Weekly Notices | Sunday, 30 May 2021

A reflection from Canon Kathryn

Last Sunday saw the launch of our new weekly 9.30 service, #PompeySundays. It’s held in a café style, with round tables and the opportunity to chat to each other about the theme of the week. Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, was a great day to start, and one of the questions we thought about, as we celebrated with red birthday balloons, was where we might see the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. In response to this, one young member of the congregation shot up her hand and said, ‘Everywhere!’. It was wonderful and very moving to have a child reminding us that we can never be separated from God. Later on, in the City Service, we heard prayers in many different languages, reminding us of the unity and common understanding which this ever-present Spirit brings us, through our differences.

Fresh from this inspiration, we celebrate the Trinity this Sunday, giving thanks that at the heart of God is a community of dynamic relationships – relationships of intimacy, grace, and freedom, whose love cannot be contained, but flows out into the world and into all our interactions. Just as we have reached this season in the Church’s year, we have reached the point in our own opening up here at the Cathedral, where we can welcome people who visit us for any reason.

There was much talk a little while ago of how cathedrals should be aiming to ‘turn visitors into pilgrims,’ but there is now a growing recognition that such distinctions are unhelpful and probably meaningless. People come into this sacred space for all kinds of reasons, some of which they might not even be aware of or able to name. Likewise, whether or not they have come with a specific purpose, once they are here, they might find and take away things which they neither expected nor imagined. As we move into the summer, we have a great opportunity to recognise the presence of the God of relationships in and through all these things, and to welcome all our visitors with generosity and love.

The Reverend Canon Kathryn Percival
Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean

Community News

And they’re off! Cathedral Cycle Route launches for UK Bike Week.

Cyclists from Portsmouth Cathedral join in the launch of the Cathedrals Cycle Route during Bike Week 2021, taking part in a nationwide relay ride of a new cycle route linking every Church of England cathedral. The route is launching on 30 May to coincide with the start of Bike Week, the annual celebration of cycling delivered by Cycling UK.

Cyclists from the Cathedral will ride between Portsmouth and Winchester, passing on a specially commissioned baton to the next group of riders in a unique event to launch the new 2,000-mile loop, which links all 42 English Cathedrals to promote greener travel and mental and physical wellbeing.

We are delighted to announce that Hannah Gunga, has agreed to take on the role of Cathedral Cycle Champion. Hannah will be helping organise and participate in the Portsmouth leg of the Cathedral Cycle Route Relay.

Read more on our website.

Remember, Reimagine, Reset at Ports Fest 2021

From 2-4 July, Ports Fest will invite audiences to Remember, Reimagine, Reset with a festival of music, art, talks, and workshops, providing something for everyone.

Events at the Cathedral include ‘Portsmouth Our Place’ where using QR codes, visitors can interact with this giant 3D jigsaw model created by artisan Jen Evison and Portsmouth schoolchildren. Our Annual ‘Seafood on the Green’ returns on Saturday 3 July, with the proceeds supporting the Portsmouth Cathedral Choirs Association who help to fund our choir tours and other choir projects.
You can find out more on our website or visit the official Ports Fest website for more information and events.

#PompeySundays – Sundays at 9:30am

#PompeySundays launched last Sunday and continues this Sunday at 9:30am. All are welcome, especially families, young people, and those new or returning to faith. Do bring your own refreshments to this café-style service.

You can book a space for this service from our usual Sunday services booking page; see you there!

Cathedral Annual Review

We are delighted to be publishing an Annual Review for the first time. The review provides a snapshot of all aspects of the Cathedral’s life during 2020 as well as our highlights and the challenges we have faced.
Find the 2020 Annual Review on our website here.

News from Cathedral Council

The Cathedral Council met on Monday 24 May 2021 and formally received the 2020 annual accounts which had been approved by Chapter earlier in the month. Whilst noting the progress that had been made in delivering a budget deficit of £5,576 in 2020 (in 2019 the deficit was £356,000) before unrealised gain on investments, Council is aware that the financial position of the Cathedral remains precarious. With Covid-related funding now coming to an end, the Cathedral’s funding gap (i.e. the deficit) will start to grow again reaching £215,000 by 2023 if we do not increase our income and continue to spend within our means.

