Weekly Notices | Sunday, 4 July 2021

A reflection from Canon Anthony Rustell

I think that most of us have found the last eighteen months to be a very disorientating experience. Work and family routines have had to change, or even be abandoned, from their previous form. The normal round of events that mark the weeks, months and years have disappeared. I find it very hard to work out which month and year we are currently in, and that feeling has been compounded by the changeable weather.

There is for many of us a sense of immense loss. We have not been able to meet family and finds as we would have, and we feel that have lost (or even been cheated of) a chunk of our lives. For those who have lost loved ones, this sense is even more pronounced.

There is talk of a return to normality at the moment, but it remains unclear what that normality will look like after 19th July: will we still have to wear masks, will we still have to socially distance, and when can we sing? Life is really odd because we have become used to a new reality of living that would have been unimaginable 18 months ago, and also because so much of life has returned to some normality that it is really odd when we suddenly become aware that it is difficult to travel or to gather for events and occasions.

The pandemic has reminded us that the ordering of human life is actually quite fragile, and that many of the freedoms we enjoy cannot be taken for granted. We have also been made aware of how important the markers in time to celebrate times and seasons give our life a purpose and richness that lifts us beyond the flatness of simple survival.

This weekend Portsmouth celebrates Portsfest, and the cathedral celebrates its own patronal festival. Although we might not be able to do such grand things as we planned in previous years, I encourage you to make the most of the sunshine through the events planned in the cathedral and city.

The Reverend Canon Dr. Anthony Rustell,
Residentiary Canon

Community News

Ports Fest this weekend!

This weekend Ports Fest with events across the city celebrating culture and creativity.

Ports Fest, formally known as Portsmouth Festivities, is the longest running arts and cultural festival in the City of Portsmouth. The award-winning festival was incorporated in 1999 by The Portsmouth Grammar School who continue to support and sponsor the festival to this day. The festival is made up of commissions, bookings and projects, Creative Partner schemes and a community engagement programme.

At the Cathedral this weekend ‘Portsmouth Our Place’ invites you explore the city in a whole new way using QR codes interacting with a giant 3D jigsaw model created by artisan Jen Evison and Portsmouth schoolchildren. The exhibition runs through until the 25 July, so plenty of opportunity to come down and explore the model on your next visit.

Saturday sees the return of our annual ‘Seafood on the Green’ supporting the Cathedral’s choirs, with a rustic lunch caught by local fishermen accompanied by live music. You’ll also have an opportunity to ‘have a tipple’ where our new gin will be sale at the bar, and to take home from our shop.

Find out more about Ports Fest on our website.

An update on our inaugural Season of Generosity

Following this year's Season of Generosity, we are pleased to share that planned giving from our cathedral community has increased by 16% compared with 2020 levels, equivalent to an additional £14,000 of income over a 12-month period. We have also received over £2,000 of one-off donations and one person has pledged to leave a gift to Portsmouth Cathedral in their will.

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation, whether for the first time, increasing their current support or pledging to maintain their giving. We are so very grateful for your generosity towards our mission and work.

When we launched the Season of Generosity, we shared our aim to double cathedral community planned giving within five years. Thanks to your support, we have made a very encouraging start. Nevertheless, the cathedral still faces grave financial challenges over the coming years, especially as our pandemic emergency funding and grants towards key salaries conclude.

It is therefore vital that we continue to focus on growing giving of all kinds. The Season of Generosity will run again next year, alongside other fundraising campaigns launching in the coming months.

To find out more or make a donation, visit our website or speak with our Head of Fundraising and Events Sophie Henstridge-Brown on 023 9289 2964 or by emailing sophie.henstridge-brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Thank you!

Licensing of Readers

This Saturday, 3 July, we will be hosting a service at which our Commissary Bishop, Bishop Rob, will license two new Readers and relicense 53 existing Readers, including our own Cathedral Reader Kitty Price, and 43 existing Licensed Lay Ministers with Permission to Officiate. The service is invitation-only and you can watch it online at 10am via the diocesan Youtube channel and cathedral Youtube channel.

Please hold Kitty and all Lay Ministers in your prayers this week.

Each of us has a vocation in life.. If you feel that God may be calling you to licensed lay or ordained ministry, and would like to explore this further, please speak to a member of the Ministry Team.

Cathedrals Cycle Route Relay

Sunday (20 June) saw Portsmouth's turn to take part in the recently launched Cathedrals Cycle Route Challenge. Cycling 30 miles to Winchester Cathedral, the group of 14 cyclists set off early, ably led by members of the local Cycling Tourists’ Club.

