Posts tagged christmas2020bookinginfo
Christmas Booking Information

Booking for services

Booking is essential to attend one of our services due to limited seating capacity. Seating has been planned according to government guidelines, with at least 2m between each household group.

Spaces are limited to predefined spaces with a maximum of 2 people per space from the same household/bubble. Therefore to book for groups of more than 2 you will need to make multiple bookings. For example, to book for 6 people, you will need 3 bookings of ‘2 People Attending’. Please be advised that because of this, groups may not be able to sit together.

Wherever possible, please book our services online. If you do not have access to our website, please call 023 9282 3300 (phone lines are open 10am-3pm). Please note there is no additional availability via our phone lines, all our available spaces and booking combinations are shown online.

It may be necessary to adjust your booking, or move your seating location to assist with capacity and guests with additional needs. We reserve the right to amend your booking and appreciate your corporation as we manage this.

Covid-19 Visitor Information

The Cathedral is following government guidelines to ensure your visit is as safe as possible and have been awarded Visit England’s ‘Good to Go’ status. If you have not pre-booked for a service or concert, you will be required to provide your details upon entry or use the NHS Test & Trace App.

Hand-sanitiser is available throughout the Cathedral, please ensure you make use of it where provided. All visitors to the Cathedral will also be required to wear a face covering when inside our buildings, unless you have an exception.

Please remember to keep at least 2m distance between yourself and other household groups during your visit.

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