Weekly Notices | Sunday, 25 April 2021

A reflection from Kitty Price, Cathedral Reader…

How do you react to good news? By squealing with excitement? Leaping about with joy?

Try to imagine what it must have been like for the disciples to hear the news that Jesus had risen from the dead, that he had destroyed the barrier between us and God, that we could have eternal life in heaven. I wonder if they leapt for joy?

In Psalm 150, it says that

Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with clanging cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!

I am much more likely to praise the Lord with music, because I was raised in a musical family and it is my natural milieu. Despite lacking grace, finesse and coordination in my movements, I am organising Portsmouth Cathedral’s contribution to the Jerusalema line dance challenge. The dance routine is not only excellent exercise, but it is a lot of fun. Every time I hear the song, I’m ready for some dancing, and I’m not really a dancing kind of person. Unexpectedly, I do feel that I am praising God with dance, though I’ve left the tambourines at school! The lyrics speak of a longing for Jerusalem as a spiritual home and a longing that can only be found in God. Well that’s how I interpret it.

Our dancing should be ready for release on social media at Pentecost, the birthday of the Christian Church and the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

I have been moved by the spirit, as have the willing - and not so willing - volunteers, who have devoted time to learn the routine and record it. This generosity of spirit has been much appreciated and should provide many people with enjoyment and show folks that the Church of England can laugh at itself.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit that we receive at baptism is an example of the overflowing generosity of God, even if dance isn’t one of those specific gifts.

The last line of that psalm - the last of the lot - instructs everything that has breath to praise the Lord. I wonder how else can we praise God? As we enter the time of exploring how we can respond to God’s generosity, perhaps we can reflect on how we can financially support the praising of God through trumpet sound, strings and pipe. These things do not pay for themselves.

Kitty Price,
Cathedral Reader

Community News

Farewell to Bishop Christopher

This Saturday Bishop Christopher will lay down his crozier and retire as Bishop of Portsmouth. All of us at Portsmouth Cathedral wish him and Sally the very best for their retirement.

Reflecting on Bishop Christopher’s ministry in our Diocese, Dean Anthony writes: “Christopher has been an outstanding Bishop of Portsmouth for more than a decade, making the tricky balance between serving the national Church and his local diocese look effortless, when in fact it is anything but.

“It is easy to forget that his richly deserved reputation as a pastoral bishop, who really knew and cared about every corner of the diocese, was only possible through a disciplined programme of travel, by both land and sea. The hospitality he and Sally offered at Bishopsgrove, to a whole variety of people from the wider community as well as the churches, was extraordinarily extensive and widely appreciated.

“As for the ordinations, confirmations and other cathedral events at which he presided, there was always a sense of the personal and the holy, and a real connection with all those who were present. In these and many other ways, Christopher’s ministry will be much missed, and we offer him and Sally a heartfelt ‘thank you’ as their retirement begins.”

Join us online at 4:00pm on Saturday 24 April to watch the Farewell Service live from the Cathedral via our YouTube and Facebook channels.

Introducing the Season of Generosity 

From Sunday we begin the Season of Generosity, a month to explore what it means to be generous as individuals and a community. Alongside giving our time and talents, financial generosity is part of our response to God’s overflowing generosity to us, and so we will be inviting you to consider your financial giving to the Cathedral.

All members of the Electoral Roll will be receiving a Season of Generosity booklet by post this weekend, and further copies will be available to pick up in the Cathedral. Please consider supporting us regularly or increasing your current gift.

Find out more on our website or pick up a booklet in the Cathedral.

Revision of Electoral Roll

In preparation for the APCM, the Cathedral’s Electoral Roll is being revised until 7 May 2021. A copy of the names on the roll is on display in the Cathedral. If you are unable to come to the Cathedral at the present time, or would like to check the address we hold for you, please contact the Cathedral Offices. If you are not on the roll and do not live in the parish you will not be eligible to vote at all our Annual Meetings.