Portsmouth Cathedral’s ‘cycling champion’, Hannah Gunga said “The sense of community spirit and support within the group kept us all smiling to the end and we were extremely proud of our achievement. We hope this to be the first of many community cycling and walking trips to come.”

The Cathedrals Cycle Route is a unique partnership between the Association of English Cathedrals, the British Pilgrimage Trust, Cycling UK and Sustrans.

Find out more about visiting the Cathedral

New Cushions for the Foundation Stalls

Nine new cushions for the Foundation Stalls will be dedicated by Dean Anthony during the 11.00am service this Sunday. The design for the cushions, which features the Golden Barque, was created by Anne Leach and the tapestries were worked in traditional techniques by Anne and other talented volunteers including: Marian Wendon, Susan Stone and Pippa Dice.

We would like to thank all those who have so generously supported the project, both with their time and financially.

Alice Hume interactive weaves

In the autumn, we will be hosting an exhibition of community weaves. These are being made over the coming months in collaboration with the artists of the Hotwalls Studios, who are sharing their skills to help people of all abilities to participate. This Arts Council funded project, led by textile artist Alice Hume, involves the use of recycled, upcycled, and ethical materials to explore the topics of plastic consumption, textile waste, and well-being.

All are welcome to join, find out more and to book a free place visit the interactive weaves website.

Cathedral Chapter

Chapter meets on Tuesday; the agenda includes the annual renewal of our Safeguarding Policy. The agenda for the meeting will be available on our website shortly.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral AGM - Sunday 4 July 2021, 4:00pm

The Friends' AGMs for 2020 and 2021 will be held via Zoom at 4:00pm this Sunday rather than at the Cathedral as planned. The AGM will include information about the events planned for the Autumn and 2022.

Zoom details for the meeting were included in the Yearbook mailing and have been sent via email where addresses are held. Members who have not received details or who wish to send apologies should contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is now fully open for prayer, services and visiting. Please continue to book for our Sunday Services online (limited spaces are available for those without a pre-booked space), regular weekday services do not need pre-booking. Most of our services are broadcast on our live page and Facebook. Find out more on our website and download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including the mandatory wearing of face masks, except for those with exemptions. Everyone visiting the Cathedral now needs to check in with the NHS Covid-19 app. Find out more on our Covid-19 information page.

We continue to monitor Government announcements regarding Covid-19. We await any such guidance in advance of the next announced date for easing of restrictions on 19 July 2021. Please check these Notices and the website for updates.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Michael, Reuben, Linda, Mervyn, Beverley, Richard, Aaron, Muriel, Jane, Phil, Alan, Libby, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Graeme, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Andrew, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita, Shirley and Izzy.

We pray for those who have died recently: Norman Riches, Christopher Smithson, John Brunning, Paul Mackenzie, Jordan Nathan, Paul Robert and Stuart Griffiths RIP.

Upcoming Services and Events

Choral Evensong with Installations – Sunday 4 July, 5:30pm

Join us on Sunday 4 July at 5.30pm during Choral Evensong when we will be installing our new Churchwarden, Ronald Rabbetts as a Lay Canon, of Mary Makin, Chair of Finance and Investment Committee as a Lay Member of Chapter, and of Richard Abraham, our Chief Operating Officer, as Chapter Clerk will take place.

Booking is available on our website

Lunchtime Live – Thursday 8 July, 1:10pm

Join us this Thursday, where as their gap year at Portsmouth Cathedral draws to a close, this year’s intake of scholars treat us to a programme of solo songs and close-harmony. This recital will be in St Thomas’s Chapel.

Entry is free; donations are welcome. Please note that no refreshments will be served at Lunchtime Live this term. Find more information or catch up online via the Lunchtime Live page.

Bible Discussion Group – Thursdays, 7:00pm

This week the group will look at looking at 1 Samuel 21-23. New members are always welcome; you do not need to have attended the group before.

Join us on Zoom
For security purposes Zoom links are sent out in our weekly email notices, sign up on our website here.

Portsmouth Cathedral Institute | Life after Covid: Radical transformation or business as usual?

Postponed to Saturday, 11 September

On Saturday, 10 July we planned to discuss how we can create a fairer future from our Covid experiences in the first of our Portsmouth Cathedral Institute events. Sadly given the extension of Covid restrictions until 19 July, we have decided to postpone until Saturday 11 September.

We hope you will be able to join us for this event on the new date. All existing ticket holders will be contacted shortly – with the option to carry over their booking to the new dates. We look forward to welcoming people from across our city in September, to join us in lively discussion and debate at the Cathedral.

This free event is open to all -book a ticket online or find out more.