Weekly Notices | Sunday, 30 October 2022

A reflection from Canon Kathryn

When I was an ordinand, I had the life-changing experience of a placement at St. Christopher’s Hospice, the pioneering centre of the modern hospice movement. It was founded by Dame Cicely Saunders, who had made an indelible impression on me many years earlier when she came to speak at my school. As an almoner at Archway Hospital, she had fallen in love with one of the patients, a Polish waiter, David Tasma, who had escaped the Warsaw ghetto, but was dying of cancer at the age of 40. He felt that his life had been worthless and was suffering from the loss of his Jewish faith. Cicely recognised that his pain was not only physical, but had multiple sources, and over the course of a month, the two of them had deep conversations, sharing their stories of faith. They discussed the idea that she might found a home for dying people, and David left her £500 in his will as a start, with a note saying, ‘I’ll be a window in your home’. Through the intense grief she felt after his death, she knew what she had to do; there is a window dedicated to him in the Hospice.

Windows continued to be important to Cicely Saunders, who went on to marry another Polish man, the artist Marian Bohusz-Szyszko. On one occasion, after his death in the late 1980s, she was sitting in Coventry Cathedral, and noticed the sun shining through each of the different coloured panes of John Piper’s baptistry window. She was struck by how the fullness of the light was filtered through each pane, and realised that in the same way, the fullness of the light of Christ streams into the world, through individuals. Every one of us has that light.

In this coming week, we enter a time in which we remember the saints who have gone before us, and the souls of all who have died. We will never experience, and we could not bear, the face-to-face, dazzling intensity of Christ’s light in this life, but we see it, as St. Paul says, ‘through a glass darkly’ in the lives around us. In the knowledge that, so far from being worthless, every life is infinitely precious, we give thanks for the glimpses of the Light which we have received through all those whose remembrance shines in our hearts.

The Reverend Canon Kathryn Percival,
Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean

Nadjia Carpenter

The whole Cathedral community continues to mourn the death of our Volunteer Co-Ordinator, Nadjia Carpenter.

You can read a statement from the Dean here →

Community News

Welcoming new starters

We are delighted to welcome three new members of the Cathedral team, our new Visitor Experience Manager Rayne Skora, and new administrative assistants Pam Todd and Kelly Cooper.

Read more →

Collections at Services

From Sunday 6 November, the collection plate will once again be passed through the congregation and presented during the offertory hymn. It is hoped that this will encourage visitors to donate during services to provide much needed additional revenue to support our Mission.

In the coming weeks, tokens for those members of the congregation who donate through planned giving schemes and wish to show their support of the Cathedral will be made available. We would like to thank the Churchwardens and Sidespersons for their assistance in returning to this pre-pandemic practice.

See ways you can support our Cathedral →

Global Day of Action for Climate Justice, 12 November

Please join us in Guildhall Square from 12:00pm on 12 November for an event involving many groups including Christian Aid, Tearfund, the A Rocha Eco Church scheme and the Portsmouth Environmental Christian Climate Action Group plus many of the local environmental groups.

There will be stalls, stunts and a march spreading the message that the need for action is urgent and that we stand with those countries of the global south least responsible and already severely affected by the devastating results of climate change.
Sue Ward

Upgrade works continue at Becket Hall supported by Portsmouth City Council

With the electrical work now complete, the new oven will be installed on Friday, 4 November. A new dishwasher was installed this week. An air fryer is currently being sourced to help decrease our energy use for smaller batch cooking.

We are very grateful to Portsmouth City Council's Communities and Central Services Directorate for funding the purchase of the new oven as well as new chairs and a planned upgrade to the sound system in Becket Hall.

Autumn–Winter Opening Times

Cathedral Opening hours until the beginning of Advent are as follows:

  • Monday – Friday

    • Open for worship and visiting 10am–4pm

    • Open for Morning Prayer 7:40am

    • Open for Evensong/Evening Prayer at 5:30pm

  • Saturday

    • Open for worship and visiting 10am–4pm

    • Open for Morning Prayer 9:00am

  • Sunday

    • Open for worship and visiting 12pm–4pm

    • Open for services from 7:45am

    • Open for Evensong/Evening Prayer at 5:30pm

    • First Sunday of the month is Taizé at 8pm

Sunyani Celebrates

Crowds will be gathering this weekend at our Companion Link Cathedral of St Anselm’s Sunyani to celebrate the first 25 Years of the Anglican Diocese of Sunyani. God is good - it has been an amazing 25 years. As always their focus continues to be God’s mission for his church across the world. Why not come to our Cathedral Club on Thursday 8 December to learn more about our friends in Ghana.

