Weekly Notices | Sunday, 3 October 2021

A reflection from Dean Anthony

On this coming Sunday, 3 October, we are holding a Pets Service as part of our regular ‘Pompey Sundays’ act of worship at 9.30am. In the interest of inclusivity, those without a pet but coming with a cuddly toy will be equally welcome. The reason for holding this service now is twofold: first, Monday 4th October is the feast day of Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals; and second, because more than ever during the pandemic, the companionship of animals has been particularly important to millions of people. It is also true, to add a third reason, that Christians believe that God is the source of all life, and yet all too often much of that creation – including animals – is invisible in our worship. Having said that, there has been much harvest produce in the Cathedral recently, and on Sunday we will add to that with denizens of the animal kingdom. I know there will be dogs, but I imagine we may see a variety of other wildlife as well!

I’ve long been fascinated by the place of animals in our lives, whether that be pets, farm animals, or the wilder variety. I’m continually struck by the variety of ways animals feature in our stories and literature, including the Bible. This applies to children’s stories especially but not exclusively: just this week the Australian writer Laura Jean McKay has won an award for The Animals in the Country. Her book is a story of a pandemic in which a ‘zooflu’ epidemic allows human beings to communicate with animals. This allows animals to no longer be the silent victims of our real-world climate crisis.

Imagine how different, and lonely, life would be if we human beings were the only living things on our planet, having driven other forms of life to extinction! Which is not to say we can’t provide companionship for one another, as (praise be) we will once more be able to do at the Cathedral’s lunch club – in partnership with the Duke of Buckingham – which will be restarting this coming Friday (8th October). But thank God for the other living creatures who are our companions, whether in our homes, farms, the countryside, out at sea or in the air. As Psalm 104 expresses it: ‘O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Bless the Lord, O my soul. Alleluia!’


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Sing Joyfully – our new music campaign

We are delighted to share our new music campaign – Sing Joyfully – with you. This ongoing campaign aims to raise awareness of, and increase support for, our music department and choirs.

You can find out more online, in our new Sing Joyfully booklets which are available in the Cathedral, or by contacting Sophie on sophie.henstridge-brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or 023 9289 2964.

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Lunch Club restarts with special guests

The Cathedral’s popular Lunch Club will restart on Friday 8 October, and we are delighted and honoured to have the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress as our guests of honour at this special first meeting since the start of the pandemic. Look out for coverage in the local press and on Lunch club will meet every Friday at 12.30 pm in Becket Hall. We are very grateful to the Duke of Buckingham pub for catering for us. A hot lunch, pudding, and tea / coffee will be provided for £5.00, and guests will be asked to opt in each week so that we have a good idea of numbers.

To sign up for the first one, please contact Maureen Cole or Canon Kathryn. If you would consider volunteering to help at Lunch Club, please contact Canon Kathryn.

Christmas Fair – Any goods to donate?

Ann Wilson and her team are hard at work with much progress made already in plans for the 4th December Christmas Fair.

The Team are now in need of good quality donations for all the stalls. Please start asking friends and family if they have any donations for the Fair so we can produce the sort of quantity and quality we have had in the past.

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Have a talent for making things happen?

We are looking for a motivated Events Manager with good leadership skills who will be a central part to us achieving the goals of our cathedral vision and strategy. Responsible for creating a programme of annual events that will raise our profile, raise income or indeed both, at the same time!

Over the past year, with the help of the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage, we have undertaken research and analysis to better understand the interests of those who live in our local area. The ideal candidate will draw upon this research to develop an engaging and diverse events programme, alongside planning landmark events to mark our 2027 centenary celebrations.

Please share this exciting opportunity with family and friends. The closing date is 24 October.

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Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral – Autumn Programme Coffee Morning

The Friends autumn programme got off to a brilliant start last Friday when the Coffee Morning, held in Becket Hall, as part of the World's Greatest Coffee Morning raised £100 for Macmillan. Please save the date for the next Coffee Morning to be held on 19 November 2021.

College of Canons

A meeting of the College of Canons was held on Thursday. The College comprises the Archdeacons, Residentiary Canons, Honorary Canons and Lay Canons and is chaired by The Dean.

The College received the 2020 Financial Accounts. The Archdeacons and Canons also heard presentations from the clergy and staff team on topics ranging from our new Visitor Apps, the recently launched Sing Joyfully campaign for music, Pompey Sundays, the Portsmouth Cathedral Institute, our outreach to parishes across the Diocese and the Cathedral Shop.

The Dean briefed the College on the 2021 Cathedrals Measure. He also updated the Canons on the process to appointment the 10th Bishop of Portsmouth.

Canon David Bennison (College of Canons – Lay) was re-elected by the College for further three-year term on Cathedral Council.

To learn more about the College of Canons please visit our website.

