Weekly Notices | Sunday, 26 September 2021

A reflection from Kitty Price

Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake." I’m not sure if it would be a mistake, but life would lack the myriad benefits that music brings to our lives: the release of endorphins, the expression of our emotions, forging of friendships and much more besides.

On Saturday we welcome back former choristers, lay clerks and choral scholars for the Old Choristers’ Association gathering. For obvious reasons, we weren’t able to host one last year, so it is especially wonderful to be able to celebrate the wonders of music with friendships old and new.

This week marks the launch of Sing Joyfully, our new music campaign. On Wednesday evening, David is being interviewed by Catherine Bott, professional singer and broadcaster - tickets are still available in case you haven’t readjusted to that old habit of being used to booking in advance!

During David Price’s 25 years as Organist and Master of the Choristers, there have been around 150 boy choristers, 70 girls choristers, and 110 scholars in the Cathedral choirs. That’s quite a number of lives contributing to the music of this place and lives shaped by making music in this place. Each year the nature of the choirs change, keeping the sound fresh and varied.

One of the ways I feel closest to God is through music. Singing hymns again has been one of the highlights of recent months. The absence of congregational singing was keenly felt by many, but it wasn’t until we started singing again that I realised just how much I missed it. On Sunday evening we are singing one of our favourite hymns, How shall I sing that majesty which angels do admire? Both the tune and the words are incredible. This phrase serves as a reminder of the hope that after death we will be united with God and “Then shall I sing and take my part with that celestial choir”, when every moment of every day we will be singing joyfully.

Kitty Price
Cathedral Reader

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Sing Joyfully – our new music campaign

This weekend we are delighted to share our new music campaign – Sing Joyfully – with you. This ongoing campaign aims to raise awareness of, and increase support for, our music department and choirs.

Did you know that every year our choirs amass over 550 hours of singing across six services a week? We train over 50 choristers and six Scholars annually, and our Cathedral Sing outreach project works with over 1,000 pupils from primary schools around the diocese.

Dean Anthony writes: “Choral music is at the heart of the worshipping life of Portsmouth Cathedral, whether at large diocesan and civic services, or a quieter mid-week Evensong. Not to have it would be like spring without birdsong! The often-quoted maxim ‘he who sings well, prays twice’ expresses something of the emotional and spiritual power of music. Having the opportunity to make that music as a chorister, and to experience it in the congregation, is a gift beyond price. Your support to enable us to continue offering that gift would be hugely appreciated.”

So how can you help us? We know that many of you are already so generous with your regular planned giving. Thank you.

But do consider getting involved with Sing Joyfully in other ways. Perhaps you have friends or family members who might be interested in donating? Maybe you would like to support a chorister for a year in thanks for a significant anniversary or to remember a loved one? Have you been thinking about including a gift to the cathedral in your will?

Find out more online, in our new Sing Joyfully booklets which are available in the cathedral, or by contacting Sophie on sophie.henstridge-brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or 023 9289 2964.

Finally, if you haven’t yet brought tickets for our special event, In Tune With Heaven: an evening with Catherine Bott and David Price, on Wednesday 29 September, there’s still time to book your ticket online.


We are delighted that refreshments after the 11.00am Sunday Eucharist are now resuming. For now, these will be cold drinks including sherry and a non-alcoholic alternative. Many thanks to Sue Ward and her team; if you would like to help by volunteering to serve refreshments, please contact Sue.


With Thankful Hearts – Portsmouth’s Citywide Harvest 2021

Portsmouth Cathedral were pleased once again to be participating in the citywide harvest, With Thankful Hearts. Thank you to all who contributed to this campaign; your support is greatly appreciated.

Lunch Club restarts

The Cathedral’s popular Lunch Club will restart on October 8, meeting every Friday at 12.30 pm in Becket Hall. We are very grateful to the Duke of Buckingham pub for catering for us. A hot lunch, pudding, and tea / coffee will be provided for £5.00, and guests will be asked to opt in each week so that we have a good idea of numbers.

To sign up for the first one, please contact Maureen Cole via the Cathedral offices. If you would consider volunteering to help at Lunch Club, please contact Canon Kathryn.

Help us find our three new team members!

Recruitment has now begun to recruit our new three-year Events Manager, 100% funded by the Cathedral Sustainability Fund. The application deadline is Sunday, 24 October 2021.

Applications for two other vital posts: a three-year Visitor Experience and Volunteer Manager and a one-year Records and Information Governance Consultant close this Sunday, 26 September 2021

Please help us to find some brilliant candidates by sharing these opportunities with friends, family, and wider networks.

Find out more about careers on our website

News from Chapter

Chapter met on 15 September primarily to review and approve the 2022 budget for recommendation for receipt by the Cathedral Council on 6 October 2021. A full update will be provided to the congregation after that meeting together with an opportunity to meet and discuss.