The Dean and Chief Operating Officer also provided an update on the new Cathedrals Measure that was given Royal Assent in April. The new Measure will see several changes to Cathedral governance including that Cathedral Councils will be discontinued by 2023. Chapter is considering the best way forward and welcomes input from the Council and the wider Cathedral community on the shape of any successor body.

News from the Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCM)

Tuesday evening saw the gathering of the Cathedral community via Zoom for the APCM.

Using the inaugural Annual Review, the Dean highlighted both the challenges of 2020 and the very positive way the Cathedral community met them. He paid tribute to the ministry team, staff and our marvellous volunteers. Together they have made it possible for us to innovate in response to the constraints of the pandemic and to keep the Cathedral open at all times that it was legally permissible to do so. He also thanked all who had responded so positively to the recent Season of Generosity.

In presenting the financial accounts, the Chief Operating Officer outlined the steps that had been taken to increase revenue and thanked all who have made that possible. He stressed, however, that the Cathedral still faced significant financial challenge to operate on a balanced budget in the future with deficits, at present, predicted for 2021 and beyond.

He highlighted the work being done to help grow future Cathedral income to support its mission. Work is nearing completion on: a review of how we use our limited property portfolio to generate funds for our mission; a new business plan to help focus our activities, diversify income streams and bring more people in to the Cathedral; and the development of a 10-year budget plan. Growing congregational giving will also be vital to support the ambitions of our Cathedral Vision and the mission of Portsmouth Cathedral.

Terry Ward, the Electoral Roll Officer, outlined that the Roll had risen from 270 in 2019 to 276 in 2020.

Your final chance to contribute to the SCIE Safeguarding Audit questionnaire

As part of the Church of England’s commitment to good safeguarding practice, it has commissioned the Social Care Institute for Excellence to carry out independent safeguarding audits of every diocese and cathedral. The diocesan audits were completed in 2019, but the cathedral audits were paused last year because of Covid-19. The process for cathedrals has now restarted, and Portsmouth Cathedral’s audit will be carried out over two and a half days on 22-24 June.

The audit will be a collaborative process, and we welcome it as an opportunity to review and improve our policies and provision in this vital area. Our audit will be a ‘hybrid’ as we start to emerge from Covid: the auditors will visit us, but all surveys will be conducted electronically, rather than face-to-face.

It is important that as many people as possible have an opportunity to provide safeguarding feedback. If you wish to complete a survey, please find it online here.

Please note that this survey is for completion by adults only. There is a separate survey for children which will be circulated to choristers and can be made available on request. The SCIE auditors will now accept completed surveys until next Friday, 4 June.

If you, a member of your family, or a friend, have ever had a safeguarding response from the Cathedral, and would like to speak to our auditors, you can be given the opportunity to do so during the audit. If you are a survivor of abuse or consider yourself to be at risk of abuse, you are also welcome to request a conversation with the auditors, which would be held in advance of the audit. For further information, please contact Canon Kathryn or email SCIE directly: learningtogether@scie.org.uk

A reminder that the Chapter Safeguarding Lead is Canon Kathryn, and the Lay Safeguarding Lead is Marian Pottinger. Further details on safeguarding at the Cathedral can be found on our website Safeguarding pages.

Season of Generosity – thank you!

A huge thank you to everyone who has responded so positively to the Season of Generosity by setting up new regular gifts, increasing current giving, or committing to continuing your existing support. Every donation is valued and directly supports our mission and ministry. Thank you.
If you are still thinking about donating and want to find out more, visit our website, or speak to our Head of Fundraising and Events, Sophie Henstridge-Brown.

Chorister Installations

Last Sunday we were delighted to install and promote several choristers who had had to wait for these recognitions due to the pandemic. Congratulations to probationers Casper, Jasper, Hugh, Claude and Daniel as they moved up to Pro-Choristers; and to Fraser, Arty, Ryan, David, Noah, Daniel, Oliver and Fraser who received promotions.

