our website.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Izzy, Michael, Mercedes, Stuart, Dave, Amanda, Reuben, Linda, Mervyn, Oliver, Beverley, Hannah, Richard, Anthea, Jan, Aaron, Muriel, Christopher, Phil, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Graeme, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Andrew, Jenny, Bishop Peter, Suzy, Arthur, Sarah, Bob, Jane, Michael and Rita.

We pray for those who have died recently: Susan Martin, Marilyn Jordan, Jeffrey Beadle, Malcolm Williams, Laurence Measey, RIP.

Upcoming Services and Events

Toddler Service – Wednesday, 2:00 pm

Join us on Facebook Live this Wednesday for our Toddler Service. This time, we are thinking about Jesus the Good Shepherd. Get ready to be a sheep!

Bible Discussion Group – Thursdays, 7:00 pm

This week, the Group will continue to look at the Book of Ruth, focussing on the roles of women and men in the narrative.

New members always welcome – no previous experience required.

Join us on Zoom

For security reasons the Zoom link is sent in our weekly Notices email, subscribe online now to get them direct to your inbox.

Stations of the Resurrection – until 23 May

On display around the ambulatory through Eastertide, the Stations of the Resurrection are also known as the Stations of Joy or the Way of Light (Via Lucis). They form a meditation for the Easter season that complements the Stations of the Cross (or Via Crucis) in Lent.

Using the resurrection appearances of Jesus as a focus for reflection, with a Bible passage and a prayer given for each, we have an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the Easter mysteries of the resurrection of Christ. The personal encounters of his friends and followers with the Risen Lord can provide the opportunity for an encounter of our own, for all who wish, with the living Lord Jesus.

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom – Sunday, 6:30pm

Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments hosted on Zoom – catch up with other members of the congregation and our ministry team.

Join us on Zoom

For security reasons the Zoom link is sent in our weekly Notices email, subscribe online now to get them direct to your inbox.

Beating the Bounds – 9 May, 11:00am

We invite all to take part in this historic tradition, that we hope will be resuming this year!

On Rogation Sunday, 9 May, following the 11:00am Eucharist we will walk the boundary of the Cathedral parish. This includes going along the seafront to Clarence Pier and then through the City to the Guildhall. Further information including the suggested route and ideal picnic stops can be found onour website.

Please contact Canon Jo for further information and details if you’re interested in joining us.

Season of Generosity – Tea and Talk with Solent Mind – 10 May, 7:00pm

As part of the Season of Generosity, we warmly invite you to an online tea and talk event with Solent Mind, one of the local charities supported by Portsmouth Cathedral through our outward giving.

This online event will take place during Mental Health Awareness Week and will be an opportunity to find out more about the important work of Solent Mind in our local area. We will hear from staff working directly on the front line, and there will be plenty of time for discussion and questions.

Join us on Zoom

For security reasons the Zoom link is sent in our weekly Notices email, subscribe online now to get them direct to your inbox.

Ascension Day Eucharist – 13 May, 5:30pm

Join us to mark the Feast of the Ascension, the fortieth day of Easter when we mark Jesus’ ascension to heaven. We will celebrate the feast with a Choral Eucharist at 5:30pm, with music from Portsmouth Cathedral Choir.

A small number of spaces will be reserved for those who cannot book, but please help us to plan by booking your space online if you can. Book onlinehere.

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