For further details please talk to the Electoral Roll Officer, Terry Ward or contact the Cathedral Offices.

Paying tribute to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in partnership with Classic FM

We were honoured to host a very special recital paying tribute to HRH The Prince Phillip, in partnership with Classic FM. Alexandra Stevenson, Bishop Kenneth’s youngest daughter (well known to our congregation) and our Organist & Master of the Choristers, David Price, performed ‘Eternal Father, Strong to Save’. A favourite hymn of the Duke of Edinburgh, it was sung at his funeral last week.

Find this very special recording on the Classic FM website, and on our YouTube page.

Earth Day – 22 April 2021

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, this organisation has sought to diversify, educate, and activate the environmental movement worldwide. We, at the Cathedral, have actively taken steps to help play our part in decreasing our carbon footprint and supporting biodiversity.

Since 2013 we have decreased our use of gas and electricity by 30% when seasonally adjusted (46% when not seasonally adjusted), lessening our carbon footprint. This has also meant that we have decreased our net spending per annum in this area from £38,000 to £20,000 since 2013.

We are committed to doing more, and this year we are focusing this year on moving from Bronze to Silver status under Eco Church (Eco Church - An A Rocha UK Project). If you would like to become involved and volunteer some of your time to help lead and work on this project, please email the Chief Operating Officer at richard.abraham@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Find out more about the work we’re doing and how to get involved on our website.

Spruce up your Space this spring

Find local producers such as The Southsea Bathing Hut Co, or our very own Cathedral Collection range inspired by our heritage and building.

We've also sourced some of the UK's best producers from further afield, including Liga - a family business drawing inspiration from nature to design eco homewares for everyday living, using only sustainable materials.

Find all this and more in our new online shop

Enjoy home delivery

We are delighted to announce you can now have orders from the Cathedral Shop delivered to your door (UK addresses only). You’ll still be able to take full advantage of our convenient click and collect service.

In line with Government guidance, you’ll be able to shop with us in-store as the Cathedral Shop is due to physically re-open again on 17 May.

Shop online now

Join us for a ‘jig’, take part in the Jerusalema dance challenge

If you want to take part in the filming of the Jerusalema dance challenge, please get in touch with Kitty for more information by emailing mrskittyprice@aol.com

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral 2021 Programme

At the Friends meeting on 26 March 2021 the Council discussed what programme of events might be feasible in 2021. Given the uncertainties still surrounding the pandemic it was felt that it would be imprudent to organise events before September this year. However, we agreed that it was important for our friends to have a say in what type of events that they would like included in an autumn programme.

Read more on our website

Good news from our friends in Sunyani

Covid is impacting hard on life in Ghana, but the good news is that Festus Yeboah Asuamah, Bishop of Sunyani, together with his wife Felicia have now both received a covid vaccination. Our Cathedral has a companion link with St Anselm’s Cathedral in the Diocese of Sunyani (Ghana), part of the Inter-Diocesan West Africa Link which links the Diocese of Portsmouth with the Internal Province of Ghana.

The Anglican Church in Ghana has just appointed a new Archbishop and we will be bringing news of this in the coming weeks.

Vision and Strategy – Update and Feedback from our Consultation

On Tuesday 13 April we held an open session for all members of the Cathedral community on Zoom. At the event Dean Anthony and Richard Abraham, Chief Operating Officer, fed back how our community consultation helped to shape the Cathedral Vision statement (Portsmouth Cathedral: A beacon and safe haven, anchored in Jesus Christ) and the six strategic objectives.

Read more about the session on our website.

Chapter Meeting – Wednesday, 28 April

Chapter meets on Wednesday evening to review and approve the annual accounts for 2020.

Worship and Visiting the Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral continues to be open daily for private prayer, daily Holy Communion and Sunday Services. Sadly, government guidelines do not allow for sightseeing and our shop is also closed for now, except for click-and-collect from theonline shop.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including the mandatory wearing of face masks, except for those with exemptions (please note face visors should only be worn with a face mask). Find out more on our Covid-19 information page.