We also said farewell and thanks to Jake who completed six and half years in choir. This Sunday we install girl choristers Evelyn, Katharine and Elsie into the Choral Foundation at Evensong. We thank them all for their dedication to choir throughout the past year and for the skills they offer to God in this place.
Find out more about the Cathedral’s Music department on our website.

Christian Aid Collection 2021

We are pleased to let you know that over £1,400 has been raised for Christian Aid Week 2021. Thank you so much to everyone who helped with delivering envelopes to the parish, and to everyone who has so generously contributed. If you would like to donate, please drop your donation off in a Christian Aid envelope in the next week.

Sue Ward & Carole King

Pastoral Care and Chaplains

We recognise that coming out of lockdown may mean that a mixture of feelings come to the surface for visitors or for our regular congregation. Our chaplains will again be available in the Cathedral - usually from 11am onwards, and either side of the midday Communion service for anyone who would like to talk. The chaplains will include some of our assistant clergy and some of our lay pastoral assistants as well as members of the Ministry Team.

Please feel free to come and have a word if you wish - or just come for a pastoral chat and a catch-up!

Worship and Visiting the Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral is now fully re-open for prayer, services and visiting. Please continue to book for our Sunday Services online (limited spaces are available for those without a pre-booked space), regular weekday services do not need pre-booking. Most of our services are broadcast on our live page and Facebook. Find out more on our website and download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including the mandatory wearing of face masks, except for those with exemptions. Everyone visiting the Cathedral now needs to check in with the NHS Covid-19 app. Find out more on our Covid-19 information page.

No Evensong during half term

Choral Evensong will be replaced with online Evening Prayer from Friday 28 May to Friday 4 June whilst our choir is on half-term. Evensong will restart from Sunday 6 June.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Izzy, Michael, Stuart, Reuben, Linda, Mervyn, Beverley, Richard, Aaron, Muriel, Christopher, Jane, Alan and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Graeme, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Andrew, Jenny, Bishop Peter, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael and Rita.

We pray for those who have died recently: Jeffrey Beadle, Malcolm Williams and Graham RIP.

Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom – Sunday, 6:30pm

Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments hosted on Zoom – catch up with other members of the congregation and our ministry team.

Join us via Zoom

For security purposes Zoom links are sent out in our weekly email notices, sign up on our website here.

Lunchtime Live – returns 10 June, 1:10pm

There is no Lunchtime Live next Thursday (3 June) but join us back in the Cathedral on Thursday 10 June where we welcome a group of talented young music scholars from The Portsmouth Grammar School, accompanied by Karen Kingsley.

The recital is free; donations are welcome. Please note that no refreshments will be served at Lunchtime Live this term, find more information, and catch up online on the Lunchtime Live page.

Toddler Service – Wednesday 2 June, 2:00 pm

Join us on Facebook Live this Wednesday for our Toddler Service, a fun and engaging service for toddlers and their carers led by the Portsmouth Cathedral Ministry Team. Our theme this week will be 'Ready to Grow!' so do bring along a growing thing. As we start to emerge from lockdown, this will be our last online Toddler service. Further details of our plans to meet once more will follow in due course, watch via our live page.

Eucharist for the Feast of Corpus Christi – Thursday 3 June, 5:30pm

Come and celebrate Corpus Christi on Thursday - the Day of Thanksgiving for the Institution of the Holy Communion - at either 12:00pm (said in St. Thomas' Chapel) or 5:30pm (sung in the Nave – booking below). We give thanks for Jesus' presence with us and gift to us in the sacrament of God's abiding love and blessing. The evening Eucharist with a cantor will replace Evening Prayer.

Book for this service on our website.

Bible Discussion Group – Thursdays, 7:00pm

This week the group will look at 1 Samuel 7-10. New members are always welcome: you do not need to have attended the group before.

Join us via Zoom

For security purposes Zoom links are sent out in our weekly email notices, sign up on our website here.