Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday 21 March 2021

A reflection from Canon Nick…

This is the week in which approach a grim anniversary. On Tuesday, March 23rd it will be a year since we went into the first lockdown as a result of Covid. We could all see that something like this was necessary but few if any could have predicted how devastating nor how enduring it would prove to be. In the UK alone, at least 4.3million people have been infected and sadly 125,831 people have died (globally that is 121m infections and 2.7m deaths), more than double the expected rate.

Restrictions have been hard on everyone although we are now beginning to see the benefits of vaccinations (which everyone should get as soon as they are able) and rates are diminishing but the impact will to some extent be permanent. Few people have not been touched by it in some way, and some close to us have lost their lives.

As we enter the 5th Sunday and week of Lent, also known as Passion Sunday, we are reminded that Passion here comes from the Greek word ‘to suffer’ and refers to Christ’s suffering as he turned to face Jerusalem and all that was to happen there on the journey to the cross. As the gospel for Lent 5 shows us, he knew what awaited him, and he faced it with faith and in triumph for what would be achieved, despite the agony it would entail.

In a similar way, as we look back on the last year but more importantly look forward to the time ahead of us, we need to respond with similar faith in God, and with similar hope in Jesus’ triumph on the cross, knowing that those who have died are now at peace in him and that our task now is to work even harder to show God’s love continues to those who are struggling, to those who have lost faith, and to those who need more than anything to hear a voice of compassion and care for them in order give hope to all.

Gracious God,
as we remember before you the thousands who have died,
surround us and all who mourn with your strong compassion.
Be gentle with us in our grief,
protect us from despair,
and give us grace to persevere
and face the future with hope
in Jesus Christ our risen Lord.

The Reverend Canon Nick Ralph,
Residentiary Canon

‘Eggcellent’ gifts for Easter!!

Looking for Easter gifts for loved ones, friends and family? Portsmouth Cathedral’s brand-new online store has now launched featuring unique gifts including prayer books and Easter crosses and decorations, as well as the Fairtrade chocolate ‘Real Easter Eggs’. You’ll also find a selection of thoughtful gifts and homeware being introduced in the weeks to come.

Shop with us during lockdown using our ‘click and collect’ service, spend over £30 and get a free tote bag!

Shop online here

Offer a prayer for the National Day of Reflection

Portsmouth Cathedral is inviting you to remember all those whom we have lost due to Covid-19 over the past year. A National Day of Reflection on 23 March is being held one year on from the first Covid-19 lockdown, coordinated by the charity Marie Curie and officially supported by the Church of England.

We’re inviting all to leave a prayer that will form a ‘cascade’ of remembrance above our altar. You can leave a prayer in the Cathedral on the day or using ouronline form.

An online Memorial Service for the city will be shared on our social media channels just before midday on 23 March, incorporating a one-minute silence, readings, prayers, music and poetry. Please note that our midday Eucharist will start at 11.55 on this day, to allow for the national silence at noon.

More information and online prayer submission are available on our website.

Achievements from the music department

We’re pleased to share that Organ Scholar Adam Field has passed the prestigious examination style Associate of The Royal College of Organists. Many congratulations to Adam who is now halfway through his year with us here at Portsmouth Cathedral.

Meanwhile, Cathedral Organist and Master of Choristers Dr. David Price has been conferred with an Honorary Fellowship of The Royal School of Church Music. David has served on the RSCM council for an unmatchable 20 years, during which he has given outstanding support and dedication to the organisation. This Honorary Fellowship is a huge mark of respect for all he has contributed and very richly deserved.

Find out more about our music department on our website.

Sign up now: Tea and Talk – Building a Generous Cathedral Community, 22 March, 7.30pm

Join us and share your views on how we can build a generous Cathedral community to support ourCathedral Vision.

The Cathedral’s mission and work are only possible with the financial support of our congregation and the wider community, alongside a realistic business plan for income and spending. We want to hear from you about what generosity means to you, why you support the Cathedral financially (or don’t support the Cathedral financially), and how we can work towards making generosity a core part of our community life.

All are welcome to share their views and thoughts. The session will be conducted privately without members of clergy, Chapter and staff present (other than staff running the session).

To sign up, please email our Head of Fundraising and Events, Sophie, onsophie.henstridge-brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Zoom details will be circulated to those attending on Monday afternoon.

Chapter Meeting, Thursday 25 March

Chapter Meeting meets on Thursday 25 March, the agenda for the meeting is available on our website.

A vote of confidence in our coronavirus safety measures

This week we were visited by Portsmouth City Council’s coronavirus wardens as part of their routine walks around the city. Head Verger, Malina Green, talked them through our coronavirus safety measures and they were very happy with the precautions we have in place.

Our continued thanks to all our volunteers who make it possible to open the Cathedral safely at this difficult time, and to everyone who helps protect each other by socially distancing, wearing masks and using hand sanitiser when visiting.

Donations for Easter Flowers

Donations are invited for Easter flowers in memory of loved ones. We do not know if lilies will be available this year, but we hope to have joyful fresh flowers throughout the Easter season to celebrate the Resurrection, making the Cathedral look beautiful.