Marion Syms

Remembering loved ones

Our annual Service of Remembering will take place on Sunday 6 November at 5:45pm, with the beautiful Fauré Requiem sung by the Cathedral Consort. Families have been invited for whom we have conducted the funeral or memorial service of a loved one in the past year. The names of the departed will be read out and everyone will be able to light a candle during the service. All who have lost someone special are welcome to ask for their names to be remembered – there will be a list in the Cathedral welcome area – and to come along to take part, as we pray for them and give thanks for their lives.

Although there will be no additional services on All Souls' Day itself, we welcome you to join us for regular services including Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and midday Holy Communion with special prayers for Wholeness and Healing, which will have a focus and relevance commemorating the departed.

There will also be a Requiem on Sunday 13 November at 5:45pm for Remembrance Sunday, with the Duruflé Requiem sung by the Cathedral Choir. The names of the departed will not be read out on this occasion, but all will be invited to light a candle during the service.

Poppy Appeal – now available in the Cathedral Shop

Poppies for the Royal British Legion website are now available from the Cathedral Shop throughout the week – you can findopening times on our website here.

Volunteer at this year’s Cathedral Christmas Fair

The much-loved annual Cathedral Christmas Fair returns on Saturday, 10 December 2022, and we’re looking for volunteers to help support this annual event. Lots more details to come but please start saving (Jewellery, Children's Books, Toys & Clothes, China & Glass, unopened toiletries, and other bottled items) and making Christmas Cakes and Logs, Jams & Pickles!

Read more →

Portsmouth Choral Union Concert – this weekend!

For the first concert of its new season, Portsmouth Choral Union will be joining forces with The Renaissance Choir to perform Rachmaninov’s sumptuous “Vespers”. The work comprises a glorious tapestry of wide-ranging vocal textures including soaring sopranos and subterranean basses, and rich harmonies supporting wonderful melodies based on Eastern European Orthodox traditions.

Standard tickets £15, children/students £2 – book online athttps://pcuchoir.org/shop

Cathedral Christmas Cards – now available!

Our brand-new Portsmouth Cathedral Christmas Card is now available to purchase from the Cathedral Shop. Designed by Esther, an independent artist supported by The Princes Trust, has illustrated a beautiful festive scene featuring our Cathedral Choir.

Pick-up in-store or shop online →

Help for Ukrainian Refugees

Our diocese is continuing to work as a partner with the charity Citizens UK to offer accommodation to refugees who are fleeing from the conflict in Ukraine. They were already running a project to sponsor refugees before the Ukrainian crisis, and have partners in Ukraine, Moldova and Poland who can identify refugees and organise transport to the UK.

If you would like to know more, visit the Diocese website or speak to Canon Nick Ralph.

Foodbank Donations

‘New to you’ The Roberts Centre is going to launch a ‘New to you’ project – which will include pots and pans, crockery, cutlery, household goods – not furniture (good enough that you would give them to someone you cared about). If we cut down the amount spent on essential bits and bobs that redirects outgoings to the basics like food and heating.

‘Layers’  - the Roberts is launching – children and young People - Layers. We have asked for coats for some years but since the advent of central heating we as a society have stopped wearing layers of clothing. We are potentially back to those days. Do you know people who might turn off their heating who might benefit from having more layers – given not charged for?

Toiletries – we are in need of Toiletries, can you help?

Please bring your donations to the Foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.

Worship & visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more about visiting on our website, where you can also download orders of service.

This weekend we welcome our visiting choir, Poscimur who are singing whilst our Cathedral Choirs are on Half Term leave. Weekday Choral Evensong returns on Monday 7 November.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Richard, Alan, Tom, Beverley, Alistair, John, Nina, Lucy, Jean, Pauline, Leo, Dave, Jill and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Clifford, Amanda, Christopher, Jane, Suzy, Sarah, Izzy, Andrew, Peter, Graeme and Rachel.

We pray for those who have died recently:
Yashwant Gunga, Sue Davis, Maggie Kane and Nadjia Carpenter RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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