Chapter discussed the outcomes of the recent very positive SCIE Safeguarding audit which is due to be published next month. An updated action plan will be shared with the cathedral community in October. Diversity and Equality in the workplace and the terms of reference of the Finance and Investment Committee that will become the Finance, Risk and Audit Committee in due course were discussed with both items scheduled for review and decision at Chapter’s November meeting.

Chapter continues to monitor the 2021 budget against target. It remains a challenging year to meet the objectives of the budget in terms of revenue and spending.

Chapter also received an informative presentation from Malina Green, our Head Verger, as part of its regular series of presentations from Department Heads.

College of Canons

A meeting of the College of Canons will be held on Thursday. The College comprises of the Archdeacons, Residentiary Canons, Honorary Canons and Lay Canons and is chaired by The Dean. To learn more about the College of Canons please visit our website.

Around the Diocese

Canon Kathryn is officiating at St Faith’s, Havant on Thursday, and the Dean will be blessing a new berth at Portsmouth International Port on Sunday morning.

The recently extended berth is to be given the ceremonial name of 'The Ayrton Berth', after the British engineer, mathematician, physicist, suffragette and inventor Hertha Ayrton, who was born in Portsmouth. You can find out more on the Portsmouth International Port website.

Worship and Visiting


Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is no longer required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You find out more on our website and download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including encouraging the wearing of face-coverings, checking in with the NHS Covid-19 app and remaining at a safe distance from other groups. Further information can be found our Covid-19 information page.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Mervyn, Beverley, Richard, Aaron, Jane, Alan, Libby, Lesley, Hilary and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Graeme, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Andrew, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita and Izzy.

We pray for those who have died recently: Chris Ahern,
Ken Appleford, Jeannette Dowle, June Bryant, Jean Battye and Audrey Taylor RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Alice Hume: Interactive Weaves Exhibition | Open daily until 7 October

An exhibition of the of interactive community weaves created over the summer in collaboration with the Hotwalls Studios Artists to share skills, raise awareness of sustainable materials and build culture and community in Old Portsmouth.

Find out more

In Tune with Heaven: An Evening with Catherine Bott and David Price – 29 September, 6:45pm

Portsmouth Cathedral is delighted to present In Tune with Heaven: An Evening with Catherine Bott and David Price. Join us in the beautiful and historic surroundings of Portsmouth Cathedral’s nave for this very special event with renowned soprano and broadcaster Catherine Bott as she interviews Portsmouth Cathedral’s Organist and Master of Choristers David Price about his passion for music and career as an organist and choral director.

The evening will mark David’s 25thanniversary at Portsmouth Cathedral and all proceeds will support the Cathedral’s new fundraising campaign – Sing Joyfully – which aims to raise the funds for our choirs to flourish over the next 25 years and beyond.

Tickets include a glass of wine or soft drink and doors open from 6:45pm with the conversation beginning at 7:15pm. The event will conclude by 8:30pm.

Find out more and book online today

New: Eco Discussion Group | Starts this Tuesday, 28 September, at 7:00pm

In anticipation of the COP26 summit, we will be studying Ruth Valerio’s bookSaying Yesto Life(available from the Cathedral Shop). The book is founded on the premise that as people made in the image of God, we are entrusted to look after what he has created. Valerio imaginatively draws on the Days of Creation from Genesis 1 as she relates their themes to environmental, ethical, and social concerns.

The sessions will be held over Zoom, and the link will be sent with the email version of the notices. For our first session, we will be looking at the Introduction 'In the beginning', and the first chapter 'Let there be light'.

Join us on Zoom

For security purposes, Zoom links are shared in our cathedral notices email, please sign up to receive them here.

Lunchtime Live: Valentina Seferinova & Catherine Lawlor | 30 September, 1:10pm

Featuring pianist Valentina Seferinova and violinist Catherine Lawlor. They have been recording a new CD called "Myths and Legends", and some pieces from this new release will feature in their programme.

Find out more

Pompey Sundays Pet Service: 3 October at 9:30am

Whether fluffy, exotic, or needing to be tethered outside, bring your pet to our special service of blessing in honour of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast is the following day. We’ll be joined by a special guest, local vet, James. All welcome – and if you don’t have a pet, bring a cuddly toy!

Halabja: In the Golden Days | Daily from 14 October until 3 November 

Before it was the target of a devastating chemical weapons attack by the Iraqi Army in 1988, Halabja was renowned for its beauty and place as a centre of Kurdish culture. In this major new exhibition, Gulan presents a colourful celebration of Kurdish culture including costumes, jewellery and a landmark new art commission to be installed in the cathedral nave.

‘Halabja: in the Golden Days’ is part of the Journeys Festival International 2021 and is free to visit.

Find out more

Annual Christmas Fair - 4 December 2021

Led by Ann Wilson and a group of dedicated volunteers, the much-loved Cathedral Parish Christmas Fair returns later this year. The Fair will take place on Saturday, 4 December 2021 – so put it in your diaries!! If you would like to volunteer or make things for the stalls, please emailinfo@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

NoticesPortsmouth Cathedral