Choral Evensong and online Compline have now resumed, please check ourlatest service listfor details on services you can now attend in the Cathedral.

We continue to broadcast daily services on our live page and Facebook. Find out more on our website and download orders of service.

Choral Evensong open to congregations again!

Choral Evensong is now open for congregations to attend on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 5.30pm. Come and hear our choirs sing this glorious service. You do not need to book a space for services during weekdays.

See the full list of all our serviceson our website.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:Bob, Derek, Trevor, Izzy, Clare, Sarah, Michael, Rita, Stuart, Dave, Mercedes, Amanda, Reuben, Emilia, Anthea, David, Linda, Mervyn, Beverley, Oliver, Richard, Hannah, Jan, Muriel, Aaron, Phil and all those in need.

Long-term sick including:Graeme, Alison, Clifford, Christopher, Johnny, Jane, Andrew, Melissa, Christopher, Bishop Peter, Tara, Jenny, Arthur, Suzy and Laurence.

We pray for those who have died recently:Mike Bailey, Susan Martin, Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Mary Verrier, Marilyn Jordan and Jeffrey BeadleRIP.

To add someone to the prayer list, please emailinfo@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Upcoming Services and Events

Grand Choeur Organ Spectacular – Friday, 23 April, 7pm

A truly international event with performers from around the world taking part. Hosted by former Shadow Chancellor, Ed Balls, the music is led by Francis Murton in Jersey and they are joined by some of the UK's leading organists and organ students including our Cathedral’s Organ Scholar, Adam Field, to perform for you in aid of Mind and Help Musicians.

Find out more on Facebook

Bible Discussion Group

Our Bible Discussion Group reconvenes this Thursday, 29 April, at 7 pm via Zoom. We will be looking at the Book of Ruth, including its relevance to modern politics and questions of reconciliation. This week’s session will take in some ideas from Borders and Belonging (the Book of Ruth: a story for our times) by Padraig O Tuama and Glenn Jordan.

You may wish to look at this in advance if you are interested, but it’s not necessary at all. New members always welcome – no previous experience required.

Join us on Zoom

For security purposes please join our email notices to receive the Zoom link for this event.

Stations of the Resurrection, until 23 May

On display around the ambulatory through Eastertide, the Stations of the Resurrection are also known as the Stations of Joy or the Way of Light (Via Lucis). They form a meditation for the Easter season that complements the Stations of the Cross (or Via Crucis) in Lent.

Using the resurrection appearances of Jesus as a focus for reflection, with a Bible passage and a prayer given for each, we have an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the Easter mysteries of the resurrection of Christ. The personal encounters of his friends and followers with the Risen Lord can provide the opportunity for an encounter of our own, for all who wish, with the living Lord Jesus.

Bishop's Leaving Service – 24 April, 4pm

Bishop Christopher will step down as the ninth Bishop of Portsmouth after more than 10 years in the role. He will retire at the same time as his wife, the Rev Sally Davenport, who is team rector at Holy Trinity and St Columba, Fareham.

Because of Covid restrictions, there are strict limits on the number who can be physically present in the cathedral for the farewell service. But as many civic, military, church and community representatives as can be safely fitted into the cathedral have been invited.

You can watch the live-streamed service, from 4pm, at home.

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom – 25 April, 6:30pm

Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments hosted on Zoom – catch up with other members of the congregation and our ministry team.

Join us via Zoom

For security purposes please join our email notices to receive the Zoom link for this event.

Beating the Bounds – 9 May, 11:00am

We invite all to take part in this historic tradition, that we hope will be resuming this year!

On Rogation Sunday, 9 May, following the 11:00am Eucharist we will walk the boundary of the Cathedral parish. This includes going along the seafront to Clarence Pier and then through the City to the Guildhall.

Further information including the suggested route and ideal picnic stops can be found on our website, contact Canon Jo for further information and details if you’re interested in joining us.