The names will be recorded of those in whose memory donations are given. Donations of £10 per name are suggested - or please say if you would be willing to fund a whole fortnight's worth of flowers with a donation of £150.

Please send an email toaccounts@portsmouthcathedral.org.ukto donate or call us.

Worship and Visiting the Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral continues to be open daily for private prayer, daily Holy Communion and Sunday Services. Sadly, government guidelines do not allow for sightseeing and our shop is also closed for now, except for click-and-collect from theonline shop.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including the mandatory wearing of face masks, except for those with exemptions (please note face visors should only be worn with a face mask). Find out more on our Covid-19 information page.

We broadcast three services a day on our live page and Facebook. Find out more on our website and download orders of services.

Prayers and Intercessions

We pray for all those affected by Covid-19.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Bob, Derek, Trevor, Izzy, Clare, Sarah, Jenny, Michael, Laurence, Rita, Dave, Mercedes, Peter, Amanda, Joan, Reuben, Kathy, Alison, Emilia, David, Linda, Mervyn, Beverley, Binnie, Oliver and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Graeme, Clifford, Christopher, Johnny, Jane, Andrew, Melissa, Christopher, Bishop Peter, Tara, Jenny, Arthur and Suzy.

We pray for those who have died recently: Dennis Ede, David Stuart, Laurie Fricker, Monty Seal, Barry Paul, Joan Kinlough and Jane Hunter RIP.

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom – 21 March, 6:30pm

Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments hosted on Zoom. It is a great opportunity to catch up with other members of the congregation and members of our ministry team.

For security purposes, join our mailing list to be sent the link in our weekly Notices.

Cathedral closing early – 24 March

The Cathedral will be closing at 1:30pm on Wednesday 24 March for a funeral.

Eucharist for the Feast of the Annunciation – 25 March, 5:30pm

Join us for the Eucharist for the Feast of the Annunciation as we remember the visit of the archangel Gabriel to Mary when she learned she would bear a son, Jesus Christ.

Book a spacefor this service online.

Lent, Holy Week & Easter

Explore God’s story of loving and creative engagement with the world in our season of inspiring services, courses and events during Lent as we prepare to celebrate Easter.

Visit our website for the latest information on services and events. Please note that in these uncertain times, planned events and services may need to change. 

Booking now available for Holy Week and Easter

You can now book for all our Holy Week and Easter Day services on our website. Spaces can be booked for a maximum of three people from one household group.

A selection of spaces will be available on the door for those who are unable to book in advance online, but we do recommend you book in advance if possible to avoid disappointment.

Book online via our website.

Stations of the Cross – weekly on Saturdays, 5:30pm

David Price plays Philip Moore's new 2021 commission Via Crucis with prayers by Eric Milner White.

Newly commissioned for 2021, Philip Moore's organ music takes us on the journey of the cross through his own music and meditations written by Eric Milner White.

Watch online via ourlivechannels.

Social Tuesdays – 23 March, 7:30pm

The final episode of our popular 'Dessert' Island Discs, this week David Price meets with former Provost of Portsmouth and then Bishop of Salisbury, David Stancliffe, exploring some of his favourite songs and sounds.

Watch online viaour live channels, or catch-up viaYouTube.

Art Wednesdays – 24 March, 7:30pm 

Canon Kathryn takes us on a cultural journey via Zoom, each week joined by special guests helping us understand and reflect upon artistic works based upon the Lenten theme.

This week, on the eve of the big celebrations for the 500th Anniversary of the death of the great Italian poet, writer and philosopher Dante Alighieri, our special guest will be Pete Codling.

Dante is best known for hisDivine Comedy, a trip through heaven, hell and purgatory, and many works of art have been inspired by it.

Pete will be looking at a few of these artworks and asking how our 'lockdown purgatory' has affected all of us.

Sign-upand watch previous editions online

Lunchtime Live: Lent Term 2021 – Weekly on Thursdays, 1:10pm

Our recitals from the Cathedral continue on Thursday lunchtime, this week will be Chorales for Lent V.

Find out more and watch online

Living His Story: Lent Group – 25 March, 7:00pm

The Lent Group continues its exploration of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2021: Living His Story, by Hannah Steele. All are welcome to join; you don’t have to have attended the previous sessions. Email Canon Kathryn for a free handout if you don’t have a copy of the book.
This week, we will be looking at Ch.s. 6 and 7 and the conclusion.

For security purposes, join our mailing list to be sent the link in our weekly Notices.

Foodbank Collection Point

The Cathedral is home to a foodbank collection point for the Roberts Centre. Donations of food and toiletries are particularly needed at the moment and greatly appreciated by those using the service.

See what items most in need are on our website.

Recommend our notices to a friend…

Do you know someone who may benefit from receiving our notices? Why not recommend them our newsletter by sending them to portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/newsletter where they can sign up online.

If you know someone without internet access, we also provide a printed mailing. Please contact our pastoral team using the contact details below to sign up.

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Dean Anthony: 023 9282 4400 or Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Jo Spreadbury: 023 9275 2335 or Jo.Spreadbury@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967 or Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Cathedral Curate, Revd Catherine Edenborough: 023 9282 3300 extn 221 or Catherine.Edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk (Usual days at the Cathedral: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday)

Messages can also be left on the Cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 or by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

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