Safeguarding News

The Cathedral Safeguarding Committee, which includes the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, met on Thursday 30 September 2021. The Committee reviewed progress on developing an action plan to further strengthen our safeguarding policy and practice in response to the recent SCIE Safeguarding Audit. It is planned to publish the report and action plan by mid-October,

Canon Kathryn, the Chapter Safeguarding Lead, said, “Safeguarding is an area where we must ensure there is continuous improvement in all that we do. While we were pleased the SCIE auditors were very positive in their findings, we are grateful to them for helping us identify areas where we can further strengthen our safeguarding practice to help ensure we provide a safe and welcoming environment for all.”

Chapter and Cathedral Council Meeting

Chapter and the Cathedral Council meet on Wednesday 6 October to receive the 2022 budget which was agreed by Chapter on 15 September 2021.


Thank you from Catherine

I have recently taken delivery of the stole that was a gift from the Cathedral for my ordination as priest and it is beautiful. It has taken a while to come because it was designed and made specially. It was really lovely to be able to incorporate motifs from the Cathedral in the design. Thank you to everyone who contributed towards it - I so look forward to wearing it. The new stole will be blessed at a forthcoming service.

Sharing our experience

This week Sophie, Head of Fundraising and Events, spoke at the online Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s annual convention as part of their professional development strand of seminars.

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is no longer required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You find out more on our website and download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including encouraging the wearing of face-coverings, checking in with the NHS Covid-19 app and remaining at a safe distance from other groups. Further information can be found our Covid-19 information page.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Mervyn, Beverley, Richard, Aaron, Jane, Alan, Libby, Lesley, Hilary and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Graeme, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Andrew, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita and Izzy.

We pray for those who have died recently: Chris Ahern, Ken Appleford,
Jeannette Dowle, June Bryant, Jean Battye and Audrey Taylor RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

Alice Hume: Interactive Weaves Exhibition | Open daily until 7 October

An exhibition of the of interactive community weaves created over the summer in collaboration with the Hotwalls Studios Artists to share skills, raise awareness of sustainable materials and build culture and community in Old Portsmouth.

Find out more

Solent Symphony Orchestra | Saturday, 2 October, 7:30pm

Join us the Solent Symphony Orchestra in the beautiful surroundings of Portsmouth Cathedral for fantastic concert featuring pianist Thomas Luke, winner of the 2020 Young Musicians of the Year Keyboard Category performing Liszt’s Piano Concerto No 1. The programme also includes Dvorak’s Symphony No 8.

Find out more

New: Eco Discussion Group | Tuesdays at 7:00pm

In anticipation of the COP26 summit, we are studying Ruth Valerio’s book Saying Yes to Life (available from the Cathedral Shop). The book is founded on the premise that as people made in the image of God, we are entrusted to look after what he has created. Valerio imaginatively draws on the Days of Creation from Genesis 1 as she relates their themes to environmental, ethical, and social concerns.

The sessions will be held over Zoom, and the link will be sent with the email version of the notices. For our second session, we will be looking at ch. 2: ‘Let the waters be separated’.

Join us on Zoom

For security purposes, Zoom links are sent out in our email notices.

Lunchtime Live: Claudia Grinnell | Thursday, 1:10pm

We welcome Claudia Grinnell, Assistant Organist of Winchester Cathedral, to give a programme on our Nicholson organ. Claudia will be playing a number of organ transcriptions, from Elgar to Wagner to The Sound of Music!

Find out more


#PompeySundays Pet Service | 3 October at 9:30am

Whether fluffy, exotic, or needing to be tethered outside, bring your pet to our special service of blessing in honour of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast is the following day. We’ll be joined by a special guest, local vet, James. All welcome – and if you don’t have a pet, bring a cuddly toy!

Join us for #PompeySundays, every Sunday at 9:30am

Quiz Night | Tuesday 12 October 6:30-8:00pm

Would you like to test or improve your knowledge of the Cathedral? Join the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral in Becket Hall after Choral Evensong for an informal evening of questions on the Cathedral's history, architecture, personalities, monuments, and memorials. Teams of up to six, entry £12 per team.

If you wish to enter, please the Chair of the Friends, Jonathan Lloyd, at friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk, giving the names of your team members by 7 October 2021.

Halabja: In the Golden Days | Daily from 14 October until 3 November

Before it was the target of a devastating chemical weapons attack by the Iraqi Army in 1988, Halabja was renowned for its beauty and place as a centre of Kurdish culture. In this major new exhibition, Gulan presents a colourful celebration of Kurdish culture including costumes, jewellery and a landmark new art commission to be installed in the Cathedral nave.

‘Halabja: in the Golden Days’ is part of the Journeys Festival International 2021 and is free to visit.

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.